
Jiangsu chess super fierce rises, the sleeping horse kills the four little dragons in the chess world, Xu Tianhong said that he is a knife and axe hand

author:Prince of Chess
Jiangsu chess super fierce rises, the sleeping horse kills the four little dragons in the chess world, Xu Tianhong said that he is a knife and axe hand

Cheng Ming, is considered by Xu Tianhong, the soul of Jiangsu chess, the national champion and the "Smiling Buddha", to be the sword and axe player in the chess world.

Nie Tiewen, one of the top four dragons in the chess world, waits to see his conversation with Cheng Ming.

Nie Tiewen quickly played red chess with exquisite means to get Cheng Ming's son, and at one time the situation was very good, Cheng Ming's defense was clever, fighting into the endgame of the horse cannon, and less than one son and Nie Tiewen.

According to the rules, each time must be divided into winners and losers, and the super fast chess game must be added first.

Cheng Ming first posed the position of the Shijiao cannon, and Nie Tiewen opposed the 7-way pawn, and then set up the left middle cannon.

Jiangsu chess super fierce rises, the sleeping horse kills the four little dragons in the chess world, Xu Tianhong said that he is a knife and axe hand

The two sides of the layout quickly transferred the eldest son, and soon the four cars met at the head of the river.

In this battle, both sides vowed to fight a big battle.

Cheng Ming took the lead in the force, and the red fang swung the cannon to attack the pawn, and then sank into the bottom cannon and jumped out of the left horse.

A few back and forth, straight to the second-line slot under the black chess.

Jiangsu chess super fierce rises, the sleeping horse kills the four little dragons in the chess world, Xu Tianhong said that he is a knife and axe hand

There is a difficulty on the right side of the black side, and after replacing a car, it is difficult to think about defending the red chess slot horse.

Nie Tiewen double artillery tuned on the 4th route, strictly guarded, on the surface it looks impeccable.

But Cheng Ming is worthy of being a knife and axe player in the chess world, he forcibly fixed the slot horse, and then swung the cannon deep into the black chess second way.

Across the black cannon to hit the black cannon, black as a moving soldier, the red square cross-hatcher to grasp the cannon.

Jiangsu chess super fierce rises, the sleeping horse kills the four little dragons in the chess world, Xu Tianhong said that he is a knife and axe hand

It just so happened that the black cannon pad could not be opened, and the situation was already bound to collapse, and Nie Tiewen's 59 hands immediately admitted defeat.

Cheng Ming won first over Nie Tiewen In the xiangjia preseason

1. Cannon two flat four pawn 7 into 1 2. Horse two into three cannon 8 flat 5

3. Horse Eight Into Seven Horse Eight Into 7 4. Che Yiping 2 卒 3 into 1

5. Cannon Eight Flat Nine Cannon 2 Flat 3 6. Phase seven into five cannon 3 into 4

7. Che Jiu Ping 8 Ma 2 into 3 8. Soldier three into one pawn 7 into 1

9. Phase five into three horses into 4 10. Phase three back five car 1 into 2

11. Car two into four car 9 flat 8 12. Car two flat six car 8 into 4

13. Horse three into four horse four into 6 14. Car 6 flat 4 car 8 flat 7

15. Soldier one into one car 1 flat 3 16. Car eight into four pawn 3 into 1

17. Car Eight Ping Seven Car 3 into 2 18. Cannon nine into four cannon 5 flat 3

19. Che Qi Ping Eight Shi 6 into 5 20. Soldier nine into one like 7 into 5

21. Gun Nine Into Three Front Gun Level 4 22. Horse seven into six car 7 into 2

23. Ma Liu jin eight cannon 3 flat 4 24. Horse eight into nine car 7 flat 5

25. Car 4 Flat 7 Car 3 into 1 26. Car eight flat seven rear gun flat 2

27. Car Seven Flat Eight Gun 2 Flat 3 28. Ma Jiujin seven cannon 4 retreat 5

29. Car Eight Flat Seven Cannon 3 Flat 4 30. Guns four into six

Jiangsu chess super fierce rises, the sleeping horse kills the four little dragons in the chess world, Xu Tianhong said that he is a knife and axe hand

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