
Subverting the tradition of elderly care: don't care for the elderly, easy for children, extraordinary elderly care experience.

author:The Heavenly Dao Ning Theory is shared daily
Subverting the tradition of elderly care: don't care for the elderly, easy for children, extraordinary elderly care experience.

For a long time, we took it for granted that children should take care of their parents when they were old. However, in real life, even if children have filial piety, they are often unable to take care of their parents because of their busy lives.

As people move into old age, most of their children are already married, and they are under heavy responsibilities and pressures to take care of their parents wholeheartedly. Although filial children will try their best to spend time with their parents and support them financially, this does not fill all the gaps in the lives of the elderly.

Therefore, instead of pinning all your retirement expectations on your children, it is better to prepare in advance:

First of all, don't give all your wealth to your children, take responsibility for yourself and save an unshakable pension for emergencies.

Secondly, make a good plan for old age, maintain good health, cultivate hobbies, expand social circles, etc., and take everything seriously. Plan ahead and do more with less. In this way, we will not worry about the lack of care, because we have prepared in advance and feel at ease inside.

Subverting the tradition of elderly care: don't care for the elderly, easy for children, extraordinary elderly care experience.

1. Partnership pension

Welcoming old age with friends, living with children for a long time often leads to many conflicts due to differences in values, ways of thinking, and life Xi. Although there is joy and intimacy when living with children, there can also be contradictions and pressures. Therefore, instead of relying entirely on your children, it is better to retire with your friends. By spending our old age with friends, we can support, love, and accompany each other.

I once heard the story of a community where many older people lived together, who had not known each other before, and who had different identities, educations, and occupations.

However, they are all sixty or seventy-year-old people who love life. They formed various interest groups to watch movies, do yoga, do tai chi, grow vegetables, etc.

This way of providing for the elderly reduces the chores and worries of family life, and adds a sense of ease and ease to live for yourself, which is an option worth considering.

Subverting the tradition of elderly care: don't care for the elderly, easy for children, extraordinary elderly care experience.

2. Travel-style pension

Relax and enjoy freedom, if you like a quiet life, don't want to socialize with others frequently, and just want to enjoy your own world, then a travel-style retirement may be for you. Going anywhere you want to go, going back to the city where you once struggled, going back to the village where you lived when you were younger, or just going somewhere you saw on TV can make you forget your identity and the trivialities of life for a while, and fully immerse yourself in every moment of the moment.

I once read an elderly man who loves to travel write on social media: "Once, I thought that traveling was just a pastime, but now I understand that travel is a way to heal the soul. When I walked into an unfamiliar place and experienced new cultures and landscapes, I felt rejuvenated. Traveling has allowed me to rediscover the beauty of life and filled me with curiosity and a desire to explore the world. ”

Travel-style retirement allows you to get rid of the daily stress and responsibilities and enjoy a free life. You can arrange your itinerary according to your preferences and interests, explore new places, make new friends, and experience different cultures and cuisines.

However, before choosing a travel-style retirement, you need to consider your physical condition and financial ability. Make sure you're fit to travel and have enough money to support your travel plans.

Regardless of which type of retirement you choose, it is important to maintain a positive mindset and a healthy body. Retirement is another stage of life, we can choose different ways to spend it, the important thing is to find a way that suits us, so that our later life is full of meaning and happiness.

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