
Mother-in-law was wronged: After taking the eldest son's money to buy a house for the younger son, the two families hated me

author:Optimistic Coke 4B0p

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Mother-in-law was wronged: After taking the eldest son's money to buy a house for the younger son, the two families hated me

My name is Li Li, I am 55 years old and I am an ordinary housewife. I have two sons, the eldest son is named Zhang Qiang, who has been studying and working in the United States for 10 years, and the younger son is named Daniel Zhang, who is still in college in China.

Mother-in-law was wronged: After taking the eldest son's money to buy a house for the younger son, the two families hated me

A few days ago, I happily went to the bank to check the account number, ready to see how much money my eldest son had remitted this month. I knew it wasn't easy for him to be in the U.S., and even though my friends advised me not to spend my eldest son's money all the time, I couldn't help but send some home from time to time. After all, he is my eldest son, I love him since he was a child, and I am very pleased that he is willing to do his filial piety.

I hesitated and said, "No, no, son, my mother just used it to pay for the water and electricity bills and buy some food." ”

Mother-in-law was wronged: After taking the eldest son's money to buy a house for the younger son, the two families hated me

"Really?" He asked, "But according to the monthly expenses, it will not be so much less." Mom, just tell me the truth, where did all the money go?"

I became more and more weak, but I still pretended to be surprised and said, "Why is there so much money less? Son, I don't understand what you said, didn't you send all this money home?"

Mother-in-law was wronged: After taking the eldest son's money to buy a house for the younger son, the two families hated me

The eldest son said with some annoyance: "Mom, forget it, when are you going to hide it from me?" Since last month, I have noticed that the remittance has decreased, and I thought that maybe you have been spending more money recently, but this month it has obviously decreased by more than half! I checked the bank statement and found that you have remitted my money to another account, not to pay for water and electricity. Tell me the truth, where did all that money go?"

I was so shocked that I couldn't speak, thinking to myself when my eldest son started to keep an eye on the bank statement, could he have found out about my house purchase? I said, "Son, don't get excited, I'm not for the good of the family?"

Mother-in-law was wronged: After taking the eldest son's money to buy a house for the younger son, the two families hated me

"How's home?" He repeated my words, his tone even more indifferent, "Do you need so much money at home?" Mom, did you use my money to buy a house for your brother?"

"Alright, Mom," the eldest son sighed deeply, "I knew it was so. Mom, do you remember the promise we made? I worked so hard in the United States to make money, and I remit a fixed amount every month to give you a good life, but our agreement was that you can't use the money without permission, and you have to respect each other. Do you know how sad it makes me to not only break your promise, but also to make this decision behind my back?"

Mother-in-law was wronged: After taking the eldest son's money to buy a house for the younger son, the two families hated me

With that, the eldest son hung up the phone. I couldn't cry, worried that he would lose his financial resources and the relationship between our mother and son as soon as he got angry.

The only thing I could do during this period was to talk to my youngest son. I made it clear to him the decision I made behind my brother's back, and the current tension between the two of us. The youngest son was also very sad when he heard it, and blamed himself: "Mom, it's all my fault, if it weren't for me going to college, you wouldn't have made a decision regardless of your eldest brother's ideas." I can't ask for this money, you can find a way to return it to the eldest brother. ”

Mother-in-law was wronged: After taking the eldest son's money to buy a house for the younger son, the two families hated me

I sighed and said, "Son, it's not your fault, it's my mother who mishandled it herself." I have confessed my mistake to my eldest brother, and now I can only wait for his understanding. Just concentrate on your studies and don't think too much. ”

After a stalemate for more than half a year, my eldest son still remitted some of his living expenses intermittently, but he had less and less contact with me. I was very worried that our mother-son relationship would break down. Finally, one day, he suddenly made a video call, and I picked it up in a hurry, and excitedly shouted "Son!"

Mother-in-law was wronged: After taking the eldest son's money to buy a house for the younger son, the two families hated me

I got up early to clean my room, went to the supermarket to buy vegetables, and prepared more than 10 kinds of home-cooked dishes and snacks that my eldest son liked to eat since he was a child, hoping that my eldest son would feel the warmth of home as soon as he came home.

