
The whole network is an "egg partner", and "Egg Boy Party" has become a "happy hometown" for 500 million users Game Trunk

author:Game Trunk

Not long ago, "Egg Boy Party" officially announced that it had reached the milestone of 500 million users, what kind of concept is this? In official terms, China currently has a total of more than 600 million game users, and 3/4 of them are composed of egg boys on Egg Boy Island, and even in China, 1 in 3 people play Egg Boy. What's more worth mentioning is that on the occasion of the opening of the "Egg Ride Festival" on December 15th, the official once again announced that the daily activity of the egg boy reached a new high, with more than 33w new original maps added in a single day alone, further demonstrating its status as the overlord of party games.

The whole network is an "egg partner", and "Egg Boy Party" has become a "happy hometown" for 500 million users Game Trunk

In order to repay the recognition and love of 500 million egg boys, "Egg Boy Party" officially ushered in the "Egg Boy Festival", a national carnival on December 15, in addition to launching a large number of user benefits, but also updated more gameplay, such as this linkage with "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf", a new hide-and-seek map [Wolf Castle] was launched, and a new egg map "Salted Fish Dodgeball" was launched on the Paradise Miaomiao House, and at the same time, the new entertainment gameplay [Special Eggs, Collection] will also be launched in the near future, inviting egg boys to experience the island together.

Obviously, this "egg tie festival" has successfully created a lively atmosphere of national carnival, from the user's point of view, the sincere benefits are certainly the lead to the carnival, but the more and more diverse playable content in the game is the raw material for the carnival.

It's no exaggeration to say that today's "Egg Boy Party" has long broken the inherent framework of traditional party games, making a party category that originally seemed to be a niche development into a popular choice. The reason why the current situation of the national party can be formed is actually inseparable from the innovative exploration of three aspects.

Solid original content foundation to meet the diverse social needs of users

First of all, starting from the PGC side, "Egg Boy Party" retains the main gameplay of traditional party games similar to variety shows, and packages the entire virtual park in an all-round way in the mode of theme party season, which is not simply to use a background story to strengthen the user's sense of substitution when playing, but more importantly, to cleverly integrate the characteristic elements contained in the theme into the level design, so as to present a refreshing multiplayer social experience.

Take the just-updated "Seeking Light and Ice" party season as an example, the official launch of 10 new maps are all closely related to this theme, snowballs, ice floes, polar creatures, Elements such as ski slopes quickly create a rich winter atmosphere, and in addition to creating a visual impact, these maps also introduce many special mechanics in ice and snow environments, such as the obvious slippage of the soles of the feet on the ice, the difficulty of steering due to inertia during high-speed skiing, the freezing ray can freeze the eggs into ice cubes, and in this state, the eggs can also slide farther, and when encountering ice wall obstacles, users can jump over with the help of props such as bullet boards, or they can directly smash the ice wall with flying pounces. These designs add more variety to the entire gameplay, ensuring that users can develop different routes every time, even if they are randomly matched with the same map.

The whole network is an "egg partner", and "Egg Boy Party" has become a "happy hometown" for 500 million users Game Trunk

If maps such as "Snow Castle" and "Polar Adventure" bring users a sense of accomplishment of "overcoming obstacles and surpassing opponents", then maps such as "Cold Peak Crossing" and "Snow Mountain Descent" mainly allow users to enjoy the refreshing pleasure of extreme sports.

The whole network is an "egg partner", and "Egg Boy Party" has become a "happy hometown" for 500 million users Game Trunk

This concept of providing multi-dimensional experience and fun has been carried through the entire 14 seasons of Egg Boy Party, which has also made its existing more than 160 classic mode maps have long exceeded the concept of "breakthrough".

In addition to injecting more creativity into the competitive map, Egg Boy Party has also put a lot of thought into the interactive facilities of Egg Boy Island. For example, in the latest party season, users can sprint directly on the island on an ice sculpture skateboard, follow the rainbow slide to stir up snowflakes flying all the way, or have a snowball fight in the main city with the egg, or follow the guidance of the wind elves to find the mysterious crown hidden at the top of the ice crystal castle.

The whole network is an "egg partner", and "Egg Boy Party" has become a "happy hometown" for 500 million users Game Trunk

In fact, Egg Boy Island itself has long contained a variety of interactive gameplay, such as climbing to the top of the plum blossom pile to win the small crown, throwing a beautiful three-pointer in front of the shooting machine, and enjoying the quiet years with the "egg partner" on the swing...... At the same time, digging into every corner of the island has even become the driving force for the majority of users to enjoy the game. Sometimes, you inadvertently pass by a corner and watch a group of onlookers "card flying bug", but they penetrate your heart's desire to participate, and they take you to play without saying a word.

The whole network is an "egg partner", and "Egg Boy Party" has become a "happy hometown" for 500 million users Game Trunk

On the whole, "Egg Boy Party" has always emphasized the importance of "new" on the PGC gameplay side, not so much that the official is operating a game product, but rather operating a virtual park, and the theme party season mode has given the official a steady stream of creative inspiration, so as to create a more distinctive immersive scene and map, and then let users have a game experience that is often played.

The "app store" style evolution idea builds an unbreakable content barrier

If this kind of player-independent exploration starts from the level of gameplay depth, then the more than 20 entertainment gameplay methods that have been added to "Egg Boy Party" are more focused on the breadth of gameplay. Essentially, party games don't have an absolutely strict definition of core gameplay, as long as it's easy and simple to play, it's fun and fun. Therefore, when "Egg Boy Party" really achieves this kind of platform-based thinking, it will naturally bring richer gameplay choices to the majority of users.

