
Chengmai promotes the integrated development of three industries with characteristic agriculture and comprehensively improves and strengthens modern agriculture

author:Nine Faction Express

[Source: Hainan Daily]

Hainan Daily reporter Gao Yi

Meet once a year at the Winter Fair.

On December 14th, walking into the Chengmai Pavilion of the 26th China (Hainan) International Tropical Agricultural Products Winter Fair, the fragrant roasted sweet potatoes were burned one after another, the delicious fried fish was one pot after another, and the sweet Fushan coffee was cup after cup...... The fragrance is fragrant, the citizens and tourists who visit the exhibition are endless, and the Chengmai Hall is not lively inside and out.

Also lively is the "circle of friends" of 24 exhibitors in Chengmai, in front of the booth of each company, many buyers came to consult, and have completed a total of more than 2.2 billion yuan of intended orders, involving agricultural products such as melons and vegetables, sweet potatoes, bananas, pineapples, etc.

This year, with the concept of "Selenium-rich Blessed Land and Longevity Chengmai", Chengmai Pavilion takes Chengmai's regional characteristic agricultural brand as the core, and displays the brand culture, industrial revitalization and innovative development achievements of Chengmai agricultural products in a multi-level, all-round and multi-field manner, focusing on the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in Chengmai countryside and the in-depth development of the industrial chain.

Chengmai promotes the integrated development of three industries with characteristic agriculture and comprehensively improves and strengthens modern agriculture

On December 14, agricultural products were displayed in the Chengmai Pavilion of the Winter Fair. Photo by Hainan Daily reporter Yuan Chen

Look at a tree A "little sapling" of modern agriculture grows on the selenium-rich land

"These are the trees I saw in the circle of friends, they turned out to be real trees, help me take a photo. On December 14, before the footsteps of tourist Wang Lijuan stepped into the Chengmai Pavilion, she hurriedly took a photo with more than ten fruit trees in front of her.

"This is all from the Chengmai local research institute, there are ruby pomelo, apple jujube, HB pomelo and other fruit trees, this is the first time to meet the public, we will also show the blessing orange tree, welcome customers to taste. Liang Zhi, a member of the party group of Chengmai County Agriculture and Rural Bureau, introduced.

In fact, the development of modern agriculture in Chengmai originates from the small saplings that grow from the selenium-rich land.

In 1995, Chengmai seedless lychee was successfully developed and gradually entered the public eye, in 2002, Chengmai began to plant seedless pomelo, and in 2003, Chengmai began to plant Fu Chengcheng......

Chengmai seedless lychee was selected into the second batch of national famous, special and excellent new agricultural products in 2023, achieving a breakthrough of zero in the province. Up to now, there are 5 kinds of famous and excellent new agricultural products in the province, and 4 kinds of Chengmai are exclusive.

Behind the honors is the rise of modern agriculture that Chengmai has walked out step by step.

"Medium! Grapefruit oil is really a treasure. Mr. Wang, a merchant from Henan, is full of curiosity about the "Ru Xiaosheng" brand pomelo oil produced in Wenru Town, Chengmai County, "In the future, I will recognize the pomelo oil of Chengmai, let's add a WeChat, and I want to order a large number of goods." ”

"The unique climatic conditions and selenium-rich soil make Wenru a natural gold source of grapefruit oil, among which Anling Village has the most old Camellia oleifera forests. Wang Guangfu, chairman of Hainan Beiyan Agricultural Co., Ltd., is very proud of his pomelo oil, and as his introduction gradually deepens, there are more and more people around the booth, and more and more customers consult and buy.

Look at a fish, conserve ecological resources, and improve the quality and efficiency of fishery development

Chengmai promotes the integrated development of three industries with characteristic agriculture and comprehensively improves and strengthens modern agriculture

On December 14, the audience watched the aquatic product cooking display in the Chengmai Pavilion. Photo by Hainan Daily reporter Wu Wei

In the Chengmai fishery exhibition area, a cobia with a length of 1 meter and a weight of 36 catties is quite eye-catching.

"This is cobia from Yubao Port, Chengmai County, and everyone is welcome to taste and place an order. On the first day of the Winter Fair, in the Chengmai Pavilion, Wang Gu, director of the Chengmai County Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, acted as a "salesman" to "endorse" the Chengmai fishery products that participated in the exhibition for the first time.

"There is a fish frying at the booth behind me, so hurry up and try it, and if it suits the taste, you can buy it again, and there is a big discount today. Wang Gu said.

