
The doctor reminds me that I often itch in my ears, what is the reason?

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Xiaodong Health Talk

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Plantain is a common perennial herb with long striped leaves with distinct longitudinal stripes and shallow lobes or entireous margins.

It usually grows low, about 10 to 30 cm in height, sometimes up to 50 cm, the inflorescences of plantain are blue or white, concentrated on the inflorescence axis of varying height, and the flowering period is usually in summer.

In traditional Chinese medicine and folk medicine, plantain is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions, which has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, diuretic and laxative, and reducing swelling and relieving pain.

The doctor reminds me that I often itch in my ears, what is the reason?

"Plantain" is a treasure, and using it to boil water and drink may help solve these 5 problems

1. Improves constipation

"Plantain" is a very common herb, it not only has ornamental value, but also is a herb with great medicinal value.

In addition, plantain also has a very miraculous effect - to improve constipation, many people have experienced constipation, and plantain is a natural medicine that can help digestion and promote intestinal peristalsis.

When using plantain to improve constipation, the easiest way is to boil water with plantain to drink, plantain also contains some active ingredients that can promote intestinal peristalsis, increase the water in the intestines, and relieve constipation symptoms.

The doctor reminds me that I often itch in my ears, what is the reason?

2. Moisten the lungs and relieve cough

In autumn and winter, the climate is dry, and people are prone to symptoms such as coughing and wheezing. At this time, boiling water with plantain can effectively relieve cough symptoms and soothe respiratory discomfort.

It can also promote the discharge of sputum and keep the respiratory tract open, and has a good adjuvant treatment effect for patients with chronic bronchitis, asthma and other diseases.

The doctor reminds me that I often itch in my ears, what is the reason?

3. Anti-inflammatory and sterilization

Insist on using plantain to soak in water to drink, which is conducive to antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, because the ingredients in it can reduce the activity of pathogenic microorganisms in the body, and can also inhibit the activity of skin fungi and ringworm bacteria, reducing the harm to the body.

Plantain can not only be used to soak in water and drink, but also can be used externally, especially in the presence of fungal dermatitis, it can be used to clean the affected area, which can quickly relieve pain and itching.

The doctor reminds me that I often itch in my ears, what is the reason?

4. Diuretic and antidiarrheal

From a nutritional point of view, plantain is rich in carbohydrates, proteins, B vitamins, various minerals, etc., and has a good expectorant and diuretic effect.

Plantain is sweet and cold in nature, which can be better diuretic and antidiarrheal, especially for people with urgency, frequent urination, and diarrhea, and can be treated as an adjunct to psyllium.

The doctor reminds me that I often itch in my ears, what is the reason?

5. Lowering blood pressure and lipids

Plantain has the effect of lowering blood pressure and lipids, which can help the body lower blood pressure and blood lipids, and prevent and treat some cardiovascular diseases.

For some symptoms caused by high blood pressure and hyperlipidemia, such as dizziness, headache, chest tightness, etc., plantain can play a good role in relieving it.

The doctor reminds me that I often itch in my ears, what is the reason?

Plantain, the legendary "panacea"

Plantain contains a variety of nutrients, 100 grams of plantain contains 10 grams of carbohydrates, 4 grams of protein, 1 gram of fat, 309 mg of calcium, 175 mg of phosphorus, 25 mg of iron, 58 mg of carotene, 23 mg of vitamin C, as well as choline, potassium salt, citric acid, oxalic acid, coralin in peach leaves and other components.

The seeds of plantain contain a large amount of mucilage, which is a homogeneous gelatinous liquid composed of xylose, arabinose, galacturonic acid, rhamnose and galactose.

The doctor reminds me that I often itch in my ears, what is the reason?

Plantain and 3 kinds of ingredients work well together

1. 枸杞

Goji berries are a relatively common ingredient, and everyone likes to put a few pieces in soup and porridge to achieve the function of health preservation.

