
Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctors remind: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more often

author:I once said that it was funny

Introduction: As a vital respiratory organ in our body, the lungs play a key role in the maintenance of life, when the lungs are diseased, resulting in hypoxia, the tissues and organs of the whole body will gradually weaken, therefore, maintaining lung health is a vital task.

However, in the mainland, the incidence of lung cancer remains high, ranking first among malignant tumors in the country, and it is shocking that the mortality rate of lung cancer patients has been the highest for 18 consecutive years.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctors remind: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more often

Every year, about 860,000 people in mainland China are diagnosed with lung cancer, and about 660,000 patients die as a result, and it is expected that by 2025, the total number of lung cancer patients in mainland China will reach 1 million, becoming the "world's largest country in lung cancer".

In the past three decades, the death rate of lung cancer has soared by 465%, with an average annual growth rate of a staggering 26.9%, which undoubtedly reminds us that cancer prevention is an urgent task, and with the improvement of people's health awareness, people have begun to prevent lung cancer and protect lung health in various ways.

Among them, smoking cessation and exercise have become the focus of attention, and many people believe that exercise can promote lung health, for example, by walking regularly to achieve this purpose, so does this practice really work?

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctors remind: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more often

What are the functions of the lungs?

The lungs, as the most important respiratory organ of the human body, assume a variety of complex and critical functions.

1. The lungs are the main place of gas exchange, providing oxygen to the human body and excreting carbon dioxide, when we inhale air, oxygen enters the blood through the alveoli of the lungs, providing the required oxygen for all parts of the body;

2. The carbon dioxide produced by the body enters the lungs through the blood and is excreted with the exhalation, and this efficient oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange process is the basis for maintaining life activities.

3. The lungs also have the function of filtering and regulating air temperature and humidity, and respiratory structures such as the nasal cavity, trachea and bronchi help us filter out harmful substances in the air, such as dust, bacteria and viruses;

4. The lungs maintain the comfort of the respiratory tract by regulating the temperature and humidity of the inhaled air, thereby protecting our respiratory system from irritation and damage.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctors remind: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more often

How many of these 4 behaviors that hurt your lungs have you been hit?


Smoking is the primary factor that harms the lungs, and the harmful substances in tobacco can directly damage lung tissues and increase the risk of lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other diseases.

air pollution

Long-term exposure to air pollution, such as industrial exhaust gases, automobile exhaust fumes, etc., can also cause damage to the lungs, so on days with poor air quality, outdoor activities should be avoided as much as possible and indoor air circulation should be paid attention to.

Lack of exercise

Long-term lack of exercise will lead to a decrease in the body's immunity and be susceptible to viruses and bacteria, while proper exercise can enhance lung function and improve the body's immunity, so maintaining a moderate amount of exercise is essential for lung health.

Emotional depression

When emotions are suppressed, the body creates a stress response that releases a lot of hormones and chemicals. These substances can negatively affect the lungs, leading to symptoms such as poor breathing and chest tightness, but maintaining a good mood and reducing stress are equally important for lung health.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctors remind: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more often

Is regular walking good for the lungs?

It is a well-known fact that walking has multiple benefits for the lungs, and that life is about exercise, which is also essential for lung health.

In our busy lives, we may not have enough time for systematic exercise, however, walking provides us with a convenient and practical option.

In a nearby park or community, we can walk in the fresh air, this simple form of exercise can effectively improve physical fitness, and at the same time play a role in the maintenance of the lungs, insist on walking, the following three major benefits for the lungs:

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctors remind: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more often

Walking regularly can bring 3 major benefits to the lungs

Walking can boost breathing in your lungs

During a walk, our lungs are constantly inhaling and exhaling air, which helps to increase lung capacity and improve respiratory function.

At the same time, walking can also improve the health of the lungs by promoting blood circulation, so that more oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the lungs.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctors remind: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more often

Walking helps remove junk from your lungs

During a walk, our body constantly produces sweat and phlegm, which can help remove waste from the lungs and keep them clean. In addition, walking can also promote the renewal and regeneration of lung cells, making the lungs healthier.

Walking can relieve symptoms of lung disease

For some people with lung diseases such as chronic bronchitis and asthma, walking can help relieve symptoms and alleviate the condition.

At the same time, walking can also improve the body's immunity, reduce the occurrence of colds and other respiratory diseases, and thus protect lung health.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctors remind: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more often

People with bad lungs often have 4 "manifestations" in the body, accounting for one, which also means that your lung function is very poor

The skin is rusty

If the lungs are not functioning well, toxins in the body may accumulate on the skin, resulting in rusty skin, this is because the lungs are important detoxification organs in the body, and if the lung function is impaired, it will affect the excretion of toxins.

