
The "fever grass" planted in the vegetable field of the elderly, it is particularly good to boil water and take a bath, but unfortunately many friends do not understand

author:Little mulberry leaves love to share
The "fever grass" planted in the vegetable field of the elderly, it is particularly good to boil water and take a bath, but unfortunately many friends do not understand

We all know that it is now an outbreak period of influenza, and it is also approaching winter, and some influenza opportunities can be taken, today I will introduce to friends a plant in the countryside, which has plants called "fever grass" by the old people in the countryside, like this plant is a kind of herbaceous plant, we can know what kind of role and use he has according to the name given to him by the old people in the countryside.

Because some time ago there were children in the family needed, so I just knew this plant, I didn't expect the children in the family to have a fever for many days did not retreat, and then got this plant after the retreat, this plant is particularly helpful to children, I don't know if this plant is in your hometown There are generally some plants in the countryside, like this plant is a herbaceous plant, not only the use is very strong, but also has a very good help to us.

The "fever grass" planted in the vegetable field of the elderly, it is particularly good to boil water and take a bath, but unfortunately many friends do not understand

This herbaceous plant grows on both sides of the road or vegetable field in the countryside, basically it is more wild, and few people have planted this plant now, and this herb is also a climbing plant, basically along the fence, or some grass grows in a row.

Now that it is about to enter the winter, he is still growing green, so in the countryside there will be people who will plant because of the use of this plant, and there will be people who will plant it as a bonsai in front of and behind their houses, so that when necessary, they can get it out and take it out for backup.

The "fever grass" planted in the vegetable field of the elderly, it is particularly good to boil water and take a bath, but unfortunately many friends do not understand

In fact, this plant is recorded in many Chinese cursive books, but not experts in this area, many people will not know this plant, so I specially introduce to you to understand, this plant, its branches will be covered with very sharp barbs, so if we want to pick it, we must pay attention to the barbs on its branches, his branches are brown, and there are white.

In addition, the leaves of this plant are large and small, and they are green, but the lines on the leaves are also relatively clear, the back of the leaves is a little white, and now it is blooming, and his flower growth is also relatively unique, and his flowers will bear fruit after they bloom, and his fruit is also green and ripe, and it will be red in the future.

The "fever grass" planted in the vegetable field of the elderly, it is particularly good to boil water and take a bath, but unfortunately many friends do not understand

In fact, this herb also has a scientific name called "wild wolfberry" in the countryside, and this plant is often used in the lives of the older generation, because this plant is called "antipyretic grass" in these rural places, that is, according to the use of this herb to give him a name, and this plant in the countryside by the old people will dig a little bit of them home, and then wash and dry them for backup.

This plant is particularly helpful for some children, pull this plant home, and then boil water to bathe us is particularly helpful, I don't know this herb, that is, the wild wolfberry in the countryside, we know how much he knows, I don't know if this plant is in your hometown?