
The official micro connotation of the subway netizens "shut up"?the latest progress →

The official micro connotation of the subway netizens "shut up"?the latest progress →

December 12th

According to the official WeChat message of the first court of Chengtie

Chengdu Metro "was framed for secretly filming" case

The verdict was pronounced in the first instance

After the trial, the court did not support He Moumou's litigation request that Luo Moumou, Zeng Moumou, and Chengdu Metro Operating Company publish an apology statement, read an apology statement at the subway station involved in the case for 10 consecutive days, and compensate for economic losses and mental damages totaling 50,000 yuan.

(Poke the picture to review Xiaofang's previous report↓↓↓)

The above verdict

It also aroused heated discussions among many netizens

Many netizens are the man who was wrongfully photographed

Holding on to grievances

The official micro connotation of the subway netizens "shut up"?the latest progress →

December 13th

Many netizens posted on social media

At 7:30 on December 13

@成都地铁 Post a Weibo post

The content is "Wednesday coordinates are reported"

The post is accompanied by a picture of a dog holding its mouth

And the words "OK, you can stop talking" are written

Suspected connotation netizens "shut up"

The official micro connotation of the subway netizens "shut up"?the latest progress →

A screenshot of the Weibo released by Chengdu Metro on December 13 posted by netizens.

The discussion quickly rushed to the hot search


The official micro connotation of the subway netizens "shut up"?the latest progress →


Chengdu Metro's official Weibo deleted the Weibo

But it still caused dissatisfaction among netizens


There is no such microblog in the official WeChat of Chengdu Metro

The comment section is also set to "Featured Comments"

The official micro connotation of the subway netizens "shut up"?the latest progress →

On the Internet, some netizens said

has been on the Chengdu Metro official micro behavior

A complaint was lodged with the relevant authorities

Some also posted screenshots of complaints

A picture posted by a netizen shows that a person went to the Chengdu Funan Police Station to report to the police with a copy of the Weibo screenshot posted by the official Weibo of Chengdu Metro.

On December 14, this netizen posted a screenshot of the text message reply from the Funan Police Station, showing that the police have not been accepted as a case for the time being, and it will be registered as other police information. Another number of netizens posted that they had complained to Chengdu 12345 about the suspected connotation of netizens on Weibo posted by Chengdu Metro's official WeChat.

On the morning of December 15, the reporter called the Chengdu Metro service hotline, and the staff said that they would give feedback to the leadership, and this phone only accepts questions related to the ride, and is not clear about Weibo-related matters.

The operator of the Chengdu 12345 hotline told reporters that the official Weibo of Chengdu Metro at 7:30 on December 13 had indeed received relevant complaints and had been transferred to Chengdu Rail Transit Group for processing.

The official micro connotation of the subway netizens "shut up"?the latest progress →


Source: Sichuan Radio and Television News, Zonglan News Client (Reporter Liu Shipeng)

Editor: Da Yu (Xi)

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