
Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

author:Foraging in the market

The winter solstice, the most important in winter, is coming, and the winter solstice, as one of the four seasons and eight festivals, has been a solar term that people have paid more attention to since ancient times. Because the arrival of the winter solstice means that the real cold winter is about to begin, there is still "accumulated heat" on the surface before the winter solstice, but after the winter solstice, the angle of the sun will gradually rise, the surface will receive less and less heat, and the accumulated heat will continue to decrease, so the weather will become colder and colder, and the folk will also start from the winter solstice day to "count nine" to calculate the cold days.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

After entering the winter solstice, we must not only do a good job of daily warmth, but also do a good job of dietary nourishment. After all, as the old saying goes, "the winter solstice does not make up, the spring comes to suffer", this season the body is very much in need of a lot of energy and nutrients to resist the cold, don't be too lazy to buy vegetables because of the cold weather, just cope with the meal, if you owe the body, immunity is easy to reduce, in the cold winter and the spring of the next year, it is easy to get sick, so from the winter solstice to start eating more healthy and immune-enhancing food.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

It is recommended that everyone eat more "Winter Five Treasures", these five kinds of food are highly nutritious, shelf-stable, and easy to cook, and they are also eaten in accordance with this season.

The first treasure: radish

As the saying goes, "radish is on the market, Langzhong is on the market", radish as a seasonal vegetable in winter, its nutritional value is very high, and it tastes crisp and refreshing, moist and juicy. Winter is dry and windy, and after going home, I have been staying in the heating room, air-conditioned room, it is also very dry, eat more radish to moisturize and dry, eat more fish and meat in winter, and come to two mouthfuls of radish is also very greasy and promote digestion.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

Radish is shelf-stable, so you can buy a few more at a time and store them in a cool, ventilated and dry place. There are many ways to eat radish, whether it is stir-fried vegetarian, stewed meat, pickled pickles, shabu-shabu, and soup, it is very delicious.

Recommended Recipe: [Roasted pork belly with radish]

Ingredients: white radish, pork belly, green onion, ginger, star anise, Sichuan peppercorns

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

1. Peel and wash the white radish, cut it into round slices and cut it in half, cut the pork belly into pieces, and prepare green onion and ginger slices for later use.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

2. Heat the oil, pour in the pork belly and stir-fry, add the green onion and ginger, Sichuan pepper and star anise, pour in two spoons of light soy sauce, one spoonful of cooking wine and one spoonful of dark soy sauce, add boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

3. After 15 minutes, put a spoonful of sugar and an appropriate amount of salt in the pot, pour in the white radish and stir-fry evenly, and continue to simmer for 20 minutes.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

4. After stewing, turn on high heat to reduce the juice, collect the soup until it is slightly thick, turn off the heat and sprinkle chopped green onions.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

The second treasure: onions

Onions are a vegetable that can be easily overlooked, but eating more onions in winter is good for your health. Onions are the only ingredients rich in prostaglandin A, and prostaglandin A is the "guardian" of cardiovascular disease, solving many health risks in winter.

In addition, onions are also rich in vitamin C, which can also improve resistance and care for the skin, and onions with a spicy taste are also good fungicides.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

Onions are also relatively shelf-stable vegetables, so they only need to be stored in a cool and dry place, and there is no need to put them in the refrigerator. Usually buy more at home, and when the weather is too cold to go out, take one with eggs, beef or some other meat and vegetables and stir-fry it is very appetizing.

Recommended recipe: [Stir-fried beef with onions]

Ingredients: Onion, beef tenderloin, green pepper, ginger, dried chili

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

1. Slice the beef, cut the ginger shreds and put it in, add two spoons of light soy sauce, a spoonful of cooking wine, a little dark soy sauce and an appropriate amount of salt, then put a spoonful of starch and a spoonful of cooking oil after grasping well, knead evenly and marinate for 15 minutes.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

2. Peel and slice the onion, remove the seeds of the green pepper and wash it, also cut it into slices, and prepare some ginger slices.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

3. Heat oil in a wok, add ginger slices and dried chili peppers to stir-fry until fragrant, pour in beef slices and stir-fry until discolored.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

4. Pour onions and green peppers into the pot, stir-fry well, add an appropriate amount of salt, chicken essence and sugar to taste, stir-fry evenly and pour a spoonful of sesame oil into the flavor, then turn off the heat and remove from the pot.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

The third treasure: peas

When it comes to the winter solstice, the sunny days will reduce the rain and snow will increase, and the body will lack calcium if it is not exposed to the sun for a long time, so it is necessary to eat more calcium-rich foods at this season, and peas are a very good choice, rich in 97 mg of calcium per 100 grams. Peas are also rich in a lot of high-quality protein and carotene, which are good for immunity, eyesight, and skin.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

When buying peas, you can buy more at one time, you can put them in the refrigerator for freezing if you can't finish eating, and it is more convenient to eat next time.

