
The liver and kidneys are good, and the life is long! Men are inseparable from five sons, and women are inseparable from four things: help you to boost your strength and nourish your complexion!

author:Wei Ke, director of traditional Chinese medicine

There is a sentence in the "Yellow Emperor's Neijing": "Men are based on kidneys, essence-based, women are liver-based, blood-based", it can be said that kidney essence, liver and blood are the real tonic for us, and raising the liver and kidneys is the real way to prolong life!

And when it comes to the recipe to nourish the kidneys and improve the essence, for gay men, Wuzi Yanzong soup is the best choice, and for female comrades, Siwu soup is the best choice.

The liver and kidneys are good, and the life is long! Men are inseparable from five sons, and women are inseparable from four things: help you to boost your strength and nourish your complexion!

First of all, let's talk about the importance of Wuzi Yanzong soup for gay men

"The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" tells us: "Men are five or eight, kidney qi begins to fail", which is why many gay men, once they are over forty years old, not only often feel lack of energy, they are tired at every turn, they always want to lie down and not say, and they are powerless to have sex, either like a deflated balloon, or "halfway down", and there will be frequent urination, urgency, incomplete urination, and even urine leakage.

The liver and kidneys are good, and the life is long! Men are inseparable from five sons, and women are inseparable from four things: help you to boost your strength and nourish your complexion!

In fact, after the age of forty, the essence in the kidneys begins to slowly decay, and it is unable to nourish the body. At this time, you can use Wuzi Yanzong soup to add and subtract to replenish the kidneys and benefit the essence. Wuzi Yanzong Tang Five Flavor Seed Medicine, and the seed medicine is the storage of essence, the manifestation of growth and development, in the view of traditional Chinese medicine, it has the effect of filling essence and generating essence, which can bring vitality to our body, and can also solidify essence and shrink urine, helping us better lock the essence.

The liver and kidneys are good, and the life is long! Men are inseparable from five sons, and women are inseparable from four things: help you to boost your strength and nourish your complexion!

Secondly, let's talk about the importance of Siwu soup for lesbians

There is an old saying in traditional Chinese medicine called: "Women are five seven, and the liver and blood are not left half", which is why many female comrades, after the age of forty, seem to have aged a lot in an instant, not only the complexion is not good, the skin is no longer white and shiny, but there are a lot of yellow-brown spots, not to mention the dullness, the menstrual flow has also decreased a lot, and it is often delayed, or dysmenorrhea, as well as dry hair, hair loss, dry skin, dry eyes, etc.

The liver and kidneys are good, and the life is long! Men are inseparable from five sons, and women are inseparable from four things: help you to boost your strength and nourish your complexion!

In fact, after the age of forty, the stock of blood in the liver is less than half, and it is unable to nourish the facial skin, hair and eyes, so you can use Siwu Tang to add or subtract to nourish the blood and liver. Only four herbs are used in the Siwu soup, and they are all for menstruation and liver and blood. Among them, the rehman, angelica, white peony, the sea of blood tonics, and the white peony, Chuanqiong can also regulate menstruation and stop pain.

The liver and kidneys are good, and the life is long! Men are inseparable from five sons, and women are inseparable from four things: help you to boost your strength and nourish your complexion!

These two soup recipes, one is suitable for gay men, sufficient energy, rejuvenating the virility, and the other is suitable for lesbians to nourish qi and blood, regulate menstruation, but everyone's physique is different, if you are unwell, do not blindly use medicine without authorization, and find a professional doctor in time to distinguish between syndrome differentiation and subtraction.