
I was 62 years old, and I mentioned three things to my son for the sake of safety in my old age, and his answer brought tears to my eyes

author:Attentive Jean 4A2q

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I was 62 years old, and I mentioned three things to my son for the sake of safety in my old age, and his answer brought tears to my eyes

My name is Li Jinfang, I am 62 years old and I am a retired worker. I live alone in a dilapidated apartment on the outskirts of Beijing, and my son, Li Chuan, who works in Guangdong, only comes home once a year. I was diabetic and very frail, and I was constantly worried about what would happen to my old age when my physical condition deteriorated, and there was no one to take care of me. In order to have someone to rely on in my later years, I decided to talk to Li Chuan about three things the next time he went home, hoping to get his support.

I was 62 years old, and I mentioned three things to my son for the sake of safety in my old age, and his answer brought tears to my eyes

There has been a lack of in-depth communication between me and Li Chuan. When he was a child, he was always alone, and I, as a mother, did not give him enough love, which has always been a shame in my heart. When Li Chuan grew up, he left home to work, and we had less contact. Although he would send me money regularly, he rarely took the initiative to tell me about his life and heart. I often wonder if Li Chuan has lost his feelings for me, a mother who doesn't care enough about him, and when I need him to take care of him, he will choose to leave.

The appointed day soon came, Li Chuan returned to his hometown on time, and saw that I had gained weight, but his face was very pale. After dinner, I told Li Chuan all my thoughts, first expressing my worries about my body after my illness, and then making three pleas: first, I hope that he can come home to see me often in the future, and it is best to come back once a month; Second, I hope that he can consider moving back to his hometown to live with me in the future, so that I can have something to rely on in my old age; Third, if my condition deteriorates and I need special care, I hope he can cooperate with my pension plan so that I can take care of my last days at home.

I mustered all the courage to say this, but Li Chuan did not respond for a long time. He had his head down, his expression solemn, and I couldn't read what he was thinking. After a long while, he sighed, raised his head to look me in the eyes, and slowly said, "Mom, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't promise you these three things." ”

I was 62 years old, and I mentioned three things to my son for the sake of safety in my old age, and his answer brought tears to my eyes

Hearing Li Chuan's answer, my whole body was cold, and my heart was like a knife. I asked him in despair, "Why? Are you really not treating me as a mother anymore?"

Li Chuan hurriedly explained: "No, Mom, I will always regard you as my most important relative." Just because I can't agree to your request doesn't mean I don't care about you. ”

I was 62 years old, and I mentioned three things to my son for the sake of safety in my old age, and his answer brought tears to my eyes

He sighed again and said slowly: "Actually, Mom, over the years, I have been silently paying attention to you, regularly sending money to you for living expenses, and telling my neighbors to watch you from time to time. I didn't go home because I wanted to give you your own space. I'm sure you can still take care of yourself, and I don't want you to feel like you've become someone else's oil bottle. ”

When I heard him say this, most of the pain and grievances in my heart immediately dissipated. It turned out that my son had not abandoned me all abandoned, but was taking care of me in his own way.

"Mom, you can still live independently. I'll try to find someone local to take care of you. Whatever you need in the future, just tell me and I will definitely be there for you. Just now, let me continue to accompany you in this way, is that okay?" Li Chuan asked me sincerely with red eyes.

I was 62 years old, and I mentioned three things to my son for the sake of safety in my old age, and his answer brought tears to my eyes

After listening to Li Chuan's words, I burst into tears. Only then did I realize that I had always misunderstood my son, and I was struggling with it. He was already trying his best to take care of me in his own way, but I didn't feel it.

"Chuanchuan, it's my mother who is sorry for you. Over the years, your mother has relied on you too much, but she has neglected that you have grown up and have your own considerations. It's good that you gave Mom a chance to wake up. From now on, I will learn to understand and respect you. You just keep busy with your work, Mom can do it herself. I wiped my tears and whispered to Li Chuan.

This conversation gave me a new understanding of Li Chuan. I treated him too much like a child, but I ignored that he had grown up. He cared for me in his own way, and I hurt him because of it. From now on, I have to learn to let go, and I believe that Li Chuan will accompany me as always.

