
#Zhang Xincheng Support Association refuted rumors#On the 27th, Zhang Xincheng Support Association issued an article to refute rumors on the Internet, spreading "Zhang Xincheng Wang Yijin Love Timeline" and "Zhang Xincheng Time Management Master" and other related news, indicating the network

author:Sohu Entertainment

#Zhang Xincheng Support Association refuted rumors# On the 27th, Zhang Xincheng Support Association issued an article refuting rumors on the Internet, "Zhang Xincheng Wang Yijin Love Timeline", "Zhang Xincheng Time Management Master" and other related news, saying that the Internet is not an illegal place and rejects any rumors.

It is reported that some netizens previously said that they met Zhang Xincheng and Li Randi in Thailand, which triggered speculation among netizens, and then some netizens summarized Zhang Xincheng's love history, saying that Zhang Xincheng and Wang Yijin and Li Randi's "love timeline" overlapped, and was suspected of "stepping on two boats".

#Zhang Xincheng Support Association refuted rumors#On the 27th, Zhang Xincheng Support Association issued an article to refute rumors on the Internet, spreading "Zhang Xincheng Wang Yijin Love Timeline" and "Zhang Xincheng Time Management Master" and other related news, indicating the network
#Zhang Xincheng Support Association refuted rumors#On the 27th, Zhang Xincheng Support Association issued an article to refute rumors on the Internet, spreading "Zhang Xincheng Wang Yijin Love Timeline" and "Zhang Xincheng Time Management Master" and other related news, indicating the network
#Zhang Xincheng Support Association refuted rumors#On the 27th, Zhang Xincheng Support Association issued an article to refute rumors on the Internet, spreading "Zhang Xincheng Wang Yijin Love Timeline" and "Zhang Xincheng Time Management Master" and other related news, indicating the network
#Zhang Xincheng Support Association refuted rumors#On the 27th, Zhang Xincheng Support Association issued an article to refute rumors on the Internet, spreading "Zhang Xincheng Wang Yijin Love Timeline" and "Zhang Xincheng Time Management Master" and other related news, indicating the network
#Zhang Xincheng Support Association refuted rumors#On the 27th, Zhang Xincheng Support Association issued an article to refute rumors on the Internet, spreading "Zhang Xincheng Wang Yijin Love Timeline" and "Zhang Xincheng Time Management Master" and other related news, indicating the network
#Zhang Xincheng Support Association refuted rumors#On the 27th, Zhang Xincheng Support Association issued an article to refute rumors on the Internet, spreading "Zhang Xincheng Wang Yijin Love Timeline" and "Zhang Xincheng Time Management Master" and other related news, indicating the network
#Zhang Xincheng Support Association refuted rumors#On the 27th, Zhang Xincheng Support Association issued an article to refute rumors on the Internet, spreading "Zhang Xincheng Wang Yijin Love Timeline" and "Zhang Xincheng Time Management Master" and other related news, indicating the network

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