
How is the Jiaodong Red Base Area made?


History is created with passion and pain, how did the strongest base in Jiaodong come to be? The armed struggle in Jiaodong, which was established by the pioneers one after another, started from Laiyang's anti-grain army attacking Laiyang County, and went through the 114 Revolutionary Rebellion, the Tianfushan Armed Uprising, and the Yuhuangding Armed Uprising in Yexian County, giving rise to the Red Army guerrillas, the "three armies," and the three detachments of the Red Army in Deshui. From sowing fire and awakening the people to raising their arms to respond to the world, from the Tianfushan Uprising to the Southern and Northern Wars, from dozens of guns to four field armies, from repeated foreign insults to being the masters of the country, the indomitable Jiaodong party, army and people have written a history of poetry like fire with their own lives and blood, making the land of Jiaodong an endless red hot land.

With the passage of time, the smoke of the Jiaodong Revolutionary War has long been dissipated, but the great spirit once shown in the land of Jiaodong has lasted for a long time. Looking back at the past, there are still many questions in the history of Red Jiaodong that are worth pondering.

The first part: Why did Jiaodong become a great red base area? To answer this question, we must first answer the following questions.

1. Where is the historical source of Red Jiaodong?

The towering tree must have its roots, and the water of the mountains must have its source. Where is the root and source of red Jiaodong?

When it comes to this issue, some people will say without hesitation that where there was the Communist Party in Jiaodong at the earliest, it is the historical source of red Jiaodong.

It is well known that the Chinese Communist Party was created in a state of secrecy, and that the early Communists were almost exclusively an intellectual elite. The same is true of the emergence of the early Communist Party in Jiaodong, most of them are intellectuals, secretly from different places through different relationships to Jiaodong, some are under the direct leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, some are under the leadership of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee, and some are subordinate to the Shunzhi Provincial Party Committee and the Northern Bureau. Due to the very poor living environment, the development of the party organization is very unstable, the rise and fall is impermanent, and the center of the party's activities is not fixed. In Jiaodong, the party's activity centers have appeared in Yantai, Laiyang, Wendeng and other areas in turn.

From the perspective of time, the earliest communist activities in Jiaodong appeared in Yantai. In the autumn of 1921, shortly after the opening of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Deng Zhongxia and Wang Hebo came to Yantai to carry out party and caucus work, and later developed Guo Shousheng, a student of Yantai Maritime School, into a member of the Communist Party of China. In 1924, Guo recruited two progressive students into the party at the Hai School, and established the earliest party organization in Jiaodong, the Yantai Group of the Communist Party of China. Because Guo Shousheng is directly under the leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and is not from Jiaodong, Yantai Haixiao is a national school, and there are very few students from Jiaodong, this Yantai group is like an "airborne" organization, and it is not very down-to-earth with Jiaodong. Later history confirms this. With the departure of Guo Shousheng and other early party members of the Maritime Academy (who either graduated or were expelled due to student movements) from Yantai, especially after the Yantai Maritime Academy moved south to Fuzhou and merged into the Mawei Naval Academy, the organizational activities of the Yantai Party and Caucus were temporarily suspended.

The so-called red Jiaodong should be the name of a specific "red area". In the early days of the new democratic revolution on the mainland, Mao Zedong called the areas under the leadership of our party "red zones" and the workers' and peasants' armed regimes in the red zones "red regimes." At this time, Jiaodong did not yet have a "red regime", so it could not be called a "red zone". In Jiaodong, which is seen from the range of Weihai and Yantai, although there were two armed uprisings led by the Communist Party during the agrarian revolution, neither of them was able to establish a "red regime" under the leadership of the Party.

The first time was in March 1928, the Laiyang County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China actively responded to the call of the party's 87th Conference, and took advantage of the opportunity of Zhang Zongchang, the overseer of Shandong, to issue military tickets indiscriminately, causing prices to soar and the people to make a living. The uprising went according to plan, and the rebel army stormed the county seat. It is a pity that Li Boyan, secretary of the county party committee and commander-in-chief of the uprising, was assassinated, and the uprising failed due to the loss of command.

The other was the 114 Riot launched by the Jiaodong Special Committee of the Communist Party of China in November 1935, the rebellion was suppressed and failed, Zhang Lianzhu, secretary of the special committee and commander-in-chief of the riot, died heroically after being arrested, and a large number of CCP members who participated in the riot were brutally killed, and the land of Jiaodong was in a white terror. Although one Red Army guerrilla unit survived the uprising and insisted on fighting guerrillas in the Kunyu Mountains, Jiaodong did not form a "red zone".

It can be seen that during the period of the agrarian revolution, there was no "red Jiaodong", so the historical source of the so-called red Jiaodong could not be said.

The historical source should be an important historical node that promotes the "red zone". So, where is the real historical source of Red Jiaodong? On December 24, 1937, the Jiaodong Special Committee of the Communist Party of China launched the Tianfushan Anti-Japanese Armed Uprising. That is to say, after the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Jiaodong became a "red area" led by the Communist Party of China and with the existence of a "red regime", and there was a history of red Jiaodong.

First of all, the Tianfushan Uprising ignited the revolutionary beacon fire in the land of Jiaodong. Following the Tianfushan Uprising, under the unified leadership of the Jiaodong Special Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Weihai Uprising, the Rongchengbu Liuxiang School Uprising, the Rongcheng Historic Site Peak Uprising, the Huangxian Uprising, the Wendeng Huangshan Uprising, the Rushan Yuli Township School Uprising, the Jimo Uprising, the Penglai Uprising, and the Laiyang Uprising soon broke out. Most of these rebel forces directly used the name of the "Third Army of the Shandong People's Anti-Japanese Salvation Army" founded by the Tianfushan Uprising, or quickly merged under the banner of the "Third Army" after the uprising. On March 8, 1938, the Yexian Uprising, which was independently launched by the Yexian County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, created the "Third Detachment of the Jiaodong Guerrilla Army", which was later incorporated into the "Third Army". In just one year, the Tianfushan uprising team has grown from more than 80 people to more than 7,000 people.