Zhang Yan, an exhibitor who heard the shouting, was also attracted. "It's really delicious. Zhang Yan told reporters while selecting fish fillets that cobia was the first deep-sea fish he had eaten since he came to Hainan, "My previous impression of Chengmai was rich in agricultural products, but I didn't expect that fishery products were also very good." ”

The reporter learned that the cobia came from Chengmai Yubao Pilot Fishery Co., Ltd. As a company participating in the Winter Fair for the first time, what excites the company's person in charge, Fu Wenjun, is the public's love for cobia.

"With the help of the platform of the Winter Fair, we can open up a larger market for cobia raised in deep-water cages. Fu Wenjun told reporters that now the deep-water cage breeding model has gradually become a scale.

Yubao Village is a seaside fishing village, which depends on the sea to eat the sea, but the quality and yield of fish produced in the inland sea are not as good as those in the open sea, and the villagers' income is unstable. In order to allow the villagers to have a more stable income and life, the Rune Army, as the "first person to eat crabs", not only changed from fishermen to farmers, but also led the villagers to embark on the road to prosperity through deep-water cage farming.

Nowadays, Chengmai is guided by the improvement of ecological resources and economic development, closely focusing on the restoration and conservation of fishery resources, and constantly consolidating the foundation for the development of the fishery industry. Among them, Qiaotou Town, as a demonstration site for the development of modern fishery in the county, integrates the resources of 8 administrative villages to establish a limited liability company to further expand the scale of aquaculture and promote the development of fishery.

Look at a car to build a link that pulls local produce upward

Chengmai promotes the integrated development of three industries with characteristic agriculture and comprehensively improves and strengthens modern agriculture

On December 14, the audience tasted green pomelo at the Chengmai Pavilion. Photo by Hainan Daily reporter Wu Wei

"Brothers and sisters who want to eat Qiaotou sweet potatoes, everyone listen to me, when the sweet potatoes are ripe, you are all welcome to come to Qiaotou as guests. At the entrance of the Chengmai Pavilion, the Qiaotou sweet potato tasting table was surrounded by admiring citizens and merchants, and Wang Wenke, the person in charge of Chengmai Qiaosha Modern Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., was also infected by the enthusiastic atmosphere and worked hard to promote the Qiaotou sweet potato to everyone.

"Can it be sent to other places?", "How many days can I receive it?" In front of the booth, buyers consulted the most in addition to the product itself, as well as the express logistics. At the exhibition site, a display area combining Jingdong intelligent logistics and agricultural product e-commerce was set up to show the convenient logistics chain of Chengmai to merchants and citizens.

"Chengmai road network is dense and convenient, traffic is smooth, is the development of modern logistics industry of the golden zone, Chengmai is focusing on the supply chain system, and constantly promote the modern logistics to achieve 'from big to strong' transformation. The relevant person in charge of the Chengmai County Government said that especially with the addition and development of intelligent logistics, it is expected to build a link to drive the upward movement of local agricultural products and create a powerful engine to help rural revitalization.

In the Chengmai Pavilion of the Winter Fair, the citizens harvest beautiful food and exhibitors, and exhibitors harvest opportunities. Behind this is inseparable from Chengmai has always been around the requirements of standardized production, quality assurance, and brand operation, insisting on "output" and "management" to grasp both hands, and formulate local standards for the production technology of coffee, Fu orange, sweet potatoes and other agricultural products, with a pass rate of more than 98% for the quality and safety monitoring of agricultural products, and the intelligent supervision model of agricultural product quality and safety has gradually taken shape, and has been rated as "the first batch of national agricultural product quality and safety counties" and "national export food and agricultural product quality and safety demonstration zone".

"Since the first Winter Fair, Chengmai has adhered to the principle of 'only exhibiting and selling the best quality and most distinctive agricultural products', green and high-quality have almost become the standard, and Chengmai is constantly catering to the needs of the masses for high-quality agricultural products to ensure that Chengmai's characteristic agricultural brand has always maintained its vigorous vitality. Wang Gu said that the agricultural and rural departments of Chengmai will further grasp the opportunity of the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port and continuously enhance the influence and competitiveness of Chengmai's agricultural product brand.

(Hainan Daily, Jinjiang, December 16)

Original title: Chengmai promotes the integrated development of three industries with characteristic agriculture, and comprehensively improves and strengthens modern agriculture Looking at the good prospects of modern agriculture from a grand event

Editor in charge: Wei Xiaofan

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