If someone were to ask what was the core gameplay of Egg Boy Party, it was clear that this was not a question that could be answered in a few words. In this platform, you can experience a variety of gameplay categories such as simulated management, tactical competition, camouflage spy warfare, reasoning and debate, etc., and it can even be said that only users can't think of it, and no user can't play.

What's more, each of these gameplay forms has a playability and replay that is no less than the "main gameplay". To put it simply, you can understand that there are countless independent "Egg Boy Party" developed in "Egg Boy Party", and these independent gameplay methods are like trees, and finally together they create a content ecology like a forest in the game itself.

For example, the hide-and-seek gameplay of the new [Wolf Castle] new map mentioned above, 12 users are divided into two camps: hiders and pursuers, 8 hiders can have 3 transformation props at the beginning, you can move with it after choosing one, and you can transform into props to disguise after walking to the right position, and 4 pursuers have exclusive scanning skills, which can be used to identify the disguise more efficiently, and within a limited time, the two sides will stage a cat and mouse game of wits and courage. It seems to be a simple rule, but it actually contains a strong strategy, such as the hider using the corner terrain to cover the line of sight, before the pursuer turns around, with stealth skills to run back, and camouflage in the pursuer's birthplace with a "black light" attitude, it is an arrogant and effective strategy, because the overall situation can be transformed at any time, and the transformable props are completely unlimited, so that the whole game process is full of variables and joy.

The whole network is an "egg partner", and "Egg Boy Party" has become a "happy hometown" for 500 million users Game Trunk

From the perspective of a single user, when he enters the virtual paradise of "Egg Boy Party", he may still cultivate a tacit understanding with his egg partner in the [Double and One Egg] gameplay one moment, and show his talent in the [Trick or Treater] gameplay the next moment, or participate in multiplayer brawls in the [Crazy Brawl] gameplay one moment, and incarnate as a lone ranger in the [Decisive Battle! Mutant Egg] gameplay the next moment, this kind of free switching between different tastes also constitutes a unique fun experience.

It is worth mentioning that "Egg Boy Party" often introduces unique linkage gameplay at some special nodes. For example, at the previous anniversary celebration, the "weightless music festival" was created, where users could not only enjoy the performance of a live band in the game, but also carry out immersive support at the same time, and integrate into the carnival atmosphere with interactive gameplay such as "driving a train", "firing a salute", and "waving light sticks". In the linkage with Honey Snow Ice City, users can also start the square dance on Egg Boy Island with the "Snow King", or visit the Egg Boy Island branch of Honey Snow Ice City, and meet the "Egg Boy Snow King Train" in the main city.

The whole network is an "egg partner", and "Egg Boy Party" has become a "happy hometown" for 500 million users Game Trunk

As an aggregate game platform, it can be said that the content ecology of the PGC side of "Egg Boy Party" is enough to meet the social entertainment needs of quite a few users, but this user level can exceed 500 million, and it is inseparable from another killer feature, that is, the increasingly prosperous UGC ecology.

According to producer Kwan, the core team of "Egg Boy Party" was previously responsible for the development of NetEase's first game editor "Beaver Project", in a sense, you can say that "Egg Boy Party" is born with UGC genes in its bones, and after the official establishment of "Egg Boy Party", the project team also strengthened the belief that the UGC ecosystem will become bigger and stronger.

If you carefully review the journey of "Egg Boy Party" since the open beta, you can find that from the very beginning, they have adhered to the strategy of walking on two legs PGC and UGC. The official attaches great importance to the editor tool, and in frequent iterations, it gradually shows a mature form of "simple to use, rich in functions, and strong plasticity".

Laying this important foundation, coupled with a wide variety of interesting PGC content, will naturally stimulate users' desire to create, and many high-quality UGC content not only form a mutual promotion with PGC content, but also further expand the overall gameplay dimension of the game.

As early as August this year, "Egg Boy Party" achieved the feat of exceeding 100 million UGC maps, and has maintained a growth rate of millions of new maps every week, with more than 33w new original maps added in a single day yesterday alone, which proves that "Egg Boy Party" is still thriving UGC vitality. These maps cover a variety of gameplay types such as decryption, MOBA, chess and cards, and dress-ups, among which there are many works with animal protection, cultural inheritance, and love transmission as the core ideas, showing the positive value of Egg Boy Paradise in addition to joy.


So, why can "Egg Boy Party" become the common choice of 500 million users? The deep-seated reason behind this is the strong tension of its content ecology. Under the development of the dual spindle model of original + co-creation, the content pool of "Egg Boy Party" achieves a dynamic balance, coupled with the official down-to-earth attitude of making content, and regards players, creators and content disseminators as treasures, so that everyone who comes can truly feel the joyful core of Egg Boy Island.

The whole network is an "egg partner", and "Egg Boy Party" has become a "happy hometown" for 500 million users Game Trunk

From the solid promotion of PGC original content to the huge UGC content system, it is precisely under the content bond that the official and the user sincerely exchange, trust each other, and go both ways, so as to promote the game to form a good content closed loop. In other words, under the integration and interweaving of "originality" and "co-creation", the vitality of the entire game ecology can continue to be scattered, so that the most simple and pure happiness can infiltrate everyone's heart. Therefore, we have reason to believe that 500 million may be just a new starting point for "Egg Boy Party".


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