The functions of plantain and wolfberry can detoxify the human body, clear heat and diuretic, relieve cough and reduce phlegm, and nourish one's own liver and kidney stagnation.

If you have a sore throat due to various reasons, you can use plantain and wolfberry to soak in water to achieve anti-inflammatory and lower your blood pressure, which is helpful to human health.

The doctor reminds me that I often itch in my ears, what is the reason?

2. Honeysuckle

In fact, honeysuckle can also be matched with plantain, mainly anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and has a good relieving effect on urinary tract infection, inflammation and other symptoms.

3. Knotweed

Knotweed itself has the effect of detoxification and diuretic, but many people do not know that it can be used together with plantain to enhance the diuretic effect and effectively promote the discharge of toxins from the body.

The doctor reminds me that I often itch in my ears, what is the reason?

Therapeutic soup is recommended

1. Plantain Huaishan pot pork belly

Ingredients: 50 grams of fresh plantain, 500 grams of pork belly, 250 grams of lean meat, 30 grams of red adzuki beans, 30 grams of barley, 100 grams of Huaishan, 1 carrot, wolfberry, jujube, a little ginger.

Method: Wash all ingredients, soak red beans and barley, cut Huaishan and carrot hobs, slice lean meat, cut the washed pork belly into strips, blanch and remove it, put all the ingredients into the soup pot, add water, boil over high heat first, then simmer over low heat for 1 hour, add wolfberries and a little salt, turn off the heat after boiling.

Efficacy: This product has the effect of clearing heat and dampness, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and tonifying deficiency, especially for some emaciation and weakness caused by weak spleen, stomach pain and diarrhea, and excessive leucorrhea caused by dampness and heat.

The doctor reminds me that I often itch in my ears, what is the reason?

2. Mung bean soup in the car

Composition: 60 grams of mung beans, 30 grams of fresh plantain.

Efficacy: Mung bean can clear heat and detoxify, and plantain can be drenched and damp. The combination of the two is suitable for heat and dampness, burning and heat prevention.

Method: Wash the mung beans and soak them in water for 2 hours, wash the plantain and set aside. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, put mung beans and plantain, boil over high heat, change to simmer for 15~20 minutes, pick out the plantain, eat beans and drink soup. 1~2 doses per day for 2~3 days.

The doctor reminds me that I often itch in my ears, what is the reason?

3. Duck soup stewed with plantain

Ingredients: 50 grams of plantain, 600 grams of duck meat, 50 grams of soybeans, five finger hair tips, 10 grams of ginger, 30 grams of cooking wine, 30 grams of rice wine, 8 grams of sugar, 7 grams of salt, 3 grams of chicken essence.

Production method: 1. Pick the plantain directly, clean the whole piece and set aside, (it can also be cut into 5 cm segments).

2. Wash the tips of the five fingers, divide the ginger into two parts, crush and slice the back of the knife, and soak the soybeans in advance.

3. After the duck is slaughtered, remove the hair, internal organs, head, neck and feet, chop small pieces, wash and drain for later use.

4. First put 1 part of ginger and 1 green onion knot into the pot of duck meat under cold water, boil over high heat, pour in cooking wine, blanch until the bloody foam is overflowing, remove and rinse, and control the moisture.

5. Add an appropriate amount of water to another pot, and put the duck meat, five finger tips and ginger slices into the pot.

6. After the rice wine, turn to high heat and bring to a boil, add soybeans, and then turn to low heat and simmer for half an hour.

7. Add plantain and cook for 5 minutes, finally add salt and sugar to taste and turn off the heat. Sprinkle with chopped green onion and enjoy.

The doctor reminds me that I often itch in my ears, what is the reason?

This soup is delicious, with the spleen and kidney, moisturizing the lungs stewed good soup is fragrant and light and no duck fishy smell, the original delicious, not greasy at all, the taste and nourishing effect are excellent, nourishing the kidneys and lungs, moisturizing dryness and relieving cough.

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