
The mutual aid account can pay the medical premiums of urban and rural residents for the family members →

author:Ningde Radio and Television Station
The mutual aid account can pay the medical premiums of urban and rural residents for the family members →

Step 1: Create a Family Mutual Aid Account and invite new members (if you have already created or invited, you can skip this step)

Employee medical insurance participants can open the family mutual aid function and invite family members to join through the "Fujian Zhengtong APP-Medical Insurance Service-Family Mutual Aid" or "Fujian Medical Security" WeChat/Alipay Mini Program - Family Mutual Aid.

For more information, please click here: How to use a Family Mutual Aid Account?

Friendly reminder: If the invitee is temporarily unable to perform face authentication, you can also add them as a "temporary member" of the family mutual aid account, so that you can pay the domestic medical insurance premiums for the temporary member. However, temporary members are not able to enjoy other services in the Family Mutual Aid Account. Please certify as soon as possible to upgrade them to full "family members".

Step 2: Pay the resident medical premium

After completing the invitation of family mutual aid members, return to the business handling column of [Medical Insurance Service] - > click [Pay Premiums for Urban and Rural Residents] - > carefully read the "Handling Instructions", click [Initiate Application] - > select the family members who need to pay on behalf of you, click [Go to Payment], and complete the payment operation according to the relevant prompts.

The mutual aid account can pay the medical premiums of urban and rural residents for the family members →
The mutual aid account can pay the medical premiums of urban and rural residents for the family members →
The mutual aid account can pay the medical premiums of urban and rural residents for the family members →
The mutual aid account can pay the medical premiums of urban and rural residents for the family members →
The mutual aid account can pay the medical premiums of urban and rural residents for the family members →

Swipe left or right to see the steps

Step 3: Confirm that the payment is successful

After payment, you should return to the business handling column, click [Pay the premium for urban and rural residents] - > click [View Payment Record] to check whether the payment is successful.

The mutual aid account can pay the medical premiums of urban and rural residents for the family members →
The mutual aid account can pay the medical premiums of urban and rural residents for the family members →

Swipe left or right to see the steps

Payment Instructions:

1. At present, the family mutual aid payment service is not yet able to pay for special payment methods such as newborns and medical assistance recipients who are insured by fixed subsidy.

2. Before payment, please be sure to confirm that the family member you choose has not paid the medical premium through other methods, otherwise it will lead to duplicate payment.

3. If the insured person cannot immediately check whether the payment is successful after the payment is made, he or she can check the payment status through the tax platform and apply for routine operations such as printing the payment voucher or applying for a refund after the tax department completes the batch deduction.

4. It takes 1-2 minutes for the list of people to be paid to be displayed, please do not close the window during this process, if you close the window, you need to refresh and wait again.


If you have any questions about the medical insurance policy, you can call the local medical insurance agency to consult the insurance agency.









Sanming: 0598-12345 to medical insurance


Pingtan: 0591-12345 to medical insurance

Source: Fujian Medical Security

Editor: Zhan Lin

Review: Lin Wei

Supervisor: Lin Yunfeng

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The mutual aid account can pay the medical premiums of urban and rural residents for the family members →