I was 62 years old, and I mentioned three things to my son for the sake of safety in my old age, and his answer brought tears to my eyes

I also want to re-examine my life and cherish the little moments around me. Let me continue to enjoy this simple solitary life until one day, I will no longer be able to take care of myself. At that time, I believe that Li Chuan will definitely change his mind and take me to him.

After that day, I began to learn to understand and respect Li Chuan's thoughts. Although I still feel a little reluctant in my heart, I know that I can't restrain my son's life because of my attachment. Li Chuan has grown up and has his own considerations, and I should trust him to take care of me in the best possible way.

I began to actively adjust my daily routine, try to control my condition, and hope that my body can maintain my ability to take care of myself. I also re-examine my life, no longer just waiting for Li Chuan's company, but learning to enjoy the simple life now. I signed up for a community singing class and made new friends. I would also write to Li Chuan regularly to tell him that I was doing well.

I was 62 years old, and I mentioned three things to my son for the sake of safety in my old age, and his answer brought tears to my eyes

Li Chuan still sends me money and calls on time every month. I could feel the concern and guilt in his tone. I know that he is still blaming himself for not taking better care of me, and I will patiently tell him that I am having a good time now, and I hope he will concentrate on his work and not worry too much about me.

And just like that, another few months passed. One day, Li Chuan suddenly called me to tell me that he had decided to quit his job and go back to his hometown to accompany me.

I quickly asked him why. He said he figured it out, that I was his only mother after all, and that he shouldn't use work as an excuse not to come home. He has found a job in his hometown and booked a plane ticket back.

I was 62 years old, and I mentioned three things to my son for the sake of safety in my old age, and his answer brought tears to my eyes

After listening to this, I was happy and a little reluctant. I know that Li Chuan must have spent a lot of courage and determination to make this choice. I didn't say anything more, just said to him, "Chuanchuan, mom will always love you, no matter where you are." ”

When I hung up the phone, I burst into tears. I understand that my relationship with Li Chuan will become closer than ever before. We will slowly make up for the regrets of these years and spend the best time of our lives with each other.

Just let me continue to enjoy the moments. Because, I know, the most important person to me will come back to me. The days ahead will be a new beginning.

I was 62 years old, and I mentioned three things to my son for the sake of safety in my old age, and his answer brought tears to my eyes

I was happy and excited and began to prepare everything for Li Chuan's homecoming. I cleaned up his old room again, thinking about cooking his favorite dish as a child. These days, I am in good spirits, and I can't help but mention that Li Chuan is coming back when I chat with my neighbors.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, Li Chuan's return date arrived. I started shopping for groceries and cleaning the house a week in advance, for fear that when he returned, he would feel that his hometown was shabby.

I was 62 years old, and I mentioned three things to my son for the sake of safety in my old age, and his answer brought tears to my eyes

Finally, on a sunny morning, I took Li Chuan back to my hometown. The old house that has not changed for many years and the familiar street scene make us nostalgic but also full of emotion.

"Mom, I'm back. Li Chuan's eyes flashed with tears. I hugged him tightly and couldn't hold back my tears.

At this moment, I finally realized that he was my son, I was his mother, and we transcended time and distance, and our hearts were in touch.

I was 62 years old, and I mentioned three things to my son for the sake of safety in my old age, and his answer brought tears to my eyes

After Li Chuan returned home, I really felt what happiness is to be a mother.

Li Chuan took care of my busy life all day long, he learned to cook my favorite dishes, and accompanied me to visit the familiar old streets. We would talk late into the night, pouring out the bits and pieces of all these years and our thoughts. Li Chuan coquettishly said "Mom, I'm back" from time to time, and I was overjoyed.

I found that the gap between me and Li Chuan was slowly healing. He is no longer a taciturn teenager, but a middle-aged man who talks humorously and maturely. I no longer see him as a child to take care of, but cherish every moment I spend with him.

I was 62 years old, and I mentioned three things to my son for the sake of safety in my old age, and his answer brought tears to my eyes

That's how amazing life is. The regrets of the past will not disappear, but there are infinite possibilities for the future. I am very grateful to Li Chuan for his change of heart, but I am even more grateful for the growth and transformation along the way. Because not every mother and child can find their way home under the precipitation of time like us.

This hard-won mutual affection will soothe all the loneliness and fear in my heart. In the future, let's embark on a new journey of life together.

