
Why is old white tea better when boiled? When drinking white tea in winter, these 7 points need to be paid attention to

author:Tea Intelligence Bureau

As the saying goes, white tea is "one year tea, three years of medicine, seven years of treasure". After years of storage and good transformation, the old white tea has higher nutritional value and a better drinking experience. Compared with fresh white tea, old white tea has a more unique flavor and texture, and many tea lovers find boiled old white tea more delicious.

Especially in winter, more and more tea lovers begin to boil white tea to drink? So, why is white tea better boiled? What problems need to be paid attention to when drinking old white tea in winter? Let's take a look.

Why is old white tea better when boiled? When drinking white tea in winter, these 7 points need to be paid attention to

1. Why should old white tea be boiled and drunk?

1. Changes in the composition of substances in tea

Old white tea changes the chemical composition of the tea leaves over time. The catechins, tea polyphenols and other substances in tea will slowly oxidize and decompose over time, and the bitter and astringent taste and astringency of tea will gradually weaken during the aging process, and the aroma and sweetness of tea will gradually become prominent.

2. The aging process of tea leaves

Aging refers to the gradual change of the moisture and various components inside the tea leaves over time under appropriate environmental conditions, such as ventilation and drying, suitable temperature, etc. Old white tea has undergone a long-term aging process, which makes the tea more mellow and rounded.

3. Changes in the taste of tea leaves

After boiling the old white tea, the tea soup will be deeper and thicker, and the tea flavor will be more intense. During the brewing process, the old white tea releases more aroma and taste, making the tea soup more rich and full, and the taste is more round and smooth. In addition, the aroma of old white tea after brewing is more complex, which can bring more layers of feeling.

4. The medicinal value of old white tea

During the aging process, some components in the tea may be altered, making the old white tea more health benefits. After boiling old white tea, some active substances in the tea may be more easily released, such as tea polyphenols, catechins, etc., which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and other effects, which can help improve physical health.

5. The influence of tea tasting experience

Tea tasting is a personal experience, and everyone's tastes and feelings are different. For some tea lovers, old white tea is more easily absorbed by the body after brewing, presenting a more peaceful and comfortable taste and aroma, so it is more popular.

The reason why old white tea tastes better after boiling is that after a long-term aging process, the composition of the tea leaves has changed, making the tea taste richer and fuller, and the taste more round and smooth. In addition, the aroma and taste released by the brewing of old white tea are more complex, which makes people love it even more.

Why is old white tea better when boiled? When drinking white tea in winter, these 7 points need to be paid attention to

2. Precautions for drinking old white tea in winter

Drinking old white tea in winter is a pleasant experience, but in the cold season, there are some details to pay attention to when drinking tea to ensure the effect and experience of drinking tea.

1. Grasp the temperature of the tea

Generally speaking, old white tea needs to be brewed at high temperatures, and it is best to control hot water above 95 degrees, and it is better to brew it if it is boiling water. Of course, if you boil it, you don't need to consider the temperature of the tea. However, when drinking, you should wait for the tea to cool a little bit, not too hot, otherwise it is easy to burn the esophagus and mouth.

2. Drink control

The low temperature in winter makes it easy for people to have the illusion of drinking more water, but excessive consumption of old white tea may also have adverse effects on the body. Drinking tea in moderation can help maintain the body's water balance, but avoid excessive consumption to avoid taxing your kidneys.

3. Tea time

The time to drink tea in winter also needs to be adjusted appropriately. Drinking aged white tea during the day can help refresh the mind and increase body heat. In the evening, you can drink it in moderation to soothe your body and mind, but avoid drinking too late to avoid affecting your sleep.

4. Pay attention to tea storage

In winter, the temperature is low, and the tea leaves are easy to be damp or deteriorate by moisture, so it is necessary to pay attention to the storage of tea. It is recommended to store old white tea in a dry and ventilated place, away from direct sunlight, avoid contact with odorous food, and maintain the freshness and aroma of the tea leaves.

5. Personal physical condition

The physical condition of the individual is also a factor to consider. If you have gastrointestinal problems or caffeine sensitivity, you need to pay special attention when drinking old white tea in winter, you can choose to drink it lightly or in small quantities to avoid irritation or discomfort to the stomach.

6. Drink water to stay hydrated

While tea is able to moisturize the mouth, the tea itself also has a diuretic effect. Staying hydrated during the winter months is important for good health, and in addition to drinking tea, you should also drink water in moderation to maintain your body's water balance.

7. Quality selection

When drinking tea in winter, we should pay more attention to the quality selection. High-quality aged white tea is usually more mellow and soft, and it is warmer and more comfortable to drink, so when choosing tea, it is more important to choose a reputable tea house or merchant to buy.

Why is old white tea better when boiled? When drinking white tea in winter, these 7 points need to be paid attention to

Drinking aged white tea in winter can increase body heat, maintain the body's water balance, and enjoy the comfort of tea at the same time. However, during the cold season, it is important to drink tea wisely and pay attention to keeping your body warm, drinking time and storing tea.