
Women who have clean menstruation for 3 days or 7 days of clean menstruation, who ages faster?

author:Doctor Sanqin

Content Sources:

1. Huang Jiawen, & Chu Zhifen. (2017). A study of the relationship between quality of life and menstrual discomfort in women of different ages. Chinese Journal of Practical Gynecology and Obstetrics, 33(5), 388-391.

2. Chen Xu, Zhang Jin, Zhang Xu, & Peng Wen. (2018). Clinical features of cyclic menstrual discomfort and its associated factors. Chinese Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 36(07), 3115-3118.

3. Zhang Haitao, & Wen Wenting. (2017). Characteristics of TCM syndrome classification of menstrual discomfort and its correlation with mood and lifestyle. Journal of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 19(10), 132-134.

Menstruation is a unique physiological phenomenon for women, and its appearance mostly occurs at the age of about 13 years old, and it will be adjusted differently according to the actual situation of the individual.

1. Ovaries release eggs: During a woman's menstrual cycle, the ovaries release an egg, a process known as ovulation. Ovulation usually occurs in the middle of each menstrual cycle.

2. Thickening of the endometrium: After the egg is released, the lining of the uterus begins to thicken in preparation for implantation. If the egg is fertilized, it implants on the lining of the uterus and begins to conceive. If the egg is not fertilized, the lining of the uterus is ready to fall off.

3. Shedding of the lining of the uterus: If the egg is not fertilized, the lining of the uterus is shed, which is the beginning of menstruation. The shedding endometrium includes blood and tissue fragments that form menstrual blood.

4. Menstrual discharge: After passing through the cervix, menstrual blood will be excreted from the uterus, which is a woman's menstrual cycle. This process marks the end of the menstrual cycle and the beginning of a new menstrual cycle.

Women who have clean menstruation for 3 days or 7 days of clean menstruation, who ages faster?

The length of menstruation experienced by different people is not the same, which is why there has been a lot of controversy about the length of menstruation for the body.

Wang Jie is a young and beautiful girl, she has long bright hair, fair and delicate skin, and always gives people a fresh and refined feeling. Recently, however, she began to struggle with a problem that bothered her – her menstrual period was only three days.

For ordinary women, the menstrual period usually lasts about 7 days, but Wang Jie has a short menstrual period, which makes her feel very confused and distressed. After all, for a long time, she felt that she was in good physical health and did not attract too much attention because of the short menstrual period. But not long ago, she learned from a friend that people like her, who only have 3 days of menstruation, are more likely to age, which caused her to panic.

Wang Jie began to search for information online and in books, wanting to understand the scientific principles that lead to the close connection between the length of menstrual periods and aging. Who knew that there would be waves of unevenness, and just as she was searching for answers, she heard another statement - those who have a 7-day menstrual period are more likely to age.

Women who have clean menstruation for 3 days or 7 days of clean menstruation, who ages faster?

These statements made Wang Jie feel even more confused and anxious, she didn't know who she should believe, and she didn't know whether to trust her body or these statements. She began to become restless, worrying every day that her appearance would age rapidly due to her short menstrual periods, changing her previous delicate and confident appearance, and becoming cramped and restless in social situations.

In this way, by chance, Wang Jie participated in a lecture on women's health, which made her gradually let go of the mustard in her heart. She heard a professional doctor explain at the lecture that in fact, the length of the menstrual period does not directly affect the degree of aging of a woman, but is related to everyone's life Xi habits, nutritional intake, exercise and genetic factors.

These words seemed to give Wang Jie a dose of reassurance, and she gradually got rid of her anxiety and confusion and regained her self-confidence. She understood that she should trust the explanations of professional doctors, not hearsay.

Women who have clean menstruation for 3 days or 7 days of clean menstruation, who ages faster?

The length of the menstrual period is not a measure of a woman's health, everyone's physical condition is different, it is important to maintain a good lifestyle and diet Xi habits in order to maintain youth and beauty.

Time is not forgiving, but as long as we learn these tips to take care of our body when the menstrual period comes, we can still maintain our youthful vitality and beauty.

The menstrual period is an important stage in a woman's menstrual cycle, and during this period, the woman's body will be affected to a certain extent, so it is necessary to do a good job of related maintenance. During menstruation, women need to pay special attention to the maintenance of diet, sleep, exercise, and mental health to keep their bodies healthy and comfortable.

First of all, we should pay attention to diet and maintenance. Menstruating women need to pay attention to a balanced and nutritious diet, especially eat more foods rich in iron and protein, such as lean meat, eggs, legumes and animal liver, to help replenish the iron lost due to menstruation.

Women who have clean menstruation for 3 days or 7 days of clean menstruation, who ages faster?

In addition, moderate intake of foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits and vegetables, can help with iron absorption. At the same time, avoid eating foods that are too irritating or greasy to avoid aggravating the discomfort of menstruation.

The second is to get enough sleep. Women who are menstruating tend to feel tired and sore, so it's important to get enough sleep. A regular sleep schedule and a good sleep environment can effectively alleviate physical discomfort, improve resistance, and reduce pain.

In addition, proper exercise is also the key to menstruating women's maintenance. Moderate exercise can improve blood circulation, relieve menstrual discomfort and pain, and also relieve stress and improve the body's immunity. However, it is necessary to avoid excessive strenuous exercise, so as not to increase the burden on the body, and choose appropriate exercises such as yoga, walking, swimming, etc., which will be more conducive to maintaining the health of the body.

Women who have clean menstruation for 3 days or 7 days of clean menstruation, who ages faster?

In addition, women during menstruation should pay attention to the maintenance of their mental health. Menstruation can bring certain physical discomfort and emotional changes to women, so it is very important to learn to relax and soothe emotions, minimize mental stress, and maintain a happy and calm mood. In addition, relaxing activities such as listening to music, reading books, meditation, etc., can be done appropriately to help relieve mood and pain.

To sum up, the maintenance of menstruating women needs to be comprehensively considered from various aspects such as diet, sleep, exercise and mental health to maintain physical health and comfort. Reasonable diet and adequate sleep can improve the body's immunity, appropriate exercise can relieve physical discomfort, and a good psychological state can maintain the stability and health of the body.

Women who have clean menstruation for 3 days or 7 days of clean menstruation, who ages faster?

Therefore, menstruating women should pay attention to maintenance work and carry out comprehensive conditioning from multiple aspects to maintain the health and comfort of the body.