Secondly, after the Tianfushan Uprising, our party mastered the anti-Japanese armed forces under independent leadership. Before and after the fall of Jiaodong, the Kuomintang government and its troops fled one after another, and the anti-Japanese armed forces led by the Communist Party of China, with the support of the people of Jiaodong, carried out an extensive and protracted guerrilla war behind enemy lines, waged a desperate struggle against the Japanese invaders, and were forced to fight on two fronts with the Japanese invaders and the recalcitrant army. After the Jiaodong War of Resistance entered the stage of stalemate, the Communist Party of China basically became the only leading force of the War of Resistance, and Jiaodong truly became the "red area" led by the Communist Party. The people of Jiaodong saw that the hope for national independence and people's liberation lay in the Communist Party of China, so they followed the Communist Party, forming a situation in which the party and the people worked together to go to the national disaster, and finally caused the vast sea of people's war in which the enemy was wiped out.

In addition, the Jiaodong Special Committee of the Communist Party of China established the "Third Army" headquarters at the same time as the establishment of the "Jiaodong People's Military and Political Committee", which means that the Jiaodong Special Committee began to lay out and establish anti-Japanese base areas behind enemy lines almost at the same time as the establishment of anti-Japanese armed forces. Subsequently, through the establishment of an anti-Japanese democratic government and the formation of various mass organizations, the people from all walks of life and all social strata in Jiaodong were fully mobilized and organized, and an unbreakable and energetic "red regime" was formed; economically, the anti-Japanese democratic government implemented rent and interest reductions, launched large-scale production campaigns, developed cooperatives, and skillfully fought financial warfare, which not only improved the livelihood of the masses in the base areas, but also gave strong support to the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

Also, with the Tianfushan uprising troops as the root, Jiaodong walked out of the four heroic units of the Chinese People's Liberation Army: the 27th Army, the 31st Army, the 32nd Army, and the 41st Army. They not only played a red Jiaodong, but also made great contributions to the liberation of the whole of China in the north and south.

Second, where is the "red" of red Jiaodong

Red Jiaodong was a stable revolutionary base for a long time, and made indelible contributions to the Chinese revolution and the birth of New China. It can be summed up in three words: "most, biggest, and more".

The first "most"

First, it is the most powerful for growth -- it has been authoritatively recognized by the Central Party History Research Office that the Kunyu Mountain Guerrilla Force of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army led by Yu Deshui is the only remaining Red Army contingent in the northern coastal areas of the mainland and in Shandong Province. On the basis of the Tianfushan Uprising, the Third Army of the Shandong People's Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army was established, and the four armies of the People's Liberation Army were developed with this as the root. These four armies annihilated 146,000 enemies in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, 585,000 in the War of Liberation, and 21,000 in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

In March 1938, our party established the Beihai Bank in Ye County, which was the first bank established in the anti-Japanese base area in Shandong and the only people's bank in the Shandong base area during the war, and the Beihai currency issued by it was the only currency in circulation in the Shandong base area, which later became one of the three cornerstones of the People's Bank of China; the production of the Jiaodong Arsenal was the earliest developed in the Shandong base area. Highest quality, highest yield......

Second, the so-called "big"

That is, the great rear of the revolution. Since March 12, 1938, when the first anti-Japanese democratic regime led by our party in Shandong was established in Ye County, the Jiaodong anti-Japanese base area has always been the most stable base in the country, especially in the War of Liberation, it has become a stable rear of the East China battlefield, and it is the pivot place connecting Northeast China and East China, occupying an important strategic position in the country and making great contributions to the Chinese revolution.

There are gold mines, banks, banknote printing factories, arsenals, pharmaceutical factories, field hospitals, as well as the headquarters of the Jiaodong Eighth Route Army, the Jiaodong Public Office, the Jiaodong Kang University, the Jiaodong Public School, the Jiaodong Nursery and many other institutions and units that can only be found in a solid rear base area. During the years of the revolutionary war, the Jiaodong base area sent a total of 430,000 taels of gold to the CPC and Shandong Branch in Yan'an, and supplied countless materials such as weapons, ammunition, medicine, and clothing to hundreds of thousands of troops in East China.

Jiaodong's position as a large rear and its contribution to the Chinese revolution are mainly reflected in the four "bigs".

The first is the great participation in the army - after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, for the liberation of the whole country, the people of Jiaodong launched a vigorous large-scale military participation movement. From the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression to the War of Liberation, more than 500,000 outstanding sons and daughters of the 8 million Jiaodong people have joined the army, which is a very high proportion. At that time, the central government stipulated that the number of people joining the army in various localities should not exceed 6% of the total population, and the Jiaodong area had exceeded this ratio. Jiaodong has walked out of 4 armies, which are very prominent in the country. In the two and a half years from July 1946 to March 1949 alone, more than 280,000 people joined the People's Liberation Army in the Jiaodong Liberated Area, accounting for 48.45% of the total number of people in the Shandong Liberated Area during the same period. Among them, in the 50 days from mid-January to the end of February 1947, 55,000 people in Jiaodong joined the army. In this regard, the title of the report of "Qunli Daily" is very eye-catching: "Scared Chiang Kai-shek to death, 55,000 young people in Jiaodong joined the army." "One door out of three soldiers", "model village for joining the army" and so on abound.

