
This recipe is specially designed to deal with Xi habitual constipation and clean the hot intestines

author:Dapan Traditional Chinese Medicine

Dapan is here to share with you a Chinese herbal formula that can help treat Xi habitual constipation. Did you know that there are two main causes of constipation. One is intestinal dryness, and the other is a lack of fluid in the intestines. Therefore, we need to find a recipe that can both moisten the intestines and clear the heat. This is a treasure recipe left by the medical saint Zhang Zhongjing, called Ma Ziren Pill.

This recipe is specially designed to deal with Xi habitual constipation and clean the hot intestines

The origin of Ma Zi Ren Pill can be traced back to the late Eastern Han Dynasty, when the medical saint Zhang Zhongjing founded many prescriptions, and he was a very great famous doctor. According to historical records, his masterpiece is "Treatise on Typhoid Fever and Miscellaneous Diseases". This medical work systematically summarized his clinical experience and treatment methods, and had a profound impact on the development of Chinese medicine in later generations.

So, what exactly is the Asgo Ren Pill made of? Let me tell you. Its main ingredients include hemp seeds, bitter almonds, rhubarb, citrus aurantium, magnolia, and white peony. These ingredients are scientifically formulated to moisten the intestines and clear away heat.

Hemp seed is one of the main ingredients of hemp seed pills, which can moisten the intestines and relieve the problem of intestinal dryness. Bitter almonds have a moisturizing effect and can help the intestines expel accumulated stool. Rhubarb and citrus aurantium have a laxative effect and can relieve constipation caused by intestinal heat. Magnolia bark and white peony can soothe the intestines and reduce symptoms of abdominal pain and bloating.

So, how exactly does Ma Zi Ren Pill work? Imagine that when your intestines are like a river, constipation is like stagnant water in the river channel, blocking the normal flow of water. Ma Zi Ren Pill is like a clear stream, it can smoothly wash the river channel, wash away the stagnant water, and restore the normal flow of water.

The use of hemp seed pills to treat Xi habitual constipation can restore the moistness of the intestines and solve the problem of intestinal dryness. At the same time, it can also clear away heat and dampness, and eliminate constipation caused by intestinal heat. Therefore, Ma Zi Ren Pill can not only treat constipation, but also have a good effect on relieving symptoms such as bloating and abdominal pain.

This recipe is specially designed to deal with Xi habitual constipation and clean the hot intestines

Below, I will give you an example to illustrate the miraculous effect of hemp seed pills. Xiao Ming is a patient who is Xi to constipation, he often feels bloating, abdominal pain, and has difficulty bowel movements. He tried many methods to no avail, and then he heard about the pockmarked pills and began to take them. After a period of consistent use, his constipation problem has improved significantly, and the symptoms of bloating and abdominal pain have also been reduced a lot.

Now that you know the efficacy and function of Ma Zi Ren Pills, do you also want to try it? If you have Xi habitual constipation, you can try to use Ma Zi Ren Pills to regulate. You can use it by following the methods below.

The method of decoction is as follows: take 10 grams of hemp seeds, 5 grams of bitter almonds, 10 grams of rhubarb, 5 grams of citrus aurantium, 5 grams of magnolia, and 5 grams of white peony. Put these herbs into a pot, add an appropriate amount of water to decoction, boil and change to low heat to decoction for about 20 minutes, then filter out the dregs, and take the soup to drink. One dose a day is sufficient.

If you feel that your decoction is too troublesome, you can also choose to buy Chinese patent medicine Ma Ren Pills. You can find it online or at pharmacies, and its name is "Ma Ren Pill". It is more convenient to use proprietary Chinese medicines, and the effect will be better.

When using hemp seed pills to treat constipation, it is necessary to pay attention to the regulation of diet and the improvement of lifestyle Xi. Eating more foods rich in dietary fiber, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc., can increase intestinal peristalsis and promote bowel movements. In addition, it is necessary to maintain good living Xi, regular bowel movements, avoid sedentary lifestyle, and moderate exercise is also of great help to improve constipation.

This recipe is specially designed to deal with Xi habitual constipation and clean the hot intestines

I hope you can get help from Ma Zi Ren Pill to solve the problem of Xi habitual constipation. Remember, the Chinese herbal formula Ma Zi Ren Pill can moisten the intestines and clear away heat, like a clear stream to clean the intestines, so that constipation can be easily solved. Whether you cook it yourself or choose proprietary Chinese medicine, as long as you stick to it and combine it with a good diet and lifestyle Xi, you will find that your constipation problem will gradually reduce and your health will improve.

Finally, I would like to conclude with an aphorism: "Give someone a rose, and your hand will have a lingering fragrance." "I hope you can pass on the recipe of this pockmarked pill so that more people can benefit. If you have a friend or family member who is experiencing constipation, tell them about this effective herbal remedy to help them recover. Only by sharing and helping others will our lives be better.

I believe that Ma Zi Ren Pill can bring you health and comfort, hurry up and take action! I wish everyone can stay away from constipation and have a healthy and happy life!

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