
4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

author:Qige Historical View

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4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

With the advancement of science and technology, agricultural products and planting technology have been greatly improved, and the types of fruits are becoming more and more abundant, not only fruity, but also very sweet.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

For many people born in the 70s and 80s, although there are many types of fruits now, they do not have the taste of childhood, and even these four local fruit varieties have gradually disappeared from people's vision over time.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

So what exactly were these four varieties and how popular were they at the time?

The first type of nightshade fruit

Nightshade fruit is a small black fruit, which is a common fruit eaten by many post-70s and 80s children, and nightshade is also called "heavenly eggplant" and "wild grape".

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

The black fruit that grows from nightshade is called "black star" by many people, and it looks smooth on the outside and sweet and juicy on the inside, and this fruit is mainly found in Asia.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

Especially in rural areas, a common plant in some old houses, nightshade and eggplant belong to the "brotherly relationship" because they both belong to the "herbaceous plants of the Solanaceae family", and the plants and flower types of nightshade are very similar.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

Every year from June to September, nightshade begins to bloom, and even in November, it is still flowering and bearing fruit, and it can be eaten when the fruit grows black.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

Many people who have never eaten nightshade fruit will wonder what this small black fruit tastes like? The taste of nightshade fruit is sweet and sour, just like the taste of cherry tomatoes eaten on weekdays.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

This kind of fruit will burst with a gentle squeeze by hand, and there are very small nightshade seeds in it, this small black fruit is definitely a fruit that many rural friends like to eat.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

However, when eating nightshade fruit, you must pay attention to the fact that nightshade is highly toxic, and you must wait until the nightshade fruit is fully ripe before eating, even if it is fully ripe, it will contain trace amounts of toxins, as long as you don't eat a lot of it, it's fine.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

Solanum fruit is not only a fruit, but also a kind of medicinal material, according to the "Compendium of Materia Medica" has recorded that "nightshade fruit clears heat and disperses blood", grinding nightshade fruit and vinegar together, it has the effect of reducing swelling.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

In the eyes of many Chinese medicine practitioners, nightshade fruit is a medicinal herb all over the body, not only its juice, but also the leaves can also be used as medicinal materials, and the leaves are a good medicine to stop bleeding.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

If the body is accidentally scratched, you can use nightshade leaves to stop bleeding, this leaf for hemostasis effect is very good, in summer, if there is a fire in the mouth, mouth ulcers, you can eat some nightshade fruit, can have a certain anti-inflammatory and sterilizing effect.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

Nowadays, wild nightshade fruit is very rare, because people often eat pesticides and herbicides, which seriously affects the survival of nightshade, and this fruit is becoming less and less in the market.

The second type is the grape

Many people may think that it is a type of grape species, but it is not a member of the grape family, and its appearance resembles bitter melon.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

The flesh of the grape is red, and the sweet juice will spread in the mouth instantly when you bite into it, and its shape is like a grape, but it is larger than the grape, the skin is orange-yellow, and the flesh is mostly red, which is delicious and nutritious.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

It contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium and potassium, in our daily life, grapes can be made into juice or jam to eat, or directly washed and eaten.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

Although the appearance of Lai grapes and bitter gourd is very similar, the taste of the two is very different, the skin of bitter gourd is green, mainly used for cooking stir-fried vegetables, while Lai grape is more of a fruit, which can be eaten directly or made into juice to drink.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

In addition to being delicious, grapes are also good for human health, and they are also rich in antioxidants, which can help prevent diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

It can enhance the body's immunity, and is good for the health of the skin and eyes, and in the rural areas of the 80s, almost every household would grow grapes, and grapes are also a well-known fruit.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

At that time, some families still planted grapes as their main source of income, and the grapes did not have high requirements for the growing environment, and the area was also very small, which was very suitable for planting behind self-built houses in the countryside.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

And Lai grapes also have a strong ornamental nature, the reason why people like to plant Lai grapes before is because of the shortage of fruits at that time, the fruits that can be eaten at home are limited, and Lai grapes are not only simple to plant, but also adults and children love to eat, so in the 70s, 80s planted in large quantities.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

However, as time goes by, the value of the grape is getting lower and lower, which is mainly due to two reasons, one is because there are very few edible parts of the grape, and the edible part is only red seeds, which is really small compared to the pulp content of other fruits.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

The second point is that the storage capacity of the grapes is relatively poor, and they need to be picked and eaten immediately when they are ripe, and if they are stored for a long time, they will be attacked by flies and bacteria.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