The second is the front of the big branch - for the birth of New China, the people of Jiaodong have done everything they have to support the front line, and they do not hesitate to sweat and stain Kyushu with blood. Chen Yi once famously said: "The victory in the Huaihai Battle was pushed by the people with a small cart." His partner Su Yu put it more specifically: "The victory in the East China Battlefield, especially the Huaihai Campaign, is inseparable from the small carts of the Shandong people and the artillery shells produced in Dalian. "Among the small carts in Shandong, Jiaodong is taking the lead again. As many as 2.8 million migrant workers were dispatched to support the front, accounting for 1/4 of the province, the largest number in the province. In order to evade the Kuomintang blockade line, they first made a detour through Korea and then arrived at the port of Rongcheng Slang Island, where they were unloaded and disembarked by the former migrant workers of the Jiaodong Branch, and then pushed by carts to the Huaihai and East China battlefields.

The third is the large-scale transfer of cadres - during the War of Liberation, in accordance with the unified deployment of the Party Central Committee, cadres were transferred from Jiaodong in a prefectural and county unit, and the troops hit there, and the cadres immediately followed there to take over the construction of local political power, and Jiaodong successively transferred 7,250 outstanding cadres to the north and south to the west, which was the largest in the province. Because of their political experience, high political consciousness and strong awareness of the overall situation, the cadres in Jiaodong are well-known wherever they are sent.

Fourth, the large-scale transportation of troops -- after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the CPC Central Committee took a far-sighted view and put forward the policy of "developing to the north and defending to the south" and transferring troops from Shandong to the northeast for development. In the process of transporting troops to the northeast to seize strategic points, the people of Jiaodong used only two months to transport a large number of troops of the Shandong Military Region to the northeast by relying on sailboats to get ahead of the Kuomintang troops escorted by US warships, thus winning time and making a historic contribution to opening up the northeast base area.

The Shandong Military Region successively organized three groups of main forces to go to the northeast, and except for the first batch of troops that went out by land, the vast majority of the troops set out by boat from Longkou Port in Jiaodong, Huanghe Camp in Huangxian County, and Luanjiakou in Penglai. In accordance with the instructions of the higher authorities, the Jiaodong Military Region also dispatched 10 regiments and 3,000 cadres to the north. A large number of outstanding Jiaodong sons and daughters became the backbone of the Northeast Field Army. For our army to successfully organize this strategic transfer at sea, the people of Jiaodong provided the troops with a large number of ships, boatmen, food, and cotton clothing. Since the troops entered the customs in secret and needed a large number of plainclothes, the people of Jiaodong donated a large amount of clothing.

The third is the so-called "many"

First, there are many martyrs and disabled soldiers - there are more than 70,000 registered martyrs in Jiaodong, accounting for 1/3 of the province, the most in the province. There are 16 counties in Shandong Province with more than 3,000 martyrs, 12 counties are in Jiaodong, and its Chinese Deng County has more than 7,600 martyrs, making it the county with the most martyrs in the province. In the entire Jiaodong, more than 100,000 people were disabled due to injuries during the war years. The well-known revolutionary heroic acts can be found in the martyrs of Jiaodong. Such as: Liu Hulan-style hero Zhang Jinglin, Jiangjie-style hero Yu Sen, Huang Jiguang-style hero Yu Shenxiu, eight women to the river-style hero group Wangkou Seven Martyrs, and so on.

Second, there are many hero groups -- on this red land, dozens of famous hero groups of the whole country and the whole army have come out, such as "Ten Warriors of Ma Shishan", "Jinan First Regiment", "Tashan Hero Regiment", and "Good Eighth Company on Nanjing Road".

Third, there are many generals - Jiaodong has produced 19 generals of the republic, 28 founding major generals, and hundreds of senior party cadres.

Fourth, there are many heroic models - among the "100 figures who have made outstanding contributions to the founding of New China" announced by the state, there are 10 people including Yang Zirong and Yu Huahu who are from Jiaodong and have worked in Jiaodong. During the war, there were countless heroes and models who were commended in the Shandong base area. The background of the famous writer Feng Deying's "Three Flowers" series of works and the prototype of the protagonist are all from Jiaodong.

Fifth, the number of CPC members is large -- when the Anti-Japanese War was won, there were 63,064 Communist Party members in Jiaodong, accounting for 1/3 of the total number of party members in Shandong's anti-Japanese base areas; when New China was founded, the number of party members in Jiaodong grew to 32. 40,000, accounting for 1/14 of the total number of party members in the country.

3. Why is red Jiaodong "red"

People attribute the greatness and success of the Communist Party of China to its revolutionary spirit, also known as the "red spirit." Such as "Red Boat Spirit", "Jinggangshan Spirit", "Long March Spirit", "Yan'an Spirit", "Xibaipo Spirit", and so on.

In the eventful years of striving for national independence and people's liberation, the party, the army and the people of Jiaodong worked with one heart and one mind, had the courage to take responsibility, and were not afraid of sacrifice, showing the red Jiaodong spirit with the connotation of "family and country feelings, party and people working together". This spirit is the internal reason why Red Jiaodong is so "red".

1. The core spiritual connotation of red Jiaodong is "family and country feelings"

"Feelings for the family and country" is the burden of people with lofty ideals to "take the world as their own responsibility", and it is also the sense of mission of the communists to seek rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, and it is also the simple cognition of ordinary people that "the rise and fall of the world is the responsibility of the husband". In the bloody struggle for national independence, the feelings of the family and country at different levels of the party, military and civilian use in Jiaodong reflect the red style of Jiaodong.

