
"Miss Fang's Love Cheats" premiered, starring Wang Yijin and Zhang Jingyun, how to make Mr. Ba fall in love with me

author:Little Fish Entertainment

The title of the ancient poem "Miss Fang's Love Secrets" who writes about love, a touch of smoke in the TV series. Women are discerning, men are alluring, an illusion, and everyone in the world has passed it on. "Miss Fang's Love Cheats", the woman in the pen painstakingly arranged. The programmer is a programmer, accidentally enters the game, and courtship in the game is so funny. Sexy and shocking, pretending to be cute and heart-beating, women are tricky, and men are around. The newcomer is Xi, and clever plans are frequent, competing for favor for the boss, and the love is disturbed.

"Miss Fang's Love Cheats" premiered, starring Wang Yijin and Zhang Jingyun, how to make Mr. Ba fall in love with me

Cream ambiguous, deep dating, young people's hearts, where is the true love? seniors help, motorcycles, luxury cars, women control, men out of control. Heroes save beauty, bosses protect flowers, women play with hearts, and men become captured. The woman flirts, the boss is excited, the plot is bizarre, and it is difficult to distinguish between truth and falsehood. The audience was dumbfounded, the boss was manipulated, men and women wrestled, and there was an absurd scene. The queen of news, Hong Kong's domineering, mainland courtship, how to solve feelings?

"Miss Fang's Love Cheats" premiered, starring Wang Yijin and Zhang Jingyun, how to make Mr. Ba fall in love with me

The female protagonist is domineering, the male protagonist loves me, what the audience thinks, why is the wrestling? The workplace is real, more important than illusory, and sexual harassment in the workplace, how can it be ignored? The acting skills are indescribable, and the performance of the two protagonists is flat. The character is attacked, the image is weak, the script is good, and the performance is weak. Men and women are mediocre, like playing at home, who praises this play? Young audiences, how can they watch this, illusory courtship, how can they cherish it? Our generation's foolish opinion, illusory courtship, far inferior to the brilliance of reality.

"Miss Fang's Love Cheats" premiered, starring Wang Yijin and Zhang Jingyun, how to make Mr. Ba fall in love with me

Cherish the true feelings, don't be vain, leave a message to watch, and know the voice of your heart. 【Personal opinion】This drama has illusory emotions, low ornamentation, and the characters' behavior is like playing at home, and the entertainment value is limited. In real life, issues such as sexual harassment in the workplace deserve more attention, and young audiences should keep a clear head, cherish true feelings, and not be confused by false feelings. 【Summary of golden sentences】Illusory courtship, it is better to cherish true feelings; viewing is limited, far inferior to reality.

"Miss Fang's Love Cheats" premiered, starring Wang Yijin and Zhang Jingyun, how to make Mr. Ba fall in love with me

On the occasion of this illusory courtship, welcome to leave your impressions and opinions.

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