
Micro observation of current affairs丨In order to have a safe and warm winter

author:International Online
Micro observation of current affairs丨In order to have a safe and warm winter

Recently, under the influence of cold air, cold wave weather has occurred in many places on the mainland, and low temperature rain, snow and freezing disasters have occurred in some areas, which has a great impact on power supply, transportation and people's production and life.

On December 15, General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions on the prevention and response to low-temperature rain, snow and freezing disasters, requiring relevant localities and departments to consolidate responsibilities, refine prevention measures, improve emergency plans, thoroughly investigate hidden risks, make every effort to deal with sudden dangers, and ensure that the people spend the winter safely and warmly.

The general secretary has always been concerned about the safety and well-being of the masses of the people.

Since the beginning of this year, the general secretary's affectionate concern has warmed people's hearts, from urging them to earnestly ensure the supply of electricity, gas, and heating during the Spring Festival during the video link on the eve of the Spring Festival, to making a series of important instructions on disaster prevention and relief, and from visiting the homes of the villagers affected by the disasters in Heilongjiang, Beijing, and Hebei, to putting forward clear requirements for the prevention and response to low-temperature, rain, snow, and freezing disasters.

"Ordinary people can't freeze in winter"

"Winter in the northeast comes early and lasts for a long time, and we must ensure that the people affected by the disaster spend the winter safely and warmly," this is the advice of General Secretary Xi Jinping when he visited villagers in Longwangmiao Village, Laojieji Township, Shangzhi City, Heilongjiang Province in September this year. He said with concern: "The house can be repaired before the winter, right? ”

The simple words of the people's leader show the profound feelings of the people.

In order to have a safe and warm winter, the general secretary emphasized on the eve of the Spring Festival this year when he connected with the employees of energy supply guarantee enterprises that he should make every effort to ensure the supply and price stability of coal, electricity, oil and gas, prepare for extreme cold wave weather, keep the bottom line of people's livelihood and energy, and ensure that the masses are warm in winter.

In order to have a safe and warm winter, the general secretary made a special trip to Mentougou District in Beijing and Zhuozhou City in Hebei Province to inspect the post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work, and regarded ensuring that the people affected by the disaster spend the winter safely and warmly as a "hard task."

In Yongji Xiuyuan Community, Shuangta Street, Zhuozhou City, the general secretary came to the community heating station to learn about the operation of heating facilities. Then he came to the house of Dong Caiying, a resident of the community.

Micro observation of current affairs丨In order to have a safe and warm winter

△On the afternoon of November 10, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Dong Caiying, a resident of Yongji Xiuyuan Community, Shuangta Street, Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province.

"It's up to par. The general secretary looked at the thermometer, touched the radiator again, and said with a smile.

In order to have a safe and warm winter, the general secretary made important instructions on the prevention and response to low-temperature rain, snow and freezing disasters.

"This summer, we have suffered severe flooding. After the beginning of winter, General Secretary Xi Jinping specially came to the community to care about our winter heating situation. Now, in time for such a cold day, the general secretary has issued an important directive, demanding that the people be safely and warmly spent in winter. The general secretary has always kept us ordinary people in his heart, and as long as we follow the party, our life will definitely be better. "The family is warm, and Dong Caiying's heart is even warmer.

"Solve problems in the bud and before they become disasters"

"The risk of low-temperature, rain, snow and freezing disasters is high, and the situation of disaster prevention and relief is severe, so we must pay close attention to it. ”

"It is necessary to pay close attention to weather changes, strengthen monitoring and judgment, and release early warning and forecast information in a timely manner. It is necessary to strengthen traffic and power inspections, remove ice and snow in a timely manner, and ensure the safety and smoothness of the transportation network and power grid. It is necessary to improve the supply capacity of coal, electricity, oil and gas, strengthen emergency rescue preparations, and do a good job in energy security and warm supply. It is necessary to intensify overall planning and scheduling, strengthen the production, marketing and supply of important livelihood commodities, and maintain price stability. ”

In the important instructions, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward specific requirements for relevant localities and departments.