At the time when the land of Jiaodong was about to fall, the banner of anti-Japanese resistance was fluttering on Tianfu Mountain, and Li Qi, Yu Hong and others who led the uprising were originally born in landlords and squire families, but for the survival of the nation, they resolutely stepped forward and chose hardship and sacrifice. Their actions not only reflect the original aspiration and mission of the communists to strive for national independence and the people's liberation, but also reflect the ambition of people with lofty ideals to "take the world as their own responsibility."

Why was the Tianfushan Uprising able to gather more than 7,000 people in less than a year? An important reason was that the traditional ancient precept that "the rise and fall of the world is the responsibility of the husband" produced a huge mobilization force for hot-blooded men.

When the Japanese invaders had not yet set foot in Weihai, the Tianfushan uprising team with Wen Rongwei's children as the main force resolutely left their hometown and marched west to meet the Japanese army.

In the face of the invasion of the Japanese invaders, the people of Jiaodong were not afraid of sacrifice and rose up to resist, showing the valuable righteousness of their family and country.

In the early spring of 1940, the Japanese invaders burned and looted along the road in the direction of Rongcheng from time to time with Wendeng Dashuibo as their base, and the Yinzi Self-Defense Regiment, with the members of the village Guoshu team as the backbone, set up an ambush in the west of the village and wiped out all 11 Japanese soldiers.

When the Japanese invaders tried to build a fortress stronghold relying on the high-walled mansion, the villagers of Rongcheng Yinzi Village tearfully and painfully demolished the ancestral ancestral temple that had been passed down for many generations. The people would rather be sorry for their ancestors than let the nation be harmed.

Because the barking of dogs at night was easy to expose the activities of the anti-Japanese team to the enemy, the people of Ye County launched an unprecedented "dog killing campaign" in the county. The people would rather suffer their own interests than be convenient for the enemy.

In order to stop more than 300 Japanese invaders from Qingdao, more than 200 young and middle-aged villagers in Huayuantou Village, Laiyang, bravely blocked the Japanese army with the most primitive weapons such as earthen guns, earthen artillery and earth bombs, guillotines and kitchen knives, sticks and stones, first guarded the village soil fence, and then fought street battles and hand-to-hand combat, killing more than 60 enemies and 81 people martyred for the country. Among them, there are three brothers surnamed Wang, who were martyred heroically at the same time.

2. The most significant spiritual connotation of red Jiaodong is "the unity of the party and the people"

The hearts of the people are united, and Mount Tai moves. The party, the army, and the people of Jiaodong are in the same boat through thick and thin, blending with each other, helping each other, and sharing life and death, making Jiaodong a red land that is both heroic and heroic, invincible, benevolent, righteous, and boundless love.

In the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the guerrillas of the Red Army in Jiaodong were born and died to carry out riots and revolutions, and the people of Jiaodong did their best to cover and help. The legendary hero Yu Deshui once said with emotion: Looking back on the difficult years of armed struggle in these years, if you leave the masses, it will be like a fish leaving water, and you will not be able to live even a day.

In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the ten warriors of Ma Shishi who saved each other with their lives and the Jiaodong nurse who helped each other with their lives vividly interpreted the relationship between the party and the people in life and death. The Eighth Route Army bravely sacrificed their lives to rescue the trapped people, and the people tearfully buried the martyrs in their ancestral graves. In order to cover the female Eighth Road and female cadres, the young women in Jiaodong cut their short hair to the ears together.

In the War of Liberation, the people of Jiaodong were brave and fearless, and went out of their hometowns to the north and south to fight the whole of China, and the people of Jiaodong devoted all their resources to support the front line, taking the last grain of rice as military rations, and the last old cotton jacket was covered on a stretcher. The party issued a call for conscription, and the sons and daughters of Jiaodong enthusiastically joined the army. There are many touching stories such as mothers sending their sons, wives sending their husbands, and fathers and sons joining the army together.

Fourth, what cultivates the spirit of red Jiaodong

The land of Jiaodong is a fertile soil with unique cultural characteristics, and the party's red culture is a seed of vitality. The phenomenon of red Jiaodong is a new atmosphere shown by this excellent ethnic group in Jiaodong under the guidance of the party's red culture.

(1) The excellent potential of the Jiaodong ethnic group

Culture is regional, and once a regional culture is formed, it becomes a cultural field for the character development of the people living in the region. Jiaodong people have an open-minded and broad mind, a sense of community that gives up the small self for the big self, a brave and persevering character, and a style of unity and cooperation, and obedience to authority. These potentials are due to the immersion and nurturing of rich and diverse regional cultural traditions.

1. The cultivation of fishing culture

The source of human history and culture should be found in material production activities. Different regions, due to the different natural environment, will form different production methods, and different production methods will create their own unique cultural character.

The Jiaodong Peninsula is surrounded by the sea on three sides and connected to the land on one side, coupled with the early opening of Yantai and Qingdao ports and the history of shipping, Jiaodong has roughly formed a pattern of three cultures blending with each other: its inland hinterland (Laiqizhao) presents the main agricultural culture, the northwest presents the main business and travel culture (Penghuangye), and the eastern part is dominated by fishing culture (Wen Rongwei). This special cultural structure has led to the special character of the Jiaodong ethnic group. Among them, an important factor leading to the difference in personality between Jiaodong people and inland people is the fishing culture.

The most important characteristic of the marine environment is that it is volatile, difficult to control, and high risk. Therefore, people who work at sea must have the fighting spirit of daring to take risks and not be afraid of hardships and dangers.

