
Spleen deficiency turns out to be so terrible!

author:Healthy Road Plus

The most common thing we say is spleen deficiency, but many people don't think about spleen deficiency, often feel that spleen deficiency can not be actually felt, and spleen deficiency will not affect normal life, in fact, this idea is completely wrong.

Spleen deficiency can lead to the invasion of many diseases, and at the same time affect the body's yang energy, which determines a person's lifespan. So, spleen deficiency shortens your lifespan.

In fact, spleen deficiency can be found from people's mouths and other places, as long as you take a good look at these places, you will know whether you have spleen deficiency or not. Let's take a look at why spleen deficiency is lost and longevity is lost, and how to look at spleen deficiency?

1. What is spleen deficiency?

Many people don't even know what spleen deficiency is, how can they talk about spleen deficiency, and it is impossible to know whether they are spleen deficiency or not. So we have to know what is spleen deficiency first?

TCM Spleen Deficiency: In TCM theory, spleen deficiency refers to a series of physiological phenomena caused by spleen qi deficiency.

Spleen deficiency includes abnormal transport that leads to impaired nutrient absorption, loss of water and dispersion, resulting in excessive body dampness and phlegm, and even sepsis. The kidney has the saying that it is innate, and the spleen is the acquired foundation and the source of qi and blood biochemistry, so spleen deficiency should not be underestimated.

Western medicine spleen: In Western medicine, the spleen is only an organ of the human body and belongs to the immune organ. The spleen occupies 1/4 of the lymphoid tissue of the whole body, and the spleen contains a large number of lymphocytes and macrophages, so it is the largest immune organ in the human body, and is the center of cellular immunity and humoral immunity. This shows the importance of the spleen to the human body.

Spleen deficiency turns out to be so terrible!

2. What happens if the spleen is deficient and spleenless?

1. Spleen deficiency will lead to obesity

Nowadays, both men and women are pursuing a good figure and want to lose weight, because if you are thinner, you will be more beautiful, and if you are thinner, you will be healthier. But many of them are likely to lose more and more weight, which is actually made up of spleen deficiency.

First of all, spleen deficiency leads to a decrease in transportation ability, difficulty in metabolism, and excessive accumulation of food capacity in the body, resulting in obesity. Obesity can easily cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, fatty liver, increase the burden on the heart, and people will die early due to diseases caused by obesity.

Secondly, if the muscles are soft and no longer tight, there will be a "swimming ring" in the abdomen, and suddenly finding that there is more and more meat on the stomach is also a manifestation of spleen deficiency.

2. Spleen deficiency becomes a "yellow-faced woman"

Spleen deficiency not only leads to obesity, but also many people who are "powerless", these people often have a weak body, lack of energy, blood deficiency, and a sallow or pale complexion due to spleen deficiency. Often, this group of people is unable to bear weight, has poor resistance, and dies due to other diseases.

3. Spleen deficiency, fear of cold and heat

Deficiency in Chinese medicine is divided into yang deficiency and yin deficiency, with yang deficiency being afraid of cold and yin deficiency being afraid of heat. Spleen deficiency will lead to qi and yin deficiency, and even if you are sick in winter, your hands and feet will be hot and cold. In summer, it is easy to suffer from heat stroke, low blood pressure all year round, lack of energy every day, and muddy.

4. Spleen deficiency, diarrhea, heavy menstrual flow

Diarrhea is the most typical symptom of spleen deficiency, mainly due to spleen and yang deficiency, resulting in food inability to transport, moisture invasion, and loose stools. The spleen is the source of qi and blood biochemistry, and spleen deficiency does not unify blood, resulting in blood not running according to normal blood vessels, chronic bleeding, excessive menstrual bleeding and other symptoms of spleen deficiency.

5. What happens if you don't have a spleen

The spleen is the largest immune system, but it is vulnerable to damage because it is delicate. Often, many diseases and trauma can lead to the removal of the spleen.

Most people think that the spleen is not the main organ of the human body and will not have much effect, but the existence must be reasonable, and if the spleen is lost, it will inevitably lead to many immune problems.

