
On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

author:Honey snow lily honey

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On my 38th birthday, I sat on the couch at home, quietly reminiscing about the past years. Outside, the streets of Beijing were bustling, full of traffic and people, but my heart was unusually calm. This peace comes from a decision I made two years ago - divorce and return to singleness.

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

"Happy Birthday, Mom!" My daughter Xiaoya pushed open the door and walked in with a smile in her hand, holding a delicate little cake in her hand. She is 10 years old and the daughter of my ex-husband and me.

"Thanks, baby. I smiled and took the cake, and my heart warmed. Xiaoya is my treasure, and she lives with me after the divorce.

Just as we were about to blow out the candles on the cake, my phone vibrated a few times, and it was a WeChat payment notification. I clicked on it casually and saw that it was three red envelopes sent by my ex-husband in a row, each of which was 666 yuan.

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

"Who is it, Mom?" Xiaoya leaned over curiously to see.

"It's your dad. I said softly.

Xiaoya blinked and didn't ask again. She knew that since her parents divorced, she had a lot less opportunities to see her father.

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

After eating the cake, I took Xiaoya to her grandmother's house, which was her temporary shelter. Although my marriage with my ex-husband is over, my love for Xiaoya has never decreased.

On the way home, I thought about it a lot. In those years, how we went from love to marriage, and how we drifted apart in trivial lives until we were disheartened with each other.

When I got home, I decided to call my good friend Xiaomei. Xiaomei is my college classmate and my bosom friend after the divorce. In my married life with my ex-husband, I lost myself and became bleak. It was Xiaomei who helped me regain my confidence when I was at my lowest point.

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

"Xiaomei, guess what, on my birthday today, your ex-brother sent me three red envelopes. I said half-jokingly.

"Haha, he's really good at picking time. How is it, do you have the urge to get back together?" Xiaomei's tone was full of ridicule.

"Don't make a fuss, I think it's good to be alone now. I replied with a smile.

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

We talked for a long time, from my birthday to our respective lives, from work to our daughter's education. Xiaomei has always been my listener and my persuader.

After hanging up the phone, I felt an inexplicable relief. Yes, although I am 38 years old, my life has only just begun. I have found myself again, and I cherish the life in front of me even more.

The next day, I went to work as usual. I work as an editor and write copy for a magazine. Although I have a busy schedule, I love the feeling of fulfillment.

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

During the lunch break, I received an unexpected phone call from my ex-husband.

"Jiaying, it was you yesterday

"Birthday, I want to ask if you received a red envelope?" the ex-husband's voice sounded a little embarrassed.

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

"Got it, thank you. I replied succinctly.

"Jiaying, I'm ......" He seemed to have something to say, but hesitated.

"What's the matter?" I encouraged him to continue.

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

He was silent for a moment, then said, "I've been thinking a lot lately about whether we've really made the right decision. ”

I was a little surprised, I didn't expect him to bring it up at this time. "Do you mean divorce?" I tried to keep my tone calm.

"Yes, I've been wondering if we can ......" He was interrupted before he could finish his sentence.

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

"We've made a decision and I think that's the right one. I said as firmly as I could, but I couldn't help but feel a wave in my heart.

"I know, maybe I'm just ...... Forget it, don't bother you, goodbye. He hung up the phone.

I put down my phone with some mixed feelings. Although I firmly believe that divorce was the right decision, the sudden contact with my ex-husband still made me a little uneasy.

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

In the afternoon, I was a little absent-minded. Xiaomei noticed my strange appearance, walked over and asked with concern, "Jiaying, what's wrong with you?" ”

I confessed to her about my ex-husband's phone call and my inner conflict.

After hearing this, Xiaomei said seriously: "Jiaying, your own feelings are the most important. Don't be swayed by what others think. Isn't your life pretty good right now?"

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

"I know, and I cherish my life now. It's just that sometimes, memories of the past pop up in the back of nowhere. I smiled wryly.

"Then let it pass, people have to look forward. Xiaomei encouraged.

I nodded and looked at her gratefully.

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

That night, while I was preparing dinner at home, Xiaoya mentioned her father.