Wrestling with the sea and resisting the wind and waves, a boat is a community of destiny. In such an environment of shared suffering, any internal friction and fighting in the nest can only lead to the destruction of the ship and the death of people, and working together and obeying the command have become an important prerequisite for survival. Therefore, compared with the people under the influence of agricultural culture, the fishermen's sense of unity and cooperation and obedience to commands is particularly strong.

Fishing culture and military culture have a compatible relationship. Fishermen joining the army can quickly complete the role change and become qualified soldiers. This is one of the important passwords why Jiaodong is a general.

2. The edification of scholar culture

The history of "Wendeng Learning", which began with Qin Shi Huang's Eastern Tour, created a good atmosphere of studying and studying in the land of Jiaodong, and Zheng Xuan, a master of Eastern Han Dynasty classics, "cultivated Donglai as a guest", which boosted Jiaodong's fine tradition of "advocating literature and learning". Until nearly a thousand years later, Su Zhe once wrote a poem and sighed: "So far, the legacy of Donglu is here, and 100,000 families are studying."

In ancient times, scholars were regarded as scholars. Taking the world as one's own responsibility is the most important character of Chinese scholars, and "worrying about the worries of the world first, and enjoying the joy of the world after the world" is a typical scholar's feelings. Mencius said: "The world is based on the country, the country is based on the family, and the family is based on the body." Self-cultivation, family harmony, governing the country, and leveling the world are the common pursuits of ancient scholars. Located in Jiaodong, the hometown of Confucius and Mencius, the scholar culture has a long history and profound heritage. As a result, Jiaodong people have created the excellent quality of knowledge, understanding, righteousness, open-mindedness, self-esteem, and courage to take responsibility.

3. The influence of the culture of the health center

In the Ming Dynasty, in order to defend against the harassment of the Japanese invaders, guards were set up in various military important places along the coast, and there were three battalions, eleven guards and thirteen guards on the Jiaodong Peninsula. In the Ming Dynasty, the combination of the guard system and the military tun had the characteristics of "the army in the agriculture and the integration of the military and the government". The health system has created and strengthened the character of Jiaodong people who are loyal, obedient and brave.

The culture of the guard house is blended with the local culture, and the soldiers in the border area marry and have children with local women, and the bloodline of the military is passed down from generation to generation, which not only allows the descendants of the military family to continue the military complex of being strong and strong, but also makes the people in this land gradually develop the collective Xi of advocating the military and the army and bravely resisting. Rongcheng Ningjin, a small town with a population of 20,000, gave birth to 1 vice premier and 12 generals.

4. The stimulation of the pain of foreign insults

Jiaodong has been a rich land and a strategic place since ancient times, so it has suffered too much foreign invasion and borne too many national humiliations. From the invasion of the Japanese invaders in ancient times to the Sino-Japanese War in modern times, to the occupation of Jiaozhou Bay and the colony of Weihaiwei, the people of Jiaodong have deeply felt the pain of the country's ruin. Such a tragic fate and aggrieved reality deeply stimulated the nerves of the people of Jiaodong. Gu Mu once recalled: "As soon as I saw that Weihaiwei in the north was still in the hands of outsiders, I would feel heartache." In the face of rape, the spirit of the people of Jiaodong who are unwilling to be humiliated and rise up to fight has been improved by the stimulation of foreign insults again and again. The people of Jiaodong, who have been oppressed and invaded, are like a bundle of dry firewood, waiting for a revolutionary fire to be lit at any time.

On the whole, the natural endowment and historical tradition of Jiaodong have endowed the Jiaodong ethnic group with excellent quality. However, despite their good background and great potential, these regional cultures are in an unconscious or semi-conscious state, and a more advanced culture is needed to activate and awaken them.

(2) The guidance of the party's red culture

Under the guidance, integration and promotion of the party's revolutionary culture, the simple nature of Jiaodong's regional culture has rapidly changed from a free state to a conscious state.

1. Pay attention to the guidance of the power of faith

The power of red culture stems from its self-awareness. The so-called cultural consciousness is a true understanding and belief. "Because you believe, you persevere". Once a culture is understood and reaches a state of self-consciousness, it is a kind of faith, and the power of faith is original, automatic, and lasting. In the history of Jiaodong, there was a "Red Seventh Division", which was an important base for the activities of the Communist Party in Jiaodong, and Gu Mu went out from here. "Red Seventh Division" refers to Shandong Seventh Rural Normal School, referred to as Qixiang Division, which is the predecessor of today's Wendeng Normal School. The fact that a large number of poor students of Wendeng Township Normal University embarked on the revolutionary road was the result of Yu Yunting, Gu Mu and other communists who were good at using Marxist theory and progressive ideas to enlighten students' minds and cultivate their revolutionary beliefs. The Qixiang Division was established under the influence of Liang Shuming's rural construction thought when Han Fuyu was in charge of Shandong, and was established in the context of building rural teachers in various parts of Shandong. The principal is Yu Yunting, an underground Communist Party member from Rushan and a member of the Kuomintang on the ground. Under his leadership, the school inspired students to be revolutionized in various forms. For example, a map of the three eastern provinces occupied by the Japanese invaders was drawn on the door of the hall, with the words "Return my rivers and mountains" written on them, and the couplets on both sides read: Do you see? Do you remember? Township teachers do not charge tuition, and they also pay 5 yuan a month for food, so most of the students are children of poor peasant families. These students, who came from humble backgrounds and had a strong sense of social change, soon accepted the revolutionary faith and embarked on the revolutionary road.