The mainland is one of the countries with the most serious natural disasters in the world, and there are many types of disasters, they are widely distributed, their occurrence frequency is high, and they cause heavy losses.

"It is necessary to improve the risk prevention and resolution mechanism, insist on preventing and resolving major security risks from the source, and truly solve the problem in the bud and before it becomes a disaster. General Secretary Xi Jinping once emphasized.

The same needs to be done to prevent and respond to low-temperature, rain, snow and freezing disasters.

Micro observation of current affairs丨In order to have a safe and warm winter

△ The substation operation and maintenance personnel of the State Grid Shouguang Power Supply Company are checking the snow cover of the substation.

Disaster prevention and mitigation, meteorology first. Since 18:00 on December 12, the China Meteorological Administration has upgraded the emergency response to major meteorological disasters to Level II, strengthened monitoring and judgment, accurately grasped the weather evolution, and rolled forecasts and warnings.

The State Grid immediately launched the early warning response and emergency response mechanism, arranged 55,000 people and 547 power generation vehicles, and increased the operation and maintenance of power grid equipment in key areas.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has guided all localities to implement disaster prevention and mitigation measures, carefully organize winter agricultural production, and ensure the market supply of "vegetable basket" products.


The general secretary's important instructions have made the cadres and masses in various localities and departments feel warm. They said that they would take practical actions to go all out to deal with low-temperature, rain, snow and freezing disasters and make every effort to ensure daily production and life.

"Heating work must be implemented in detail"

Shuiyuzui Village, Miaofengshan Town, is located in the mountainous area of western Beijing. During his trip to Beijing and Hebei more than a month ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping came here to inspect and offer condolences.

At the home of villager Li Meng, General Secretary Xi Jinping inquired in detail about the damage to the house, the cost of repairs, and heating. The general secretary advised: "The winter in the north is long, and the winter in the mountains is especially cold, so the heating work must be implemented in detail, so that every household can do it." ”

The concern that can not be relieved from time to time has always haunted the general secretary's heart. During that time, he paid attention to the disaster situation every day, guided the disaster relief work, and always thought about the affected areas and people. "Especially in winter, can the people survive the winter safely and warmly?

In this important instruction, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "it is necessary to consolidate responsibilities, refine preventive measures, improve emergency plans, thoroughly investigate hidden risks, and make every effort to deal with emergencies", reflecting the consistent requirement of "must implement the details".

Micro observation of current affairs丨In order to have a safe and warm winter

△ In view of the cold wave and low temperature weather, the relevant departments of Xingtai, Hebei Province studied and judged in advance, launched the emergency plan, urged the heating enterprises to adjust the heating operation parameters, increase the temperature of the water supply and return, and do a good job in keeping warm and ensuring supply.

The intensity of the work of the party and the government has a direct bearing on the temperature of the people's homes.

Lanzhou, Gansu Province has gradually increased the heating temperature of the pipe network since December 13, entered the severe cold period of heating in advance, and organized a repair team of more than 200 people to be on duty 24 hours a day to deal with possible problems such as pipe network damage in a timely manner.

Four heat source enterprises in Xingtai, Hebei Province have completed the warming work to ensure that residents are warm for the winter.

In response to the upcoming new round of heavy snowfall and strong cold wave weather, the Heilongjiang Provincial Emergency Management Department organized relevant departments to focus on key industries such as transportation, mining, crowded places, agriculture and rural areas, hazardous chemicals, and tourism, strengthen consultation, research and judgment, and formulate and implement specific safety precautions.

"No matter how small things that are beneficial to the people, they must be done," and local party committees and governments should "consider more carefully and comprehensively matters that have a bearing on the production and livelihood of the masses, leaving no trace of mistakes."

Thoughts are here, and the branches and leaves are concerned.