"Mom, Dad seems to have been quite busy lately, and he hasn't come to see me for a long time. Xiaoya said with some frustration.

"Really, I'll give him a call and he'll have time to come and see you. I comforted her.

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

After dinner, I called my ex-husband's phone. On the other end of the phone, the ex-husband's voice sounded a little tired.

"Xiaoya misses you, do you have time to come and see her?" I said directly.

"Well, I'll try my best. I've been really busy at work lately. He said helplessly.

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

We had a brief conversation and hung up. I know he's really busy at work, but I also hope he can care more about Xiaoya.

A few days later, her ex-husband really came to see Xiaoya. He brought some gifts and played with Xiaoya for a while. Looking at the scene of their father and daughter getting along, my heart is a little complicated.

In the evening, I received a phone call from an old friend of mine, Li Ming. Li Ming was a classmate of mine from college and now works for a tech company.

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

"Jiaying, how are you doing after not being in touch for so long?" Li Ming's voice sounded enthusiastic.

We talked a lot, from

Interesting stories from my college days, and my current life and work. Li Ming always makes people feel light-hearted, and his humor and wisdom always inspire me.

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

"How do you feel when you hear you're divorced?" Li Ming asked suddenly.

I was silent for a moment, "Actually, it's okay, I'm adjusting to being single now, and I've found a lot of my stuff back." ”

"Well, sometimes life needs some changes, it's important to find a lifestyle that works for you. Li Ming said.

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

We talked for a long time, and only then did we reluctantly hang up the phone until late at night. Li Ming's words made me think a lot, and it also strengthened my current life choices.

The next day, I decided to take Xiaoya to the park to relax. The park is full of people, green trees, birds and flowers, and it is very pleasant. Xiaoya and I sat on the bench and watched the children play in the distance.

"Mom, will you and Dad get back together?" Xiaoya asked suddenly.

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

I was a little caught off guard by this question, but I tried to answer as calmly as possible: "Baby, Mom and Dad have their own lives now, and we both want each other to do well." But the recombination is unlikely. ”

Xiaoya nodded, as if she understood, and then she happily went to play again.

Looking at Xiaoya's back, I felt a trace of sweetness and a trace of bitterness in my heart. I hope she understands that parents make choices so that each other can live better.

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

Over the next few weeks, my life gradually returned to peace. I also put more enthusiasm and energy into my work. Xiaomei and I often go to coffee together after work, chat, and share each other's lives. Days like this make me feel very satisfied.

One day after getting off work, Xiaomei suddenly proposed: "Jiaying, let's go mountain climbing this weekend to change our mood." ”

"Well, I haven't climbed a mountain in a long time. I readily agreed.

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

That weekend, we went to a hill in the suburbs together. During the climb, we talked about various topics, from work to life, from fashion to food. The scenery from the top of the hill is very beautiful and refreshing.

At the top of the mountain, Xiaomei suddenly said: "Jiaying, look, such a beautiful scenery, life is actually very beautiful, isn't it?"

I nodded in agreement, "Yes, life is good, as long as we feel it with our hearts." ”

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

On the way down the mountain, we met a group of mountaineering enthusiasts. They warmly invited us to join their team. I looked at Xiaomei, she smiled and nodded, and we joined them.

That night, we had dinner together at a small inn down the hill, where we sat around and chatted, sang and shared our stories. The warmth and joy of the atmosphere made me feel very pleasant.

When I got home that night, I felt refreshed and as if heavy

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

Reborn. I realized that every choice in life is a new beginning, and every letting go is about getting a better grip.

A few days later, I received a new project in the editorial office on a special topic on the modern women's lifestyle. It's an exciting and challenging job. I began to actively plan content and contact interviewees, hoping to show the attitudes and choices of different women through this feature.

In the course of my interviews, I met a wide variety of women, from successful entrepreneurs to stay-at-home moms to freelancers pursuing art. Their stories and perspectives inspired me a lot and strengthened my belief that everyone has the right to live their own life.