2. Down-to-earth revolutionary culture

Zhang Jingyuan, the first secretary of the Jiaodong Special Committee of the Communist Party of China, taught the poor peasants the word "power" at the peasant night school, and he said: Why does the government expropriate and oppress us because they control the "political power" that enslaves us; why do the landlords and old wealth take away the fruits of our hard work for a year? Because they have the "right to land"; why do men in the family dare to beat their wives? Because they hold the "husband's power" given to them by feudal society. All men are created equal, and if we want to live a good life, we must build a new society with fair rights through revolutionary means. How can the simple and profound truth not resonate with people? It is not difficult to imagine why so many poor and laboring people took risks and followed the Communist Party to fight for a new world.

3. Awaken the people in the interests of the people

A true communist never sits back and talks about theories. The Tianfushan Uprising became the source of Red Jiaodong, which was the cohesive effect of the Jiaodong Special Committee of the Communist Party of China to meet the enemy and hold high the banner of resistance against Japan based on national righteousness. It is precisely these revolutionary practices of the communists in exchanging righteousness for heart, land for heart, profit for heart, and affection for heart that have won the support and participation of the broad masses of the people through the establishment of an anti-Japanese democratic government, the realization of the people as masters of the country, the implementation of land reform, the reduction of rents and interest rates, the construction of schools and hospitals, and the improvement of the people's living standards. In addition, the reason why the people of Jiaodong are unprecedentedly enthusiastic about joining the army is the agitation and inspiration played by the slogan of the party organization "protecting the family, protecting the field, and protecting the rice bowl".

4. The inspiration of personality strength

The Chinese nation has the ancient adage of "seeing the virtuous and thinking together" and "virtue is not lonely, there must be neighbors", and a person with high morals will always gather many admirers and followers around him. Adhering to the principle of "loyalty and responsibility, people first", the Communists are a group of people with strong personality and influence. With their ingenuity, revolutionary will, and spirit of sacrifice, they have moved and inspired countless people with lofty ideals and ordinary people around them, so that they will follow them to the soup without hesitation. Li Qi, who was called the "Tianfu Hero" by Guo Moruo, is a typical representative.

In the memories of her contemporaries, Richie is a positive, optimistic and positive person. At the beginning of Richie's arrival in Jiaodong, he lived in Zhang Xiuji's house, Zhang Xiuji recalled: Richie had stomach problems, often vomited sour water, and his body was very thin, but he was full of energy and energy, like a blazing fire, wherever he went, he would bring vigor and vitality, hope and confidence, and grassroots comrades were willing to get close to him.

Li Qi had great respect for Zhang Xiuji's mother, and according to the traditional Xi, she got up every morning to greet his mother. The old man lacked something, and when he came back from his outing, he always tried to get some back. He was good at explaining revolutionary principles in common words, which made the old man unconsciously raise his consciousness. From here, people saw a humble, benevolent, and filial piety.

In September 1936, Li Qi lived secretly in Wang Lihua's house in Shixi Courtyard Village, Wendeng Jie, and according to Wang Lihua's recollection: When Li Qi wanted to leave the village to work in Yantai, he suddenly asked to meet an elderly man in the village who was mentally deranged due to the loss of five relatives due to the 114 riots. Wang Lihua refused for fear that Richie's identity would be exposed. Richie insisted: "I must find a way, I must see this old man, I can not let him see me, but I must see him. He took out two hard-boiled eggs from his pocket and handed them to Wang Lihua, saying: You have to give these two eggs to the old man in person and watch him eat them. As he spoke, his voice choked. Wang Lihua had no choice but to do so and brought the old man home, and Richie hid in the back room and secretly watched the old man. After the old man finished eating the eggs, when Wang Lihua sent him away, he looked back and saw Richie wiping her tears with her sleeves raised. The old man was already crazy, and he couldn't feel it when he saw it or not, but Richie insisted on seeing the old man before leaving, out of respect for the old man's family's great contribution to the revolution. This is not only the chivalrous and gentle heart of a revolutionary, but also the benevolence of an ordinary person.

It was such an excellent and capitalized person who influenced and led countless people to follow him on the road of revolution. Qian Xuesen said: "We only know the Communist Party when we know Zhou Enlai, and we believe in the Communist Party only when we believe in Zhou Enlai." By trusting this person, admiring this person, and then believing in this person's organization and its ideas, this is the tremendous contagious power of the Communists' personality charm in the spread of red culture.

Mao Zedong once said: We communists are like seeds, and the people are like land. When we arrive at a place, we must unite with the people there, take root and blossom among the people. Generally speaking, it is the combination of the excellent seed of the Communist Party and the excellent ethnic group of Jiaodong that has produced the excellent fruit of red Jiaodong, which contains the excellent cultural gene of the spirit of red Jiaodong.

Fifth, what does the spirit of red Jiaodong tell us

Although the spirit of red Jiaodong was formed in the historical process of striving for national independence, it still shines today, leaving us with a lot of thoughts and inspirations, of which there are three particularly important.

1. The national spirit must not be discarded at any time

The essence of family and country feelings is the spirit of patriotism. In China's modern history, there were two wars between China and Japan: one was the First Sino-Japanese War, in which China had the Beiyang Dragon flagship, which was known as the largest in Asia, but was defeated badly, and the other was the War of Resistance Against Japan, in which China was poor and weak, but it was victorious. Historians have different opinions on the reasons for this, but there is one thing that is by no means controversial, that is, the state of stimulation of the Chinese national spirit is very different.

The strength of a country is inseparable from spiritual support. The national spirit is the spiritual pillar of a nation's survival and development, and the core of a nation's vitality, creativity and cohesion. Striving for national independence and the people's liberation is inseparable from the national spirit, and realizing the prosperity and strength of the country and the happiness of the people is also inseparable from the national spirit. The national spirit with patriotism as the core is the soul of rejuvenating the country and strengthening the country with cohesion.

