
Why are weekends more anxious when you don't work?



"How's the weekend going?"

This question was inspired by a chat with a friend:

Many Sunday nights, friends have told me more than once that "I didn't do anything this weekend" or "wasted another weekend".

Weekends are also known as "rest days", and it seems like a matter of course to rest and relax. But why can't we spend a weekend of doing nothing with peace of mind?

Why are weekends more anxious when you don't work?

After a boring weekend, I also feel guilty

On weekdays, migrant workers can expect to be able to do nothing at home, and they expect to be able to use their weekend time to do things that they don't usually have time for.

But the experience of the week is clear: every Sunday night, the person who had the first expectation began to regret why he didn't make the most of his time after spending the whole weekend.

Unable to feel happy because there is no "sense of self-affirmation" and "self-efficacy".

The second expectation is not necessarily the same: when we have a lot of free time, will we do these things that we can't do because we don't have time?

Not necessarily.

Norishi Sasaki mentioned in the book "How to Develop Good Xi" that he thought that he would have more time to read after quitting his job, but when he could read at any time throughout the day, he lost the willingness to read.

Dopamine is secreted not only when experiencing pleasure, but also when expecting pleasure.

Therefore, the happiest time of the week is Friday night, when the weekend is full of anticipation.

Why are weekends more anxious when you don't work?

It takes a little effort to find the fulfillment of the weekend

From the time when people were still happy to sit on the couch and watch TV shows after work, the period from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. was called "prime time". After a tiring day, migrant workers relieve the fatigue of the day by watching programs or other recreational activities.

In his blog, Thomas Oppong also refers to the period between work and bedtime as "prime time" – a period of time that is just for you. How you spend this time before bed is a reflection of how much you value the most important things in your life.

Instead of watching TV all night, you can really enjoy the time and make the most of it by trying many new things. Using this time to do something meaningful to you will greatly improve your life.

Why are weekends more anxious when you don't work?

/ Recommendation from "Impression AI".

How do you find a balance and devote quality time, attention and energy to things that help you relax? He recommends 5 activities:

1. Read for pleasure

By reading, you can expose yourself to new things, new models, new principles, new ways to solve problems, and new ways to achieve your goals.

Reading increases your understanding of the rules of life – new knowledge can help you adapt, accept, and better integrate into society. Reading not only increases your knowledge and intelligence, but it also changes your perception and improves your worldview. Pam Allyn once said, "Reading for pleasure and learning to Xi reading are inseparable."

Even if you only have 30 minutes every night, you can easily read a few pages of your favorite book.

2. Continue to do things that you feel passionate about

Just like completing a project at work, getting something done over and over again makes us feel empowered.

It's easy to wear down our passion with a daily routine without ups and downs, so it's not enough to just get to work on time and do a good job, you have to nurture your passion to enrich your life. Those who have a heart can even start a side hustle through a project they love.

What makes you feel passionate?

3. Learn more about topics you're interested in

Exercise your curiosity after work.

Different skills, ideas, cultures, and perspectives can have a positive impact on your worldview. New skills and acquiring new knowledge every day is a proven approach.

Steve Jobs' calligraphy classes in college helped him create his first Mac computer. In 2005, Steve Jobs famously gave a speech at Stanford University's commencement ceremony, saying, "If I hadn't sat in on that calligraphy class in college, Mac computers wouldn't have a wide variety of well-spaced fonts." ”

4. Choose a course in a completely different field

Benjamin Franklin once said, "The best returns are always from investing in knowledge." ”

If you are interested in a particular topic in a different field but never have time to Xi, you can make time for Xi in the evenings or on weekends.

No matter what path you're taking in life, committing to new skills outside of your field of Xi can boost your career and help you improve yourself.

Classes are a great way to gain new knowledge and skills. You can learn Xi programming, psychology, economics, negotiation, entrepreneurship, music, and more from the comfort of your home.

5. Cultivate an unusual hobby of art

In addition to your usual hobbies, are there anything new and different that can bring new challenges to your life?

If you're a web designer, you can learn how to draw Xi, a writer can take a digital photography course to take better photos, and a programmer can learn how Xi play an instrument, how to draw, or how to invest.

Lawrence Katz在他的书《保持大脑活力:83项防止记忆丧失和增强精神健康的神经练习》(Keep Your Brain Alive: 83 Neurobic Exercises to Prevent Memory Loss and Increase Mental Fitness)中指出,除了缓解压力和调动整个大脑,动手练习一些东西也是一种“神经运动”。

Art hobbies stimulate the brain and develop new hobbies by using the senses in new ways. They also challenge the brain to build new pathways.

Xi something new requires you to "stretch out" physically, mentally, or emotionally. Any detail-oriented hobby can delay cognitive decline and improve memory.

6. Build authentic and deep relationships

Thomas Jefferson was known for his legendary dinner parties, where he would invite people from different backgrounds and then ask a deep philosophical question for everyone at the table to answer.

Jefferson understood the value of building genuine relationships and learning Xi from others. During this challenging time, you may not be able to meet people face-to-face, but you can still communicate with others and have deeper conversations than small talk.

Connecting with others is also more valuable in itself. People with strong, healthy relationships generally don't feel stressed in challenging situations.

Dr. Emma Seppala of Stanford Medical School explains, "Social connections create a positive feedback loop of social, emotional, and physical health. ”

The people around you you choose have a much greater impact on your happiness, intelligence, and overall well-being than you think.

Why are weekends more anxious when you don't work?

If you can't sleep in, it's a weekend

In addition to doing something that gives us a sense of accomplishment, the way to dispel "unwinding guilt" can be to lower our expectations for the weekend.

"The Burnout Society" proposes that people are feverishly "producing themselves" and processing themselves on social networks in order to facilitate production and accelerate the exchange of information. Life becomes a commodity, leading to the disappearance of rituals and celebrations. Because in the celebration, we consume materials, not production.

The weekend is a "celebration moment" in each seven-day cycle where production can be done, and it has a different mission than the working day: to relax.

A good night's sleep and preparation for the next day is the end of the weekend.

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