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

Outside of work, I also began to spend more time with Xiaoya. We go to the library together, we go to the cinema, and sometimes we cook together. In getting along with Xiaoya, I have a better understanding of the responsibilities and joys of being a mother.

One weekend, her ex-husband came to pick up Xiaoya for an outing. Before they left, I had a few words with my ex-husband. Although our relationship has become flat, I am still grateful to him for his love for Xiaoya as a father.

"Thank you for taking care of Xiaoya during this time. I say sincerely.

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

"That's what I'm supposed to do, after all, she's our daughter. He replied calmly.

Looking at their backs, I suddenly felt a sense of relief. Although our relationship is over, we can still remain friendly for Xiaoya.

Over the next few weeks, I was deeply immersed in my editing work. I've interviewed a lot of women from different backgrounds, and I've been touched by their stories. I started to organize and write these stories, hoping to convey positive energy and inspiration to readers through this feature.

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

Just as the project was about to be completed, Xiaomei called me and said that her company had a new project and wanted to invite me to join. Listening to her presentation, I found this project very meaningful and about women's entrepreneurship and career development.

I hesitated, which meant that I was leaving my familiar job and taking on a new challenge. But after some careful consideration, I decided to accept the opportunity. I believe that by constantly trying and changing, life can be more exciting.

When they told the newsroom about my decision, they were saddened by my departure, but also happy for my new beginning. I gave the final part of the topic to my colleague to complete and promised to help her in her free time.

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

On my last day away from the newsroom, I bid farewell to every colleague with gratitude and anticipation. Although I will leave this team, I know that our friendship and cooperation will never end.

The new working environment has given me new challenges and opportunities. I started to get involved in the planning and implementation of projects, working with a group of passionate colleagues. This job makes me feel very fulfilled and fulfilled

Every day is full of new challenges and Xi learning.

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

In this new role, I have met many outstanding women. They include entrepreneurs who challenge conventional wisdom, professional women who work hard in the workplace, and mothers who switch between multiple roles with ease. Everyone's story is unique, and their experiences and perspectives continue to inspire and inspire my creativity.

At the same time, I also started my own personal project – to write a book about the lifestyle and choices of modern women. The book was inspired by my previous interviewing and editing work, as well as my own life experiences. Through this book, I want to share those inspiring stories that show the diversity and strength of modern women in the face of life, work and family.

As I write, I think deeply about my life choices. I realized that I was constantly growing and improving, whether as a mother, as a working woman, or as an individual. Every choice, whether it's a divorce or a change of job, is an important step in my life.

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

Xiaoya has grown happily by my side, and every bit of her progress has brought me great satisfaction. My ex-husband and I maintained a good interaction and were jointly responsible for Xiaoya's growth. I also often get together with Xiaomei, Li Ming, and other friends to share our lives and work.

Over time, my book took shape. In the book, I not only shared the stories I got from the interviews, but also added my own thoughts and experiences. The process of writing the book was a profound self-exploration and understanding for me.

The moment I finished the manuscript, I felt a sense of accomplishment that I had never felt before. I know that this book is not just a work, it is a microcosm of my life experience, my deep thoughts on life, love and work.

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

After the book was published, I received a lot of feedback from readers. Some readers say that my book has inspired and couraged them, while others say that they are inspired to see that I dare to face all kinds of changes in my life. This feedback is very gratifying to me, and I know that I am not just writing a book, but sharing an attitude towards life.

Outside of work and writing, I am also a mother who loves life. Xiaoya gradually grew up and became more and more independent. I taught her how to face life's challenges and how to be brave in making choices. I hope she can learn from my experience that no matter how life changes, stay true to yourself and be brave enough to pursue your own happiness.

In the process, I also found my happiness again. I am no longer the wife trapped by life, I am an independent woman, a passionate professional, a loving mother. My life is written by myself, and every day is full of new possibilities.

On the night of my 38th birthday, my ex-husband sent me three red envelopes in a row, and I was glad that I chose to be single again

In this ever-changing world, I have learned to accept and embrace change.

The content is purely a story, this article contains fictional creation, this article is only published in the headlines, and those who carry and reprint the misappropriation must be investigated!

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