I was 62 years old, and I mentioned three things to my son for the sake of safety in my old age, and his answer brought tears to my eyes

reconciled with Li Chuan, and I saw a lot of truths. I began to reflect on my blindness when I was young, and my estrangement from Li Chuan made him lose his maternal love, which may have led to his introverted personality and poor expression. It will take time and understanding for the current mother-child relationship to be repaired.

Seeing Li Chuan busy, I couldn't help but blame myself for having endured too much over the years. I wanted to do my best to help him share the chores of life, but he stopped me with a smile, "Mom, just let me come, your pension is the most important." "I know he's making amends in this way, and I shouldn't deprive him of the opportunity to show his love.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, I have lived with Li Chuan for a year. This year, we slowly found the joy of everyday life.

I was 62 years old, and I mentioned three things to my son for the sake of safety in my old age, and his answer brought tears to my eyes

I taught Li Chuan to plant flowers, and he learned to sing with me. We went to the street to buy groceries together, and felt the long-lost warmth in the conversation of acquaintances in the neighborhood. Li Chuan opened my long-sealed heart, and I also regained the joy of being a mother.

I am grateful to Li Chuan for his change of heart, but I have also seen him grow into a responsible and considerate person. He gave me the opportunity to be a mother again, and I want to take my share of responsibility and support a warm home for him.

Looking at Li Chuan's gradually smiling eyebrows, I knew that the misunderstandings in the past had been tormented into today's touch. There are still countless years to share in the future, and I look forward to growing old with Li Chuan.

I was 62 years old, and I mentioned three things to my son for the sake of safety in my old age, and his answer brought tears to my eyes

Life is not easy, but the way home is always open. Today's bits and pieces are my most precious treasures.

In the days I spent with Li Chuan, I saw that there was also a delicate and soft side hidden in his mature and introverted personality.

I was 62 years old, and I mentioned three things to my son for the sake of safety in my old age, and his answer brought tears to my eyes

Once I accidentally fell, Li Chuan nervously carried me to the hospital. I laughed at him for making a fuss, but he was pale and held my hand all the way. I knew he was blaming himself for not taking good care of me, and that this guilt came from his love for me.

Again, Li Chuan received an invitation to a class reunion, but he refused because of my health. I persuaded him to contact the relationship, but he just shook his head and said, "Mom, I just want to be with you now." "I'm very touched that he chose to make up for the past with his actions.

I was very relieved to see Li Chuan's gradually softening side. I want to warm him as much as I can, as he warms me.

In the blink of an eye, Li Chuan has been home for two years. He found a stable job and met a girlfriend.

One day, he told me that he wanted to invite his girlfriend to his house for dinner. I was busy preparing the food and tidying up the house, hoping she liked our little home.

When my girlfriend came, I saw that she was a gentle and intellectual woman. Li Chuan looked at her with happiness on his face, and I knew that he had found his beloved.

After dinner, Li Chuan discussed with me that he wanted to marry his girlfriend and have children. I readily agreed, but feared that he would have no one to take care of me when he moved out.

Li Chuan held my hand and said, "Mom, I will buy a house nearby and come back to see you every week." I will also ask someone to come and take care of your life regularly. You can rest assured that your son will not leave you alone. ”

I burst into tears and thanked life for reuniting us. I look forward to welcoming my grandson and spending time with Li Chuan's family. I know that he will use his way to make me feel love forever.

After Li Chuan got married, I asked to help him take care of the housework and children. The day I was a grandmother again was the happiest thing of my life.

After the birth of her grandchild, Li Chuan named her "Xinxin", which means his concern for me. Every weekend he would come back with the family and happily call me "grandma". Looking at her pink little face, I felt like returning to the warm period when Li Chuan was a baby.

Li Chuan and the children will also tolerate the decline of my temper and memory. When I occasionally lose my temper or forget something, Li Chuan will comfort me gently. I know that my son is mature and will tolerate all the inconveniences of my old age.

Life is like a walk-and-go journey, with clutches, misunderstandings, and miraculous reunions along the way. I am grateful that life has brought Li Chuan and Li Chuan back together and spent the rest of our lives together. It was the happiest respite of my life.

I was 62 years old, and I mentioned three things to my son for the sake of safety in my old age, and his answer brought tears to my eyes

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