
The first artillery soldier was itchy and couldn't bear to fire a shot, and actually knocked down a famous Japanese general on the enemy plane, changing the tide of the battle

author:Governor of Longjiang

On the cold winter day of 1942, on the battlefield of China, the sound of artillery rumbled, and the smoke of war filled the entire sky. December 18th, this seemingly ordinary day, is destined to go down in history.

The Chinese artillery unit is carrying out routine weapons inspection and maintenance. In this group, there is a passionate warrior. His hand gently wiped the cold cannon, his eyes flashing with anger at the enemy. He turned to the company commander and said excitedly: "Company commander, the shells are all damp, so let me shoot a shot." The company commander was about to respond, when a Japanese plane suddenly appeared in the sky, and it happened that the Japanese general Tsukada Tsukada was sitting on the plane.

The first artillery soldier was itchy and couldn't bear to fire a shot, and actually knocked down a famous Japanese general on the enemy plane, changing the tide of the battle

The newly promoted general, Tsukada Tsukasa, was originally an outstanding graduate of the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer School and held important positions in the Japanese Army. He was promoted to the rank of general for his outstanding military prowess and military exploits, and became the commander of the Japanese 11th Army. On December 17, 1942, Tsukada traveled to Nanjing with great glory to attend a conference and celebrate his ascension ceremony. Little did he know that the climax of this honor would be the end of his life.

In Nanjing, he attended a meeting to discuss the "Operation Plan No. 5," which was intended to boost the sluggish morale of the Japanese army. After the meeting, he left Nanjing on a military plane to prepare for the implementation of this battle plan. However, when the plane flew over the Dabie Mountain area, fate took a dramatic turn.

In the camp of the Chinese artillery unit, the soldier with the fire of war in his heart watched the Japanese planes in the sky. He knew that this could be a game-changing moment. With the acquiescence of the company commander, he quickly adjusted the muzzle of the gun, and silently recited the oath to his home and country in his heart. With a loud bang, a shell pierced the sky and headed straight for the Japanese plane.

The first artillery soldier was itchy and couldn't bear to fire a shot, and actually knocked down a famous Japanese general on the enemy plane, changing the tide of the battle

At that moment, time seemed to freeze. The soldier's hand clenching the shell trembled slightly, his eyes were fixed on the target in the sky, and all the focus was on the Japanese plane. The soldiers next to the company commander also held their breath, their eyes intertwined with anticipation and nervousness.

The warrior took a deep breath of cold air, and he adjusted the angle and direction of the cannon, making sure that every parameter was accurate. He then turned to look at the company commander for final confirmation. The company commander nodded, his eyes shining with determination and trust. The fighters were well aware that this was not only an attack, but also a symbolic counterattack against the aggressor.

As the fighters pressed the launch button, a loud bang pierced the quiet sky, and the cannonballs flew swiftly towards the plane like a meteor. All eyes were on the cannonball, which drew a straight line in the air and headed straight for the target.

The first artillery soldier was itchy and couldn't bear to fire a shot, and actually knocked down a famous Japanese general on the enemy plane, changing the tide of the battle

Inside the plane, Tsukada was unaware. He had just finished his promotion ceremony in Nanjing, and he was in a happy mood. He was checking the documents and preparing the upcoming "Operation Plan Five". But the sudden explosion shattered all his plans.

The plane shook violently, Tsukada was thrown to the side, and the wing of the plane was hit by a shell and began to smoke. The pilot tried to take control of the plane, but it was too late. The plane lost control and fell sharply.

The first artillery soldier was itchy and couldn't bear to fire a shot, and actually knocked down a famous Japanese general on the enemy plane, changing the tide of the battle

Seeing this, the Chinese soldiers on the ground cheered. This is not only a blow to Tsukada Tsukashi, but also a heavy blow to the aggressor. The fighters realized that they could not only shoot down an enemy plane, but also change the course of the war.

When the Japanese military received the news that Tsukada had been killed, the entire command was furious and shocked. This was not only because Tsukada, who had just been promoted to general, suffered misfortune less than thirty hours after taking office, but also because their carefully planned "No. 5 Battle Plan" also came to naught. This plan, which was originally developed for a large-scale attack on the Chinese army, has now come to naught.

In retaliation for this loss, the Japanese military issued a brutal order: to carry out indiscriminate covering bombing of the Dabie Mountain area. This decision has drawn innocent people into a brutal war.

The first artillery soldier was itchy and couldn't bear to fire a shot, and actually knocked down a famous Japanese general on the enemy plane, changing the tide of the battle

Soon after, a large number of Japanese fighters took to the skies, their wings filled with lethal ammunition. They carried out heavy bombing and strafing in the Dabie Mountain area. In this devastating attack, countless homes were razed, land was plowed and thousands of innocent people were killed and injured. Even the Chinese army suffered significant losses.

At the same time, due to the urgency of the situation, the Gui army had to retreat, and their military exploits were not recorded in the merit book in time. Although this battle achieved a major victory over Tsukada's attack, the cruelty of the war is still visible.

In fact, Tsukada is not as simple as described at the beginning of the article. He was not only a high-ranking general of the Japanese Army, but also a real demon. His hands were stained with the blood of the Chinese, and he was the object of deep hatred of the Chinese nation.

The first artillery soldier was itchy and couldn't bear to fire a shot, and actually knocked down a famous Japanese general on the enemy plane, changing the tide of the battle

Tsukada was one of the masterminds and masterminds of the "77 Incident". This incident not only triggered the war of resistance against Japan that lasted for more than a decade, but also caused about 35 million military and civilian casualties. He was also one of the masterminds of the "Nanjing Massacre", a tragic case jointly planned by him and many other Class-A war criminals, which is still an eternal pain in the hearts of the Chinese people.

Although his death put an end to the demon, some people felt that such a death was too cheap for him. His crimes and brutality could not be repaid by a simple death.

The first artillery soldier was itchy and couldn't bear to fire a shot, and actually knocked down a famous Japanese general on the enemy plane, changing the tide of the battle

The war has taken a huge toll on China. Countless people and soldiers have given their precious lives. But it is precisely these sacrifices that make us deeply aware of the preciousness of peace. Only by living well and constantly building the motherland can we smash the machinations of these careerists and give true peace to all the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for freedom and peace.

(Source: Records & Transmission)