
Dialogue with Li Cheng: Hong Kong's role in shaping the international public opinion environment is very delicate

author:Straight news

On 15 December, the Centre for Contemporary China and the World at the University of Hong Kong was officially established. According to Li Cheng, the founding director of the research center, the center will initially focus on five major areas: scientific and technological change, climate change and new energy, economic and financial reform, political elite and generational change, and Sino-US relations and geopolitical games.

In an exclusive interview with Shenzhen Satellite TV's direct news reporter in Hong Kong, Li Cheng pointed out that in the current context of weakening exchanges between governments and business circles, the importance of people-to-people exchanges and people-to-people exchanges has become increasingly prominent, and the establishment of university-based research centers has also become particularly important.

Li Cheng said that the establishment of the research center is not only to deepen academic research, but also to gain a voice in the field of public policy. "It will serve as a platform to connect global resources and allow China to engage in more dialogue with places like the United States, Europe and Southeast Asia, which will help break down the status quo of blocked exchanges and promote international cooperation." ”

Dialogue with Li Cheng: Hong Kong's role in shaping the international public opinion environment is very delicate

Li Cheng was interviewed by Qiu Qianyi, a reporter from Shenzhen Satellite TV Direct News in Hong Kong. (Shenzhen Satellite TV direct news reporter Huang Junqiang/photo)

As the first large-scale event launched by the Center, an international symposium with the theme of "New Hub, New Pattern" was also held on the same day, with a number of well-known scholars, diplomats and people from all walks of life from Hong Kong, Chinese mainland and many parts of the world delivering keynote speeches, in-depth dialogues and thematic discussions.

The conference addressed a number of important topics, including technological transitions, climate change and new energy, economic and financial reforms, political elites and generational change, public health in an aging society, and changes in the geopolitical landscape, with a focus on the U.S.-China relationship.

At the opening ceremony, Li Cheng, director of the research center, shared the details of his communication with Kissinger's office. In November, Kissinger planned to record a congratulatory video for the establishment of the center, and on December 5, Kissinger's office sent a message to Professor Li Cheng, believing that Dr. Kissinger would always support the establishment of the research center.

Dialogue with Li Cheng: Hong Kong's role in shaping the international public opinion environment is very delicate

Li Cheng shared the details of his communication with Kissinger's office. (Shenzhen Satellite TV direct news reporter in Hong Kong Qiu Qianyi/photo)

Xu Xueyuan, Minister of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, pointed out in a video message that the establishment of the center comes at the right time, as Hong Kong is China's window to the world and a gateway for the world to share the dividends of China's development. "China and the world are hot topics in today's international relations. China's development cannot be separated from the world, and the world's prosperity also needs China. China will continue to bring new opportunities to the world with better development. Only when the world is good, can China be good. If China is good, the world will be better. ”

In his congratulatory message, Xu Xueyuan also focused on the outcome of the China-US summit a month ago and the "San Francisco Vision." She stressed that the San Francisco meeting is a new beginning, and it is necessary to turn the "San Francisco Vision" into reality, especially the two sides should correctly understand each other's intentions, be partners in mutually beneficial cooperation, rather than opponents of the "zero-sum game", make the right historical choice, and find the right way to get along.

Zhang Wenhong, director of the National Medical Center for Infectious Diseases and director of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, said in his speech that in the context of the increasing aging of the global population, the issue of aging should be regarded as a potential opportunity. He emphasized the close relationship between public health and ageing, making it clear that "we must factor ageing into the economy and investment".

Zhang Wenhong pointed out that the current investment is mainly focused on cancer-related fields, and the investment in infectious disease prevention is relatively small. In his view, shifting the focus of investment will help to address evolving health challenges more holistically and improve society's ability to respond.

