
Doctors, teachers, civil servants, three iron rice bowls! Who will be the first to face a career crisis?

author:The Great Escape in the Wilderness


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Doctors, teachers, civil servants, three iron rice bowls! Who will be the first to face a career crisis?

Recently, there is such a topic that has caused a lot of heated discussions on the Internet:

Doctors, teachers, civil servants, who will be the first to face a career crisis?

Doctors, teachers, civil servants, three iron rice bowls! Who will be the first to face a career crisis?

This topic provokes deep food for thought, as these three occupational groups are all an integral part of our daily lives, and each of us may need to deal with them

Whether it's doctors saving lives, teachers imparting knowledge, or civil servants maintaining social order, they all play an important role in their respective fields

Doctors, teachers, civil servants, three iron rice bowls! Who will be the first to face a career crisis?

However, as society continues to evolve and change, career crises may also follow!

Netizens also have their own opinions on this, which has caused heated discussions in the comment area

Is AI education definitely better than teachers? I think it may be a bit suspenseful

Doctors, teachers, civil servants, three iron rice bowls! Who will be the first to face a career crisis?

It seems that the demand for teachers has begun to shrink

Doctors, teachers, civil servants, three iron rice bowls! Who will be the first to face a career crisis?

A distant relative of mine has been working in the hospital for more than ten years. It's not poor, it's hard. Resign and open your own clinic. Two years, two suites

Doctors, teachers, civil servants, three iron rice bowls! Who will be the first to face a career crisis?

Our First People's Hospital here has also been expanded

Doctors, teachers, civil servants, three iron rice bowls! Who will be the first to face a career crisis?

You're pretty meticulous in your row

Doctors, teachers, civil servants, three iron rice bowls! Who will be the first to face a career crisis?

This method is more idealistic, and if it can be strong, it will definitely be effective

Doctors, teachers, civil servants, three iron rice bowls! Who will be the first to face a career crisis?

Doctors do also have to look at what department it is, and the department of geriatrics will definitely not be unemployed

Doctors, teachers, civil servants, three iron rice bowls! Who will be the first to face a career crisis?

Hahaha, the work of a civil servant is not so simple

Doctors, teachers, civil servants, three iron rice bowls! Who will be the first to face a career crisis?

Which industry has a low threshold and which one is easy to lose

Doctors, teachers, civil servants, three iron rice bowls! Who will be the first to face a career crisis?

That breakdown is that the kindergarten teacher is unemployed first

Doctors, teachers, civil servants, three iron rice bowls! Who will be the first to face a career crisis?

Even if there is a robot, it needs to be operated by a doctor, and it takes 5 years for a medical bachelor's degree, and several years for a master's and doctor's degree

Doctors, teachers, civil servants, three iron rice bowls! Who will be the first to face a career crisis?

Doctors are the most stable, and they have to save people at the end of the world

Doctors, teachers, civil servants, three iron rice bowls! Who will be the first to face a career crisis?

At least I don't dare to see a doctor with AI

Doctors, teachers, civil servants, three iron rice bowls! Who will be the first to face a career crisis?

Doctors will face a large elderly population and should not face a career crisis

Doctors, teachers, civil servants, three iron rice bowls! Who will be the first to face a career crisis?

The neighbor at the back of my house graduated from junior high school and studied for 5 years in a free teacher college, and next year he will be assigned a job after graduation

Doctors, teachers, civil servants, three iron rice bowls! Who will be the first to face a career crisis?

Hahaha, I think it's a good idea

Doctors, teachers, civil servants, three iron rice bowls! Who will be the first to face a career crisis?

Doctors are the guardians of our health, with the medical expertise and practical experience that save lives when it matters most. However, with the continuous development of medical technology and the rise of artificial intelligence, some simple medical services and diagnoses may be replaced by automation, which may have a certain impact on the career prospects of doctors.

Doctors, teachers, civil servants, three iron rice bowls! Who will be the first to face a career crisis?

Teachers are known as the "engineers of the human soul", and they are responsible for nurturing the next generation, passing on knowledge and shaping character. However, in the field of education, the popularity of online education and the increasing demand for personalized learning Xi may bring challenges to traditional education models, and teachers need to constantly adapt to new teaching methods and technologies.

Doctors, teachers, civil servants, three iron rice bowls! Who will be the first to face a career crisis?

Civil servants are an important part of the functioning of the state apparatus, responsible for maintaining social order and providing public services. However, with the reform of government agencies and the advancement of digital management, some simple administrative tasks may be automated, and civil servants also need to continuously improve their professional capabilities and comprehensive quality

Doctors, teachers, civil servants, three iron rice bowls! Who will be the first to face a career crisis?

To sum up, although the three occupational groups of doctors, teachers, and civil servants are facing certain challenges and crises, their career prospects still have a certain degree of stability

Doctors, teachers, civil servants, three iron rice bowls! Who will be the first to face a career crisis?

In the future, these occupational groups will need to continuously learn and Xi improve their abilities to adapt to the changing needs of the social environment

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Doctors, teachers, civil servants, three iron rice bowls! Who will be the first to face a career crisis?

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