
After the baby is frightened, is the old man's "soul calling" useful? It's not nonsense, listen to the professional explanation



When a child is frightened, the older generation often uses a mysterious "soul calling" method to appease the child. This approach may seem bizarre in modern times, and young parents are skeptical, believing that this first aid will only make things worse for their children. However, in the era of relatively backward medical standards, this method is a commonly used method among the people, and it seems to be superstitious but actually contains some substantive truths. The purpose of this paper is to explore the phenomenon of "soul calling" in the elderly, and to provide a certain theoretical basis from a scientific perspective.

After the baby is frightened, is the old man's "soul calling" useful? It's not nonsense, listen to the professional explanation
After the baby is frightened, is the old man's "soul calling" useful? It's not nonsense, listen to the professional explanation

Different ways in which children are treated as "frightened".

Nowadays, young parents often choose to take their children to the hospital, believing that medicine and modern technology can provide the best help. The older generation is more confident in their own experience and uses traditional soul-calling methods to appease their children. Although young people question the validity of the act, it can still play a role when it matters most. Although the choices are different, the starting point of both the older and younger generations is to restore the child to normal, so it is necessary to explore the mystery.

After the baby is frightened, is the old man's "soul calling" useful? It's not nonsense, listen to the professional explanation

The miraculous effect of the old man's "soul calling" when the child is frightened

A netizen shared the experience of a child after being frightened on the basketball court. The child was frightened by the sudden basketball and stood still. After returning home, the parents planned to take the child to the hospital for a check-up, but the grandmother decided that there was not enough time and decided to carry out the "soul call". The child's parents were suspicious of the grandmother's absurd behavior, but a miracle happened, and the child slowly returned to normal. This is unbelievable, however, although it is effective, parents should not try it lightly.

After the baby is frightened, is the old man's "soul calling" useful? It's not nonsense, listen to the professional explanation

"Soul calling" is only a means of appeasement

"Soul calling" is really just a way to guide and comfort spiritually. Elders call out children's names or say something out loud just so that the child can hear a familiar voice, relax and find a sense of security. Attracting your child's attention and relieving him or her from the shock can further reassure. This method is quite skillful, and it can be counterproductive if not done properly. Correctly performing the "soul calling" may solve the dilemma in time, so that the child's mood can be eased and return to normal. However, parents must correctly distinguish between normal reactions and startles to avoid unwanted effects.

After the baby is frightened, is the old man's "soul calling" useful? It's not nonsense, listen to the professional explanation

Don't abuse "soul calling"

"Soul calling" is only suitable for children who are in a short-term state of fear and cannot solve the problem caused by normal reactions. If the child's abnormal behavior is just a natural physiological response, they can recover on their own, or relieve their emotions through normal soothing methods, without the need for mystical rituals. Parents should clearly distinguish which situations their child's abnormal behavior belongs to so that the problem can be resolved correctly. If the judgment cannot be accurate, it is best to take the child to the hospital for a check-up and treat it responsibly.

After the baby is frightened, is the old man's "soul calling" useful? It's not nonsense, listen to the professional explanation

Protect your child from being overly startled

Being in a state of stress for a long time can be a burden on the child's mind and body. Therefore, parents need to make their children feel safe and avoid fear and crankiness. This will improve your child's courage and avoid frequent starts. In short, at critical moments, parents should believe in science, adopt scientific methods as soon as possible, help their children solve problems, and do not easily try the "soul calling" and other experiences of the elderly.

After the baby is frightened, is the old man's "soul calling" useful? It's not nonsense, listen to the professional explanation


Although the "soul calling" of the elderly can produce miraculous effects in some cases, it is not suitable for all situations. It is simply a reassurance tool that can be used to guide the child out of the fearful state and find peace and security. However, in the era of modern medicine, we should believe in science and follow the scientific method to deal with the problems encountered by children. Only by correctly judging your child's reaction can you avoid unnecessary anxiety and misunderstanding and protect your child's physical and mental health. Parents should understand and respect the kindness of the elderly, and at the same time conduct scientific analysis and comprehensive application of their experience and practices, and give reasonable care and help to their children on the premise of ensuring their children's safety.