Frequent coughing

Cough is one of the most common symptoms of lung disease, and if you cough frequently, it can be a sign of impaired lung function, especially for people who smoke for a long time or are exposed to harmful substances, coughing can be an early symptom of lung disease.

hand-fingered hammer

The drumstick-shaped fingers are also one of the manifestations of poor lung function, because the impaired lung function can lead to hypoxia, and the lack of oxygen will affect the normal development of the fingers.

Cyanosis of the lips

If the function of the lungs is impaired, it can lead to a lack of oxygen in the body, which can cause cyanosis of the lips. In addition, cyanosis of the lips can also be a sign of heart disease, so if you notice cyanosis of the lips, you should see a doctor for a check-up.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctors remind: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more often

Doctor's reminder: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more often

Lungs like to quit smoking and stay away from secondhand smoke

As an important part of the respiratory system, the lungs are the main organs of our body for gas exchange with the outside world, it provides energy for our life activities by inhaling oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide, however, smoking and inhaling secondhand smoke have caused serious damage to the lungs.

Smoking is one of the main causes of lung diseases, and the harmful substances in tobacco can directly damage the tissue cells of the lungs, reduce lung function, and increase the risk of lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Inhaling secondhand smoke is also harmful to the lungs, when smokers smoke, the harmful substances in the tobacco smoke will permeate the air and be inhaled by others, these harmful substances will irritate the lung mucosa, increase the risk of lung infection, and may even lead to lung cancer.

The lungs love fresh air

When people inhale such air, the lungs are able to fully absorb oxygen and expel carbon dioxide from the body, which helps to maintain the normal physiological functions of the human body and maintain the vitality of the body.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctors remind: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more often

However, when the air is polluted, such as automobile exhaust, industrial exhaust, etc., the harmful substances in it will cause damage to the lungs, and long-term exposure to such an environment will cause damage to the lungs, leading to the occurrence of various respiratory diseases.

Therefore, in order to protect the health of our lungs, we should try to breathe clean air, and in our daily life, we can choose to go to places with better air quality for outdoor activities, such as parks, mountains, etc.

The lungs like to laugh and open their mouths

Keeping a smile open is an important guarantee for lung health, laughter is one of the most natural expressions of human beings, when we are happy, happy, relaxed, we will naturally smile, however, laughter is not only an emotional expression, it also has many benefits for human health.

When we laugh, the lungs naturally expand, which increases lung capacity, which has a positive effect on lung health. At the same time, laughter can also speed up blood circulation, provide more oxygen and nutrients to the lungs, and contribute to the normal functioning of the lungs.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctors remind: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more often

Secondly, laughter can relieve stress, in modern society, people are faced with a variety of pressures, such as work pressure, life pressure, etc., these pressures can have a negative impact on our body, especially the impact on the lungs is more significant, and laughter can effectively relieve these pressures, make our bodies more relaxed, and contribute to the health of the lungs.

The lungs like to drink plenty of water

The lungs love to drink plenty of water due to the vital role that water plays in the human body. Water is one of the most abundant substances in the human body, and it is essential for sustaining life activities.

Drinking plenty of water can help keep the lungs moist and clean, thereby reducing the occurrence of respiratory diseases, when the body is dehydrated, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract can become dry and susceptible to bacteria and viruses, leading to respiratory infections, maintaining adequate water intake is essential for maintaining lung health.

In addition, drinking plenty of water can also help dilute the sputum, which is a secretion in the lungs and respiratory tract, which can easily block the airways and make it difficult to breathe if the phlegm is too thick.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctors remind: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more often

Read more: Is there still a need for treatment for advanced lung cancer?

First of all, we need to be clear that the treatment of advanced lung cancer is indeed difficult, but it does not mean that there is no value in treatment.

For patients, the necessity of treatment is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

1. Prolonged survival: Although the survival time of advanced lung cancer may be shorter, it is still possible to prolong the survival of patients with effective treatment.

2. Improve quality of life: Treatment can improve the patient's quality of life by reducing the patient's symptoms, such as cough, difficulty breathing, etc.

Is regular walking good for the lungs? Doctors remind: The lungs like 4 things, so you might as well do more often

3. Reduce the burden on the family: Although the cost of treatment is high, if the survival of the patient can be prolonged, reducing the burden on the family is also one of the factors worth considering.

However, we also need to recognize that there are risks and side effects associated with the treatment of advanced lung cancer, for example, chemotherapy and radiotherapy may cause discomfort such as nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and may even be life-threatening.

Therefore, before treatment, the doctor needs to conduct a thorough evaluation of the patient to determine the most suitable treatment plan.

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