The immune system will definitely not return to its original level, people will also be prone to illness, cancer cells will easily invade, and most of them will die prematurely if they lose their spleen.

3. Where to look at spleen deficiency

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the spleen is mainly transported to eat grain water, which is open to the mouth, and its splendor is white in the lips. Therefore, if the spleen is deficient, you should look at the mouth and mouth more.

1. Spleen deficiency from the mouth

The spleen is open to the mouth, so people's appetite and spleen are closely related, and in traditional Chinese medicine theory, the function of the mouth and spleen is unified and coordinated.

So the function of the spleen can be reflected from the mouth. If you have a strong temper, you have a strong appetite and want to eat.

It is mentioned in "Lingshu Pulse": The spleen is through the mouth, and the spleen and the mouth can know the grains. Therefore, if the spleen is deficient, it will be tasteless, and if the spleen is hot, it will be sweet in the mouth, and if the spleen is out of balance, the mouth will be greasy. Bitter mouth and other phenomena. Only when you have a good temper can you know and distinguish the taste of grains.

Therefore, spleen deficiency can be distinguished from the mouth, and if there is a peculiar smell in the mouth, it is mostly caused by spleen disorder.

2. Look at the spleen from the four whites of the lips

First of all, we have to know where the four whites are. The four in the four lips does not refer to a number, but to the meaning of the four directions. White, because the skin around the normal mouth is white. So the white lips refer to the skin around the mouth.

a. Swollen lips

In Su Wen. The Five Organs Generation Chapters record: "The spleen is also flesh, and its lips are also honored", if there is fire in the stomach, it will go up to the lips, and if there is fire in the stomach, the spleen will be burned. Therefore, swollen lips are also problems with the spleen and stomach.

b. Sores

The spleen loses its function of transport, resulting in poor appetite and dampness resistance, resulting in sores at the corners of the mouth. This is a typical manifestation of spleen deficiency and dampness. Repeated sores at the corners of the mouth are caused by yin deficiency in the spleen and stomach, and sores mostly occur on the lips, tongue, sides of the mouth and palate.

c. Cheilitis

The lips are always peeling and chapped. This is due to the accumulation of heat in the spleen and stomach, and the external invasion of wind evil, which is why our lips are always dry and sore in autumn.

d. Lips are dull

If the temper is full, the lips are ruddy and shiny, and the elasticity is good. When the lips are pale and dull, it means that the spleen is deficient and the qi is deficient.

e. Black on the side of the mouth

The four white lips, that is, the edge of the mouth, the black side of the mouth is a typical manifestation of spleen deficiency and dampness, which leads to fatigue in the body and severe invasion of moisture.

Spleen deficiency turns out to be so terrible!

3. Spleen deficiency from other perspectives

a. Vomiting

Spleen deficiency leads to poor stomach intake, food is difficult to restrain and abdomen is full, and stomach gas is reversed, resulting in vomiting. Therefore, when there is a slight lack of attention to eating and drinking, vomiting, the condition is often indigestion, most of which is caused by spleen deficiency.

b. Excessive saliva

We often find that small children drool, but not all children have this symptom. This is due to the lack of spleen and temper, which is not able to distribute the fluid well, resulting in a lot of saliva flowing outward. Therefore, it is found that your child drools a lot, if it is not in the teething stage, it may be caused by spleen deficiency and lack of temper.

c. Fat tongue

Fat tongue is a typical manifestation of a weak spleen and stomach in summer, resulting in too much moisture in the body. This situation is mostly caused by diet, which is mainly too cold, too miscellaneous and unhealthy food. Of course, it is also caused by the living environment being too wet.

We talk about the weakness of the spleen and stomach every day, but we don't know what kind of damage the spleen and stomach are. From the above, we know that although spleen deficiency itself will not cause serious illness in our body, a weak spleen and stomach will lead to weak immunity, leading to the invasion of other diseases, thus shortening our lifespan. And spleen deficiency has many manifestations in our mouth, we want to know whether it is empty or not, just look at the mouth in the mirror to understand what state our spleen is in.

Through some small changes in the human body, you can know the changes in your body's internal organs, which is really amazing!