Dialogue with Li Cheng: Hong Kong's role in shaping the international public opinion environment is very delicate

Seminar site. (Shenzhen Satellite TV direct news reporter in Hong Kong Qiu Qianyi/photo)

Zhixin noted that the guests of today's forum are very concerned about China's economic situation. At the seminar, Wang Tao, head of Asian economic research and chief China economist of UBS, in an exclusive interview with Shenzhen Satellite TV direct news reporters in Hong Kong, interpreted the Central Economic Work Conference mentioned "seeking progress in stability, promoting stability with progress, and establishing first and then breaking".

Wang Tao said that from the recent data, the basis of "stability" lies in the relative stability of current consumption and exports, while "promoting stability" needs to pay attention to the pressure of the real estate industry, and the stability of real estate will help improve residents' consumer confidence and local financial status. Wang Tao emphasized the necessity of China's economic transformation, especially in the development of new energy and other manufacturing industries.

Wang Tao pointed out that the Central Economic Work Conference has released a signal of opening up to the outside world, stressing the need to continue to open up, especially high-level institutional opening-up. "Domestic demand is China's most important economic growth driver, but the development of domestic demand and opening up to the outside world must be integrated. We must continue to integrate into the global economy, continue to open wider to the outside world, and take the initiative to open up to the outside world so as to better promote the growth of domestic demand. ”


Li Cheng: Make Hong Kong a more active research centre

As a well-known expert on China-US issues and the founding director of the Centre for China and the World at the University of Hong Kong, Li Cheng has extensive experience working in think tanks. Prior to joining the University of Hong Kong, he was the director of the John L. Thornton China Center at the Brookings Institution.

In an exclusive interview with Shenzhen Satellite TV's direct news reporter in Hong Kong, Li Cheng also shared his observations on China's economy: although China's economy is currently in a trough due to multiple factors, he still has confidence in China's economy and believes that China has a clear grasp of the structural and fundamental development direction. He summarized three aspects and pointed out that these are future development trends.

First, China is far ahead in infrastructure and transportation construction. "It's remarkable to learn that the mainland's tourism industry has recovered to 2019 levels, and that China's digital economy is already at the forefront of the world," Li said. ”

Second, China has excelled in the construction of new energy, especially in the field of electric vehicles. "The development of science and technology in China is obvious, and there have been rapid changes in the past few decades, especially in the last decade. ”

Third, China has begun to pay attention to "soft" infrastructure construction such as public health. "After the pandemic, soft infrastructure in areas such as public health and elderly care is a new bright spot for China's economic development. Li Cheng said.

Dialogue with Li Cheng: Hong Kong's role in shaping the international public opinion environment is very delicate

Li Cheng was interviewed by Qiu Qianyi, a reporter from Shenzhen Satellite TV Direct News in Hong Kong. (Shenzhen Satellite TV direct news reporter Huang Junqiang/photo)

At the same time, Li Cheng also expressed confidence in Hong Kong's future in the interview. "Despite the current difficulties faced by Hong Kong in the stock market, housing market and restaurant industry, Hong Kong's advantages as Asia's financial centre are undeniable. “

In Li Cheng's view, Hong Kong has a special status and opportunities, and should not wait on international issues, but should actively promote communication between China and the world, so he established the "Center for Contemporary China and World Studies".

"In the future, we will establish a grand dialogue mechanism so that the center will not only be an institution for the study of China, but also play a role in the study of issues of global importance. We will focus on five core areas to achieve more with less with limited resources, which is the direction of our efforts. Li Cheng introduced.

Finally, Li Cheng expressed his hope that not only should he make full use of the foundation of the University of Hong Kong, but also work together with other excellent schools and faculty resources in Hong Kong to make Hong Kong a more active research center.

Reporter丨Qiu Qianyi, Huang Junqiang, Li Wentao, Shenzhen Satellite TV direct news reporter in Hong Kong

Author丨Lai Chenlu, the chief writer of Shenzhen Satellite TV Direct News

Editor丨Yu Zhemin, editor-in-chief of Shenzhen Satellite TV Direct News

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