
Practicing "Tongzi Gong" is really good for the kidneys! 10 minutes before going to bed, just plug one part with your index finger

author:Acupuncture health class

Some people will have weakness in their legs and feet as soon as they exercise, and even backache, low back pain, and they will not sleep well at night after exercising.

They even have gray hair on their heads early and lose their hair. This shows that it is necessary to take care of the kidneys!

Gripping is a super simple action that complements the liver and kidneys.

Practicing "Tongzi Gong" is really good for the kidneys! 10 minutes before going to bed, just plug one part with your index finger

Method: Put the thumb inside and put it at the end of our ring finger, then bend the 4 fingers, wrap the thumb, wrap it tightly, and then let go., and do it with both hands at the same time.

When doing this action, you must do it thoroughly to be useful, how to calculate it thoroughly? It is necessary to "hold it tighter and tighter" step by step until it "can't hold it".

Practicing "Tongzi Gong" is really good for the kidneys! 10 minutes before going to bed, just plug one part with your index finger

When you do the action and hold it tightly, don't hold your breath, so that you feel the tightest grip, you can't hold it, and then release it, so that it is 1 time, the number of times you do it, varies from person to person, it is best to do it with a slightly warm feeling, you can do it many times a day.

Most people insist on doing this for a period of time, and when the grip is released, there is a feeling of heat in the hands and wrists. There will even be a sense of qi flowing all over the body, and the more transparent the body, the better the effect.

Practicing "Tongzi Gong" is really good for the kidneys! 10 minutes before going to bed, just plug one part with your index finger

Grip is one of the four treasures of Taoist health, fully embodies the wisdom of Taoism, this action is "kidney essence and kidney water, can be used to nourish yin and reduce deficiency fire."

Grip is still a good way to anti-aging, many girls love beauty, the pursuit of expensive makeup, it is better to do more grip when you have time!

Especially after extreme fatigue, such as staying up late, after working overtime, sitting quietly and holding firmly, the energy recovery is fast.

Practicing "Tongzi Gong" is really good for the kidneys! 10 minutes before going to bed, just plug one part with your index finger

Newborn babies, although their bodies are very weak, they can protect themselves from the evil spirits of the outside world, and their secret to protecting their bodies is to hold them firmly with their hands.

The ten fingers of a person are the most sensitive area where the "essence" emits out, and the grip is to return these essences to the body.

In addition to gripping, there is a more powerful method, this method is a set of health preservation methods used by Mr. Wan Laisheng, the grandmaster of the first generation of the Natural Gate.

Practicing "Tongzi Gong" is really good for the kidneys! 10 minutes before going to bed, just plug one part with your index finger

Wan Lao said that this method is better than how much ginseng bird's nest you eat. He called this method "Tong Zi Gong".

Method: When sleeping at night, put your body on your side, your legs are natural, and then use your index finger to stuff it in your ears, which does not need to be too tight or too loose, and the strength is so that you feel that your ears are not breathable.

Practicing "Tongzi Gong" is really good for the kidneys! 10 minutes before going to bed, just plug one part with your index finger

Just plug your ears, close your mouth, breathe naturally, and lie down to sleep. Some people who don't sleep well, after doing it for a while, can fall asleep peacefully in a few minutes when they practice this method.

Why plug your ears?

As soon as the essence of the human body is full, it will leak out, so plugging the ears to sleep is not to let the essence of the body leak out, and it is necessary to turn the essence of the body into vitality and return to the essence to replenish the brain. It makes our body very energetic.

Practicing "Tongzi Gong" is really good for the kidneys! 10 minutes before going to bed, just plug one part with your index finger

Some people don't like to lie on their side and can also do it on their backs. Lie flat on your back with your feet facing each other, use your middle finger instead, plug your ears, close your mouth, and breathe naturally.

Whether we are lying sideways or lying flat, when we do it, we can swallow it casually.

The kidneys open to the ears and the second yin. The ear is an auditory organ, and people who are full of essence in the kidneys will also have sensitive ears, on the contrary, if they lack essence, their ears will be bad, and even tinnitus or deafness, this action is best done 10 minutes before going to bed every day.

Modern people are very busy, energy consumption a lot, very suitable for doing this child's work, it is simple and convenient, the cultivation of the human body's kidneys, but also back to the essence of the brain, strengthen the body and intelligence!

Praise for health together