At noon, the eldest son walked into the house with dark circles under his eyes, and I saw his slightly emaciated face and tired appearance, and I felt distressed and blamed myself. I stepped forward and hugged my eldest son, choked up and said, "Son, welcome home!" Mom has made your favorite dish by herself, let's talk well, Mom will listen to you. ”

Mother-in-law was wronged: After taking the eldest son's money to buy a house for the younger son, the two families hated me

The eldest son looked at me and said earnestly, "Mom, of course I can forgive you." In the face of family affection, we all make the wrong decision for a while. It is important to learn from this and rebuild trust. I'm sure you won't use my money without consulting me in the future. There is still a need for more understanding and communication between our mother and son. ”

Just when I was secretly congratulating my eldest son for forgiving me, my younger son's mobile phone suddenly rang. He glanced at it, and his face instantly turned ugly. I had a bad feeling in my heart and asked, "Son, what's the matter?"

Mother-in-law was wronged: After taking the eldest son's money to buy a house for the younger son, the two families hated me

Knowing that my youngest son has deceived me for so many years, my heart is like a knife. All along, I have been obedient to him, but he is calculating me behind my back, and his meekness and thoughtfulness are only illusions. I doted on my youngest son too much, and that's what brought out his nature. And my eldest son, it was because of the blow that he had to grow up independently.

The younger son nodded in shame, and the older son looked at him sympathetically and did not say any more reproachful words.

Mother-in-law was wronged: After taking the eldest son's money to buy a house for the younger son, the two families hated me

After this incident, I spent a long time reflecting on it. I recognize that I have always had a strong prejudice against motherhood, pampering my younger son and alienating my older son. I should be fair with both children and not love one according to my preference. I decided to confess my mistakes to my two sons and re-establish the mother-son relationship.

Both sons were very moved. The eldest son hugged me and said that he understood my difficulties, while the younger son wept and promised to seriously reflect on his own problems. I thank God for giving our family a chance at a new beginning once again. I will keep in mind my original intention of being a mother and insist on loving my two children impartially. I believe that after this storm, we will become a more united family.

Mother-in-law was wronged: After taking the eldest son's money to buy a house for the younger son, the two families hated me

Later, with the continuous communication and understanding between my two sons and me, the relationship between our family was finally restored. The eldest son no longer cares about my mistakes, and the younger son has redeemed our trust through hard work. During the holidays, we would go out or have dinner as a family. The two sons also regained their brotherhood. I am glad to see that they care about each other and move forward hand in hand. Thanks to the inclusion and growth of the children, we have overcome that crisis and become more intimate. I will continue to be a mother who is fair and self-reflective, continues to learn Xi, and walks the road of life hand in hand with my two sons.

Time flies, and half a year has passed in a blink of an eye. With the continuous communication and understanding between my two sons and me, the mother and son finally re-established a harmonious family relationship.

Mother-in-law was wronged: After taking the eldest son's money to buy a house for the younger son, the two families hated me

My eldest son let go of his misunderstandings and hurts about me and started to send money home every month to take care of my life. I am very grateful for my eldest son's generosity and generosity, and he has been a good son who is responsible and loves his mother again. I also deeply reflect on my biases and mistakes as a mother, and I will never make any more claims01672 and spend my eldest son's hard-earned money. Now, I report every penny to my eldest son, who is happy to oversee the proper use of the family's expenses.

The youngest son also paid a heavy price through this mistake, but finally chose to face himself and admit his mistakes and correct them. He quit many clubs and concentrated on working at a fast-food restaurant, working hard to earn money to pay off all the debts he had incurred while still paying off his studies. I saw the remorse and maturity in my youngest son's eyes, and he was no longer as naïve and willful as before. I began to learn how to guide him properly and not turn a blind eye to indulge in spoiling.

Mother-in-law was wronged: After taking the eldest son's money to buy a house for the younger son, the two families hated me

Reporting on work and life every month, I see that my youngest son is growing up, and I also feel that he is trying to redeem the trust between me and my eldest brother. Once, when my youngest son finally paid off his last debt, he said to me with red eyes: "Mom, I know that the compensation money is far from enough, and I want to earn more in return to you and my brother, thank you for your nurturing grace for so many years." I will always work hard, hoping to do more filial piety. ”

I was touched to hug my youngest son, and trust and pride filled my heart again. I know that the relationship between our mother and son has returned to normal.