Recommended recipe: [Stir-fried peas and dried peas]

Ingredients: peas, dried fragrant, millet pepper, garlic

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

1. Wash the peas, cut them into small pieces, put two spoons of light soy sauce, a spoonful of oyster sauce, a spoonful of starch and an appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence in a small bowl, add water and stir well for later use.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

2. Bring water to a boil in a boiling pot, put half a spoon of salt and oil, pour the peas into the pot, blanch and boil for 6 minutes, remove the water, pour the fragrant dried water into the blanching water and boil for half a minute.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

3. Heat the oil, add minced garlic and millet pepper rings and stir-fry until fragrant, pour in peas and dried fragrant, and stir-fry for 2 minutes.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

4. Pour the seasoned sauce into the pot, turn on the high heat and cook for 2 minutes to reduce the juice, then turn off the heat and serve.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

Fourth treasure: chestnut

Every winter, chestnuts have become the public's favorite nuts, sweet and soft sugar-fried chestnuts probably no one will not like, chestnuts are indeed very nutritious, rich in protein, minerals and vitamins. Eating more chestnuts in winter can prevent cold and nourish vitality, which is also good for the stomach and intestines, and is also good for the brain and enhances memory.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

Don't just remember to eat fried chestnuts with sugar in winter, you can buy more raw chestnuts and cook them, and eat them with chicken and pork ribs, or put a few when boiling porridge in the morning and evening.

Recommended Recipe: [Chestnut Roast Chicken]

Ingredients: shelled chestnuts, chicken thighs, ginger, shallots, bay leaves, dried chilies, star anise

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

1. After chopping the chicken thighs, wash them with water, pour them into a pot of cold water, put a spoonful of cooking wine, ginger slices, and green onion sections to blanch, boil the water for another 2 minutes, and remove the water.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

2. Pour wide oil into the wok, put a handful of rock sugar to fry the sugar color, pour in the chicken pieces and stir-fry to color, put two spoons of light soy sauce and one spoonful of dark soy sauce, and then add some ginger slices, bay leaves, star anise and dried chili peppers to stir-fry to bring out the fragrance.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

3. Pour the shelled chestnuts into the pot, stir-fry for 1 minute, pour all the ingredients into the casserole, heat the water and simmer for 20 minutes.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

4. After 20 minutes, turn to high heat to reduce the juice, add an appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence, stir-fry and simmer for 2 minutes, then turn off the heat and sprinkle with shallots out of the pot.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

The fifth treasure: fungus

In the cold winter solstice season, it is suitable to stock up on more fungus at home, the weather is not good and lazy to go out, grab a handful of soaked hair, and you can fry and eat with eggs, potatoes, yuba and other ingredients, or put some when making stews, which are crispy and delicious to eat, and are very fragrant and appetizing.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

The nutritional value of the key fungus is also high, especially it is rich in a large amount of iron, known as the "natural hematopoietic bank", eating more in winter can relieve fatigue and improve complexion, especially for the elderly at home, so that they often eat legs and feet, full of energy to spend the winter.

Recommended Recipe: 【Braised Four Treasures】

Ingredients: dried fungus, tofu, quail eggs, crab mushrooms, garlic, millet pepper

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

1. Add water to soak the dried fungus, put the quail eggs in a boiling pot and add water to boil for five minutes, remove the shell after removal, dry and fry in the oil pan until the surface is golden brown.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

2. Cut the tofu into small pieces and pour it into the oil pan and fry until golden brown on all sides.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

3. Wash the crab mushrooms, chop the minced garlic, chopped green onion and millet pepper for later use. Put two spoons of light soy sauce and one spoonful of oyster sauce in a small bowl, add an appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence, pour water and stir well.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

4. Pour oil into a wok, add minced garlic and millet pepper rings and stir-fry until fragrant, pour in fungus and crab-flavored mushrooms, and stir-fry for two minutes.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

5. Pour quail eggs and tofu into the pot, pour in the sauce, simmer for 10 minutes, and then sprinkle chopped green onions out of the pot.

Winter does not make up, spring suffers, next week 5 winter solstice, buy more "winter five treasures" to prepare, suitable for cold weather

- Lao Jing said -

In addition to the above five treasured fruits and vegetables during the winter solstice, you should also remember to eat more meat products to supplement protein for the body, increase calories and energy, improve the body's immunity and better resist cold, such as warm mutton, beef can be bought to eat stewed or fried to eat, as well as low-fat and high-protein fish, shrimp, chicken, such as you can buy more crucian carp, local chicken stew soup to drink, it is moisturizing and nourishing to eat, and it is also very warm to drink.

I am a foraging story in the market, and I have been fighting with the world for many years, and I am still glorious and full of interest! I update the food recipes and market life every day, follow me, enjoy a comfortable life and don't get lost.