
Miura Yukazu's facial features are not good-looking, but Zunlong's facial features are prominent, but they can't compare to him

author:Star Heart Diary

From the point of view of appearance, Tomokazu Miura is not very prominent, such as small eyes, large head, and a little outward teeth. The upper skin of the mouth is a little thin, and the skin of the lower mouth is a little thick. But a lot of people like him, what do they like about him?

Miura Yukazu's facial features are not good-looking, but Zunlong's facial features are prominent, but they can't compare to him

I wonder why so many people like him? I said that he had small eyes, big nostrils, a big face, a big head, and he wasn't tall, and that's a fact. But that doesn't stop many people from adoring and liking him.

Miura Yukazu's facial features are not good-looking, but Zunlong's facial features are prominent, but they can't compare to him

I took a cursory look at everyone's comments on him, and it turned out that everyone liked his temperament and his character. I searched for information again and confirmed that everyone really liked his temperament and his character. His inner beauty is a shining point.

Miura Yukazu's facial features are not good-looking, but Zunlong's facial features are prominent, but they can't compare to him

It seems that as long as a person's appearance is generalized, his character is good, his temperament is good, and he has connotation, he can be honest and can win the favor and favor of most people.

Miura Yukazu's facial features are not good-looking, but Zunlong's facial features are prominent, but they can't compare to him

In fact, a man like Tomokazu Miura, many of the men on our street are such people, in fact, he is really a very ordinary man.

Miura Yukazu's facial features are not good-looking, but Zunlong's facial features are prominent, but they can't compare to him

Tomokazu Miura is the kind of stocky body type, with a big face and a big head, and there are really many men like this. There are many men who are loyal to their wives and have a sense of responsibility for their families, and most men will be like this to their wives and families.

Miura Yukazu's facial features are not good-looking, but Zunlong's facial features are prominent, but they can't compare to him

Aren't there men like this everywhere? Such men are actually very ordinary, and almost every household is like this.

Miura Yukazu's facial features are not good-looking, but Zunlong's facial features are prominent, but they can't compare to him

In fact, the external image of Tomokazu Miura is really ordinary, people with small eyes and big heads are everywhere. He is really just an ordinary man who can live honestly.

Miura Yukazu's facial features are not good-looking, but Zunlong's facial features are prominent, but they can't compare to him

Many people say that Miura is handsome and regards him as their object of worship. I think it's mainly because his facial features aren't good-looking, but they're not ugly either. He wears clothes, is always clean, and looks cheerful, which gives a good impression.

Miura Yukazu's facial features are not good-looking, but Zunlong's facial features are prominent, but they can't compare to him

He has a tough image of a man with good facial features and a big face. He often smiles and seems more sunny and relatable.

Miura Yukazu's facial features are not good-looking, but Zunlong's facial features are prominent, but they can't compare to him

He has broad shoulders and a tall build. Men with big heads and faces generally have broad shoulders, and stocky men are generally tall. This kind of person looks reliable.

Miura Yukazu's facial features are not good-looking, but Zunlong's facial features are prominent, but they can't compare to him

It is true that this type of male looks masculine and has a masculine taste. Stocky men look stronger and have a male taste.

Miura Yukazu's facial features are not good-looking, but Zunlong's facial features are prominent, but they can't compare to him

The most appreciative of him is that he is sincere, steady, gentle, and loyal to love. He never left his wife for the rest of his life, and his unwavering love for her. Everyone thinks he's a reliable man.

Miura Yukazu's facial features are not good-looking, but Zunlong's facial features are prominent, but they can't compare to him

This kind of stocky type of man is generally a regular type, and at first glance it is more orthodox. Everywhere he goes, he is honest and looks polite, and he can gain everyone's favor.

Miura Yukazu's facial features are not good-looking, but Zunlong's facial features are prominent, but they can't compare to him

In fact, these qualities and temperaments of Tomokazu Miura are like this for many men. They will never leave their wives, they will be responsible for the family, and people with this kind of appearance are everywhere.

Miura Yukazu's facial features are not good-looking, but Zunlong's facial features are prominent, but they can't compare to him

But everyone is still very infatuated with this kind of person, which is a desire and need for sincerity between husband and wife. Everyone pays more attention to the inner and better qualities of people, and ignores the appearance of people.

Miura Yukazu's facial features are not good-looking, but Zunlong's facial features are prominent, but they can't compare to him

Inner beauty shows external beauty, so what everyone thinks of Tomokazu Miura is pleasing to the eye and says that he is handsome.

Miura Yukazu's facial features are not good-looking, but Zunlong's facial features are prominent, but they can't compare to him

But I am a realistic evaluation, if it is big, it is big, if it is tall, it is high, and if it is short, it is short.

Miura Yukazu's facial features are not good-looking, but Zunlong's facial features are prominent, but they can't compare to him

Tomokazu Miura is obviously a person with small eyes, big nostrils, and a big head, which is a fact. A lot of people like it, but I don't like this look, and the content of the article is purely personal.

Miura Yukazu's facial features are not good-looking, but Zunlong's facial features are prominent, but they can't compare to him

In short, a person's appearance is not important, the most important thing is character and responsibility. Men should be sincere, loyal, sunny and affinity, and have connotation and quality.

Miura Yukazu's facial features are not good-looking, but Zunlong's facial features are prominent, but they can't compare to him

On the contrary, Zunlong's facial features are upright, handsome, and his eyes, nose and mouth are impeccable, but he is not as good as Miura Tomokazu, and not as good as Miura Tomokazu's reputation.

Miura Yukazu's facial features are not good-looking, but Zunlong's facial features are prominent, but they can't compare to him

Zunlong's double eyelids are large, and the eyes are deep. The eyebrows are shaped, and the brow bones are prominent. The bridge of the nose is high and straight, and the nose is bony. The mouth is shaped, the nose is straight and the mouth is square.

Miura Yukazu's facial features are not good-looking, but Zunlong's facial features are prominent, but they can't compare to him

Zunlong's face has a strong sense of three-dimensionality, and his facial features are upright, and he is better than Miura Tomokazu in all aspects. But Zunlong lacks affinity, lacks the sunny smile of Miura Tomokazu.

Miura Yukazu's facial features are not good-looking, but Zunlong's facial features are prominent, but they can't compare to him

Zunlong's temperament is too calm and even cold, his face is always stiff and looks harsh. is not as gentle and lovely as Tomokazu Miura, so the audience prefers Tomokazu Miura.

Miura Yukazu's facial features are not good-looking, but Zunlong's facial features are prominent, but they can't compare to him

Therefore, male friends remember that they must cultivate themselves and strengthen the cultivation of inner beauty. Be a caring, gentle, sincere, steady, and responsible man.

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