Mother-in-law was wronged: After taking the eldest son's money to buy a house for the younger son, the two families hated me

Now, every holiday season, we go out as a family or have a meal at home. The eldest son also came home more often on vacation. The two brothers also regained their brotherhood and cared for each other's work and life. I am glad to see that they are grateful and supportive of their brotherhood, which is the most gratifying result for me.

This crisis in the mother-child relationship has cost us dearly, but it has also helped us grow. I thank God for giving our family a chance at a new beginning once again. I finally found my heart as a mother and learned to love my two sons fairly and introspectively. I will always remember the lessons of life and be a mother that my children respect and trust. Watching the children mature through the storm made me feel that all the hard work paid off. This mother-son friendship that has accompanied me through the ups and downs will accompany us for a lifetime.

Mother-in-law was wronged: After taking the eldest son's money to buy a house for the younger son, the two families hated me

Time flies, and both of my sons have entered another stage of their lives.

After working in the United States for many years, the eldest son finally got a green card and had a house of his own. He regularly returned to China to visit me, and he would bring his Chinese friends in the United States back with him as my guests. I am very relieved to see that my eldest son has a successful career and is already a mature man who is in charge of his own business. He also found a gentle and virtuous girlfriend, and we talked well and often talked on the phone. I joked that hurry up and let me hug my grandson, but the eldest son shyly said that it wasn't time yet.

My youngest son is about to graduate from college. He let go of the mistakes of the past and devoted himself to learning Xi. He often told me about his schoolwork and future plans, and I did my best to give him advice. He is no longer the teenager who only knows how to consume and get nothing, but a sensible and trustworthy young man. He also often accompanied me to the hospital for physical check-ups and cared about my diet and daily life. As I watched my youngest son grow up, I felt a great sense of relief.

The day I moved into my new home, both sons came back to help me. Together, we set up the furniture, put away the relics, and everything brought back a memory. That night, the three of us sat around the table to eat, and we were full of emotion. I watched my two sons, who had grown up, and I had become a contented old man. This family, this family relationship, is the result of our joint efforts. I am sincerely grateful that life has given us the opportunity to start over again and again, so that we can become a stronger and wiser family than before.

In the days to come, I will enjoy my retirement and spend time with my two sons in this warm new home. They will go further and further in their careers, but home will always be their harbor. I also often reminisce about the past, record them into words and phrases, and share my life experiences with you. They are all valuable assets that have made us who we are. When I staggered through life, being able to say goodbye to my two sons is the best portrayal of me.

After I moved into a small cottage by the sea and started my retirement, my life became more fulfilling.

I'm always busy decorating this brand new home. I framed old photos from the past and paintings of my sons when they were young, so that every room was full of memories. I also planted flowers in the yard to decorate the greenery in front of the house and behind the house. I also have a lazy cat as a companion. Whenever the sun sets, I sit on the balcony drinking tea and looking at the sea, and I feel extremely satisfied and happy.

I also picked up my younger hobbies. I signed up for a calligraphy class and a poetry club, and made many friends who like literature and art. We often meet to go to new art exhibitions, handicraft shops and other places, and then drink tea and chat together. They would ask me about my sons, and we would talk about our life experiences. The time with them is always so fulfilling and happy.

In my free time, I also go out for a walk by myself. I walked through the familiar old streets and alleys, looking at the buildings that were being demolished and newly built. The city is changing, and I'm changing, but we have so many memories in common. When I walk, I also like to volunteer at the orphanage, telling stories to children and teaching calligraphy. Looking at their innocent smiling faces, I feel that life is beautiful because of this.

On weekends, both of my sons would find time to come home to see me. We cooked, chatted, walked together, and they told me interesting things about work and life. Every time I spend time with them, I feel extremely happy and satisfied. I will teach my sons to cherish each day and be grateful for what happens in life.

Mother-in-law was wronged: After taking the eldest son's money to buy a house for the younger son, the two families hated me