
Zhang Ruoyun sent red envelopes in the wow haw wow group, who is envious, can you let me also join the group

author:Everyday small boxes

The recent hot spot is actor Zhang Ruoyun's sending out red envelopes in the private group of the "Wow Haw Wow" company, which not only surprised fans, but also set off a wave of envy on social networks.

Zhang Ruoyun sent red envelopes in the wow haw wow group, who is envious, can you let me also join the group

Zhang Ruoyun, as a well-known actor, has always been loved by the audience for his professional acting skills and good image, and the new drama "Minglong Boy" is also highly anticipated because of his joining. When such a popular drama was about to be broadcast, Zhang Ruoyun distributed red envelopes to fans in the "Wow Haw Haw Wow" group, which undoubtedly made his image in the hearts of fans even more divided.

Zhang Ruoyun sent red envelopes in the wow haw wow group, who is envious, can you let me also join the group

"Why didn't it take my turn to be rich and rich? Woo woo, let me join the group!" a fan of Zhang Ruoyun sent out such a message with half joke and half sincere admiration, and similar remarks were spread across various social media platforms. While rejoicing that they were fortunate enough to receive red envelopes from idols, fans hope that more people can join this lucky circle.

Zhang Ruoyun sent red envelopes in the wow haw wow group, who is envious, can you let me also join the group

"Zhang Ruoyun is too generous for the new drama "Minglong Boy"! The atmosphere of this crew looks really good. Some fans wrote on social platforms that the post quickly received tens of thousands of likes, reflecting people's warm welcome for such a unique promotion method and the close interaction between celebrities and fans.

Zhang Ruoyun sent red envelopes in the wow haw wow group, who is envious, can you let me also join the group

In fact, although "Minglong Boy", which belongs to Wow Haw Wow, has just been launched and broadcast, it has already attracted a large number of viewers and fans with its excellent production, charismatic plot and cast. Zhang Ruoyun also once again confirmed his strict selection vision in the entertainment industry, and once again confirmed the view that "Zhang Ruoyun is strictly selected and trustworthy".

Zhang Ruoyun sent red envelopes in the wow haw wow group, who is envious, can you let me also join the group

What's even more touching is that Zhang Ruoyun's move is not only to promote the new drama, but also like a feedback to fans for their long-term support. Sending red envelopes in the group, this kind of warm interaction, is simple but heartwarming, allowing fans to feel the true warmth of idols.

Zhang Ruoyun sent red envelopes in the wow haw wow group, who is envious, can you let me also join the group

Some netizens posted news: "Zhang Ruoyun really understands airborne, and he is not joking with high IQ and EQ." They affirmed Zhang Ruoyun's surprise and intimate expression from time to time, believing that he is not only an actor with elegant acting skills, but also a warm-hearted person who knows how to connect with fans.

Zhang Ruoyun sent red envelopes in the wow haw wow group, who is envious, can you let me also join the group

Of course, for fans who failed to join this "Wow Haw Haw Wow" group, although they missed this opportunity to grab red envelopes, they can still express their support for their idols and their love for the series through other channels. After all, "Minglong Boy" is being broadcast on Youku, and the high-quality content and wonderful performances of the actors are the best way to give back to fans.

Zhang Ruoyun sent red envelopes in the wow haw wow group, who is envious, can you let me also join the group
Zhang Ruoyun sent red envelopes in the wow haw wow group, who is envious, can you let me also join the group
Zhang Ruoyun sent red envelopes in the wow haw wow group, who is envious, can you let me also join the group
Zhang Ruoyun sent red envelopes in the wow haw wow group, who is envious, can you let me also join the group
Zhang Ruoyun sent red envelopes in the wow haw wow group, who is envious, can you let me also join the group
Zhang Ruoyun sent red envelopes in the wow haw wow group, who is envious, can you let me also join the group

Zhang Ruoyun sent red envelopes in the group, igniting the small universe of the fan group, and it has also become a warm story on the Internet. In this world full of machine-running and fast-food culture...


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