2. Faith must not be lost in any age

The revolutionary ideal is higher than the sky. The reason why Red Jiaodong is indomitable and endless, relies on the power of ideals and beliefs.

The gentleman is determined to be determined, and the villain is determined to be determined. Aspiration is direction, faith. Today, with the development of the economy, the abundance of materials, and the improvement of life, we still cannot ignore our beliefs and abandon our ideals. A nation that loses faith will certainly lose its direction in life, a nation that has lost faith will certainly have no lasting motive force for progress, and a political party that has lost faith will not be able to win the hearts and minds of the people and its ruling position for a long time.

3. "People first" must not be forgotten at any time

The people's stance is the most fundamental characteristic that distinguishes the CPC from other political parties. The history of the Communist Party of China is a history of relying on the people to develop and grow; the masses of the people have made the Communist Party of China during the war years, and without the broad masses of the people, the party will have nothing and achieve nothing.

Today, if we are faced with a great calamity of life and death, will the masses of the people still do their best to help each other and save each other with their lives? Although the times have changed, the situation has changed, and the status of the CPC has changed from a revolutionary party to a ruling party, the truth that the people are the creators of history has not changed, and the concept of putting the people first cannot be discarded.

The future and destiny of a political party and a political regime ultimately depend on the will of the people. If we discard the value concept of putting the people first, we will forget why we set out, forget the way we came, and make the mistake of undoing all our achievements.

The second part: How is the strongest base in Jiaodong refined?

The Jiaodong Revolutionary Base Area, whether during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression or the War of Liberation, was the most stable base area, and had a unique position and important contribution in the history of the Chinese revolution.

Militarily the most stable

Jiaodong is surrounded by water on three sides, mostly hills, the area is not large, and the military room for maneuver is small, but the Jiaodong base area has experienced many sweeps by the Japanese puppet army and the key attacks of the Kuomintang, not only has it not been eliminated, but it has also tenaciously gained a firm foothold and developed rapidly, becoming a strong rear for the victory of the Chinese revolution.

The Jiaodong soldiers have enriched and developed themselves in the cruel battles again and again, and the size of the army has achieved fission-like growth, growing into the king on the battlefield and the trump card in the army.

The richest financially

The Jiaodong Revolutionary Base Area contributed a lot of material support to the founding of the Republic.

During the Anti-Japanese War, the Jiaodong Military Region transported 130,000 taels of gold to Yan'an. During the entire revolutionary war, Jiaodong transported more than 430,000 taels of gold to the Party Central Committee.

The arsenal of the Jiaodong Military Region provided a steady stream of weapons and ammunition for major battles across the country. The Jiaodong Military Region's logistical support work, such as banks, pharmaceuticals, hospitals, salt, and other daily necessities, provided strong support for the revolution.

Politically the most reliable

The support of the people of Jiaodong for the Chinese revolution was unconditional, and in 1945, under an order, 10 regiments in Jiaodong quickly assembled and crossed the sea to the north.


From the point of view of financial and material resources, the role played by the Jiaodong revolutionary base area is probably not available in many other base areas.

How did such a powerful Jiaodong revolutionary base come about?

It was built by pioneers one after the other

The armed struggle in Jiaodong started from the anti-grain army in Laiyang to attack the county seat of Laiyang, and after the 114 revolutionary uprising, the armed uprising in Tianfushan, and the armed uprising in Yuhuangding in Ye County, the Red Army guerrillas, the "three armies", and the three detachments of the revolutionary armed forces in Yudeshui were produced.

On March 12, 1938, the anti-Japanese democratic government of Ye County was established, which was the beginning of the establishment of the Jiaodong base area.

On August 15, 1938, the Beihai District Administrative Inspectorate's Office was established, and the anti-Japanese base areas of Ye, Peng and Huang counties were basically formed, with a population of 1.63 million and an area of 3,177 square kilometers, and the anti-Japanese armed forces in Jiaodong developed to more than 7,000 people.


The Jiaodong base area is one of the earliest anti-Japanese base areas in the country.

What is commendable is that the Jiaodong base area is an initiative of the local party organizations to rely on their own strength to establish a base area.

In the early days of the establishment of the base areas, the revolutionary pioneers made great sacrifices, and outstanding party cadres such as Li Boyan and Li Qi sacrificed their lives. By 1942, there were 8,157 villages under the jurisdiction of the Jiaodong base area, accounting for 80.5% of Shandong Province, and the population under its jurisdiction was 4.42 million, accounting for 59.9% of the population under the jurisdiction of the province.

Jiaodong was maintained by the martyrs with their lives and blood

A history of the Jiaodong Revolution is the history of the bloody struggle of the sons and daughters of Jiaodong, the history of the growth of the soldiers of Jiaodong in the battle, and the history of the growth, stability and maturity of the Jiaodong base area in the battle.

During the years of the revolutionary war, the number of martyrs in Jiaodong alone reached 76,000.

Among the 76,000 martyrs sacrificed in the Jiaodong area, Wendeng had 7,900 martyrs, which was the county with the most martyrs in Shandong (Wendeng has a statistics on the age of the martyrs, the average age was only 22 years old); 6,593 martyrs in Haiyang; during the revolutionary war years, Laiyang Laixi was a county for most of the time, and the number of martyrs in the two counties reached 9,038 (including 3,710 in Laixi).

The stability of the Jiaodong Revolutionary Base Area was bought with the lives of the martyrs who came forward at these critical moments.

It was the soldiers who fought bloodily to consolidate it

Militia: Actively cooperated with the Eighth Route Army in combat, and created a variety of flexible fighting methods such as explosion warfare, sparrow warfare, sabotage warfare, ambush warfare, man-made warfare, and village-to-village warfare.