On the contrary, there is a large number of delicious and fleshy fruits in the market, and in the face of the temptation of these fruits, people have gradually lost interest in the "lai grape", which is now difficult to buy in the market, and this fruit has almost disappeared.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

The third type of real sand tomatoes

Tomatoes are essential vegetables and fruits in our daily lives, and they are sold in the market in a variety of sizes and varieties, from vegetable tomatoes for stir-frying, millennials and cherry tomatoes for fruits.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

And there is a kind of tomato that many people like to eat, that is, "sand tomatoes", in the past, in rural areas, it was common to see several children holding tomatoes and eating them in large gulps.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

They eat sand tomatoes, this kind of tomatoes taste rustling and soft, the taste is sour and sweet, and the tomatoes eaten by Xiao Suizi in the movie "Fanghua" suddenly evoked memories of childhood.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

The outside of the sand tomato is red, and the seeds inside are yellow, and when eaten raw, they will suck their fingers clean, and rural children do not eat tomatoes secretly.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

Some people like to cut tomatoes and sprinkle them with sugar, which is definitely a top food to beat the heat in summer, especially a cold dish that children love to eat.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

Many people only have the memory of the taste of this variety of tomatoes, but they don't know what its variety is, so they call it "sand tomatoes", but it is rare to see sand tomatoes in today's vegetable markets.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

Tomatoes face a big problem in the market, and that is the problem of transfer and transportation, tomatoes with good ripeness are not resistant to transportation, so they can only be harvested when they are about to be colored. At this time, the tomatoes don't have much sugar, so there is no sweetness, and the tomatoes will be hard and not tasty.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

This has also caused the taste of tomatoes to decline, and the former sand tomatoes have gradually been replaced, and more tomatoes are sold in the market that are suitable for long-term transportation.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer tomatoes, and this kind of fruit in memory has gradually disappeared from people's daily life.

The fourth fruit, the peach

Pu peach is more common in the mainland Hainan region, also known as "fragrant fruit" or "bell fruit", native to Malaysia, India and other places.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

This fruit has a special aroma and can be made into preserves or jams, which is a common fruit in the 80s, but because the peach and the pipa are very similar, many people confuse the two.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

In terms of pronunciation, many people will Xi pronounce it as grape, but in order to distinguish the name of grapes, some people call it "water peach", or fragrant fruit, wind drum or bell fruit.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

Many people are curious, is the peach delicious? Although the peach looks like a loquat, the taste is much better than that of loquat, although the moisture is like loquat, but the sweetness is higher.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

In the eighties and nineties, many southern regions would grow peach, especially in southern China, it is a very common fruit tree, many people planted it in the yard and around the house.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

The growth rate of the peach is very fast, and it will be cultivated in some parks and rivers, so as to play the role of ornamental and greening, and when the peach is ripe in May and June every year, many children will also pick the fruit of the peach on the tree to eat.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

Pu peach has the effect of cooling blood and stopping bleeding, the root bark is mashed and then ground into powder, which can treat knife wounds and bleeding, and at the same time, Pu Tao also has a certain amount of iron, which can play a role in replenishing blood and making the skin smoother.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

Peach contains a variety of vitamins, among which vitamin C and vitamin B2 are strong antioxidants, which can not only prevent the formation of free radicals, but also promote the formation of collagen.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

On the streets and alleys, there will be many people selling peach, not only the price is not high, but the taste is also very delicious, but fewer and fewer farmers are willing to plant peach, and peachy has gradually become a fruit in memory.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

The main reason why farmers are reluctant to plant peaches is that the fruit is not shelf-stable and will rot if left unstored, which attracts a large number of flies and looks very unhygienic.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

Another point is that there are a lot of insects in the peach fruit, because there is a lot of sugar in the fruit, so it attracts a lot of insects, although some fruits look good, but they are full of insects when they are opened, so this is also the reason why farmers are reluctant to plant peaches.


Although the above four fruits have rarely appeared, they have all remained in our memories and left us with unforgettable memories and impressions.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

In the eighties, in addition to these four fruits, there were many fruit varieties that we do not see now, which grew freely in the fields, mountains and forests, bringing delicious taste and happiness to people.

4 kinds of fruits that are rarely seen in the mall, but they were popular in the 80s, how many have you eaten?

If you have the opportunity to return to your hometown, you might as well go in search of those familiar wild fruits and relive the fond memories of your childhood. Let's cherish the gifts of nature together, protect the environment, and let these wild fruits accompany us forever.

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