
Xia Yuhe's historical prototype, giving birth to two sons and one daughter, is the only veritable imperial concubine in Qing history

author:Wandering Fortune End

In ancient China, in the court at the end of the Qing Dynasty, there was a legendary woman who has a story that has been passed down to this day - she is the only concubine who gave birth to two sons and one daughter, and the only concubine who was canonized as the "Imperial Concubine" in the history of the Qing Dynasty, her name is Qi Guifei.

Xia Yuhe's historical prototype, giving birth to two sons and one daughter, is the only veritable imperial concubine in Qing history

Her historical prototype is known as "Xia Yuhe" by later generations, and her real name is the Hook Hu Clan, her life is like her name, experienced the baptism of wind and rain, and finally bloomed with a unique brilliance.

Back in the 18th century in Beijing, a charming girl with deep royal blood grew up here. She was the niece and granddaughter of Emperor Yongzheng, whose family was a prominent member of the Manchurian aristocracy.

At a young age, she was elected to the palace with her intelligence and beauty, and began her extraordinary life.

In the eighteenth year of Jiaqing (1813), the Kuhu clan was elected to the imperial palace. She was naturally beautiful and intelligent, and soon won the favor of Emperor Jiaqing. Her status in the palace gradually rose and she was eventually awarded the honorific title of "noble concubine".

In the midst of the court's deceit, Concubine Qi won the favor of the emperor with her intelligence, gentleness and thoughtfulness, and also won the respect of the ministers.

In the twenty-third year of Jiaqing (1818), Concubine Qi gave birth to the first prince, the later Emperor Xuanzong. In the following years, she gave birth to a son and a daughter, making her position in the palace even more unbreakable.

Xia Yuhe's historical prototype, giving birth to two sons and one daughter, is the only veritable imperial concubine in Qing history

Her second son inherited his father's talents, and her daughter was also known as a talented woman in the palace because of her intelligence and beauty.

In the court, Concubine Qi was not only a favored concubine, she was well versed in the political and dark currents of the court, and she understood how her power was built on the favor of the emperor.

And as a mother, she exerted great influence, paving the way for the future of her sons, and it can even be said that her wisdom and skill made an emperor.

After the death of Emperor Jiaqing, the son of Concubine Qi succeeded to the throne, that is, Emperor Xuanzong. After Xuanzong ascended the throne, he knew that his mother was indispensable, and his grace and respect for Concubine Qi reached its peak, and she was canonized as "Imperial Concubine", which is a unique glory in Qing history.

Not only has she truly become an existence under one person in the palace and above ten thousand people, but she also has the right to speak in politics. Her opinions occupy a place in the government and politics, and her influence cannot be underestimated.

Xia Yuhe's historical prototype, giving birth to two sons and one daughter, is the only veritable imperial concubine in Qing history

However, the center of power is often accompanied by dangers and challenges.

In her later years, Concubine Qi faced power struggles within the court and her sons vying for power. With her calm and wise attitude, she successfully resolved many crises and ensured the safety of her family and the stable rule of Emperor Xuanzong.

As a mother, Concubine Qi pays attention to the education of her children, not only cultural knowledge, but also the maintenance of moral norms and family traditions.

She often taught her sons to be broad-minded and to govern the country and the people, and to teach her daughters to be benevolent and compassionate and wise. These ideas of hers had a profound impact on her children, making her heirs praised by the contemporaries both politically and personally.

Concubine Qi's life can be described as magnificent, she witnessed the historical process of the Qing Dynasty from its peak to decline, and also played an extremely important role in court politics.

After her death, her name and deeds became a model for women in the history of the Qing Dynasty, and her wisdom and courage were admired by future generations.

Xia Yuhe's historical prototype, giving birth to two sons and one daughter, is the only veritable imperial concubine in Qing history

Xia Yuhe is like her name, and after experiencing wind and rain, she shows the tenacity and beauty of life. Her place in history is unique, just like her status in the Qing Dynasty – the only veritable imperial concubine.

Her story is like a lotus flower that blooms in the long river of history, despite the wind and frost, it is still fragrant alone and has been passed down through the ages.

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