There are 9 honorary units above the Jiaodong Military Region, 191 combat heroes, and militia heroes such as Yu Huahu, Zhao Shoufu, and Sun Yumin are famous in Jiaodong and intimidating the enemy. The "Five Tigers Joint Defense" of the Huai Tree Bottom, Jijiadian, Broom, Ting'er Cliff, and Swing in Haiyang Xiaoji District were helpless.

At the same time, he made great contributions to standing guard, reconnoitring the enemy's situation, arresting traitors and enemy agents, and sabotaging the enemy's communications.

According to incomplete statistics during the anti-sweep in 1942, the Jiaodong militia fought 1,940 times, conquered 3 enemy and puppet strongholds, and killed, wounded and captured nearly 5,000 enemy and puppet soldiers. By the end of 1945, the Jiaodong militia had 14,640 people fighting with the main force alone.

Local troops

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, county brigades were established in various counties in Jiaodong from 1940 to 1941, and they were reorganized into independent battalions from 1942 to 1944.

On the one hand, these local armed forces cooperate with the large forces in combat, and on the other hand, maintain local law and order, and at the same time store troops for the regular troops.

The main forces

The regular troops were the mainstay of the Jiaodong War of Resistance and the War of Liberation, fighting stubbornly and fighting against Chiang bandits, launching hundreds of important battles, from guerrilla warfare and blitzkrieg warfare to attacking fortified positions and annihilation wars.

The coordinated operation of the main force, the local army, and the militia is an important guarantee for defending and consolidating the Jiaodong base area.

During the entire War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Jiaodong army and civilians fought bloodily, fought more than 3,000 times against the Japanese puppet army, conquered more than 381 strongholds, and killed, wounded and captured 53,065 Japanese puppet soldiers. ‬

It was developed with the support of the superiors

The central authorities have sent cadres to Jiaodong on several occasions, especially military cadres and military forces, which have played a key role in the development of the Jiaodong Military Region.

In April 1938, the 7th and 8th detachments of the Ludong Guerrilla Army, one of the predecessor units of the 26th Army, entered Ye County, Huang County, Penglai and Zhaoyuan areas.

In June 1938, Shandong Province appointed Wang Wen and Gao Jinchun from Yan'an to Jiaodong with a radio station, Wang Wen served as the secretary of the Jiaodong Special Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Gao Jinchun served as the commander-in-chief of the three armies.

In March 1940, Jia Ruoyu and Liao Haiguang led the first brigade of the first branch of Kang University to Jiaodong, and combined with the Jiaodong Anti-Japanese Military and Political Cadre School in the area of Sangyuan in Ye County to form the Jiaodong branch of the first branch of Kang University, Liu Han served as the principal, and in July, Jia Ruoyu served as the principal and Liao Haiguang served as the political commissar.

In the summer of 1940, the superiors instructed Nie Fengzhi to lead part of the three regiments of "Kang Da" to Shandong to assist in running the "Kang Da" branch, and in November 1941, Nie Fengzhi went to Jiaodong and served as the principal of the Jiaodong branch of Kang Da.

In March 1941, Xu Shiyou, commander of the 3rd Brigade of the Shandong Column of the Eighth Route Army, led the Qinghe Independent Regiment to Jiaodong. The command and combat capability of the Jiaodong Brigade has been strengthened.

It was 500,000 sons and daughters of Jiaodong who joined the army and grew stronger

As an important rear military base, Jiaodong provided huge human resources for the victory of the Chinese revolution and the construction of the newly liberated areas.

Of the 8 million people in Jiaodong, 500,000 joined the army. From the autumn of 1945 to 1950, the Third Garrison Brigade was formed, the Fourth and Fifth Garrison Brigades were formed twice, the Fifth and Sixth Divisions were formed four times, and the Seventh Division was formed four times.

These troops, all of whom are Jiaodong's disciples, are all from the Jiaodong base area.

It was tempered by Xu Shiyou

The growth and development of these troops was inseparable from the army management and leadership of Xu Shiyou, who was the commander of the Jiaodong Military Region at that time.

Xu Shiyou has a distinct personality and is brave and resourceful in battle. When he first arrived in Jiaodong, at the pre-war mobilization meeting of the anti-surrender campaign, his words were loud: "I came to Jiaodong to fight, I won't come to peace, I won't come to peace, defeat the surrender faction, and fight a new Jiaodong!"

Xu Shiyou's brave and tenacious character, coupled with the brave and combative Jiaodong soldiers, has created a number of ace troops and created excellent generals.

Among the commanders of these units, hundreds of founding generals were contributed.

Among the ordinary soldiers of these units, countless combat heroes emerged, two of whom became later deputy chairmen of the Military Commission.

It was aided by 8 million Jiaodong fathers and elders

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Jiaodong fathers and elders actively participated in the anti-sweeping struggle, using the "three emptiness" to deal with the "three lights" of the devils, serving as guides, sending intelligence, sending supplies, digging tunnels, and hiding wounds for the Eighth Route Army, showing a high degree of self-sacrifice.

In the spring of 1944, when the Jiaodong troops conquered Wandi, the traitor Zhao Baoyuan fled overnight, the masses along the way raised sticks and farm tools, so that Zhao had nowhere to hide.

The elders of Jiaodong have made great sacrifices for the consolidation and development of the Jiaodong base area. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Japanese puppet army swept through the revolutionary base areas, and successively created the Leishan Massacre, the Shanxi Massacre, the Mashishan Massacre, the Laoshan Massacre, the Leishan Massacre, and the Songlanzi Massacre, and countless revolutionary masses were killed by the enemy.