
Song Qian accompanied the dance and posted a complaint, Song Qian's requirements were too high and she didn't bring a special partner, and netizens made a lot of noise!

author:Watakojin 剧

On December 13, a netizen claimed to be Song Qian's backup dancer, and she published a long article on social platforms to complain about Song Qian.

In the long article, Song Qian was accused of pursuing difficult movements excessively without considering the feelings of the dancers, in short, it was a little unkind. The backup dancer said that when the non-specialized backup dancer did not complete the difficult movements required by Song Qian, Song Qian would reprimand the backup dancer. As soon as this long article was announced, it attracted heated discussions among netizens, and the comment area of this long article was in full swing.

Song Qian accompanied the dance and posted a complaint, Song Qian's requirements were too high and she didn't bring a special partner, and netizens made a lot of noise!

In 2007, Song Qian became a Xi student at a Korean film and television entertainment company, and many people wanted to join this entertainment company as a Xi trainee, but the requirements were too strict. Song Qian participated in the Beijing Dance Competition this year and won the first prize in folk dance, which was discovered by the talent scouts of entertainment companies. This was a very good development opportunity for Song Qian, so she went to South Korea to start a two-year Xi career.

Two years of Xi life have improved Song Qian's comprehensive ability a lot, Song Qian debuted as the captain of the F group in 2009, she quickly gained a foothold in the Korean entertainment industry, and after that, she participated in the Sino-Korean Song Club. Since then, Song Qian has occupied a place in the entertainment industry at home and abroad, in addition to being a dancer, Song Qian is also an actor. She has many masterpieces, and in My Sassy Girlfriend, Song Qian shows the image of the character to the audience very thoroughly, and many viewers call her a powerful idol.

Song Qian accompanied the dance and posted a complaint, Song Qian's requirements were too high and she didn't bring a special partner, and netizens made a lot of noise!

As a star who has been active in the entertainment industry all year round, Song Qian has high requirements for herself. Every time she performs on stage, she will be strict with herself, and in the variety show, Song Qian once said that in order to practice Xi dance, she can reach the point of forgetting to sleep and eat. Some netizens also feel that Song Qian's current achievements are inseparable from her strict requirements for herself. This time, the backup dancer who complained about Song Qian said that Song Qian's requirements were too high, which made many backup dancers uncomfortable.

There are many netizens who complained in its comment area: Since you are a backup dancer, you must have a professional level, after all, you eat this bowl of rice, if you don't even have the basic level of this backup dance, then it is better to change the industry immediately.

Some netizens pointed out sharply: You said that you asked Song Qian to bring a special backup dancer, which shows that in your backup dance career, you have always been reluctant to mix in the past, since you earn this money, you must do it seriously, don't complain at every turn, you must know that everyone is very tired.

Song Qian accompanied the dance and posted a complaint, Song Qian's requirements were too high and she didn't bring a special partner, and netizens made a lot of noise!

The dancer who complained about Song Qian was also very aggrieved, she said in the comment area, please think about it from someone else's point of view, we have a meager salary, and Song Qian is not the only one who serves, if we spend all our time on Song Qian's rehearsals, then we still have a lot of tasks that cannot be completed within the specified time, we are already very tired, since you support your idol so much, it is better to think about how to let her invite a special backup dancer to rehearse for her!

From this passage, it can be seen that this backup dancer is deeply helpless, and then, many netizens began to stand on the side of the dancer. Netizens think that why Song Qian is so embarrassed to work as a worker, after all, as said in the article, these backup dancers are not specifically for someone. Immediately afterwards, netizens who supported Song Qian began to refute.

Some netizens said: How can you be wrong when you have high requirements for the stage? How did Song Qian know before rehearsal that you backup dancers only have such a little ability? If your backup dancers are so bad, what stage will you go on?

Song Qian accompanied the dance and posted a complaint, Song Qian's requirements were too high and she didn't bring a special partner, and netizens made a lot of noise!

Some netizens who support backup dancing said: Do you want 100 yuan to make people dance for 10,000 yuan? These people are not her Song Qian's special dancers, if you want the effect, Song Qian can bring her own special dancers, substitute for the workers, tired and tired to earn so much, and was scolded by Song Qian's fans!

The comment area has been noisy, on the one hand, there are fans who support Song Qian, and on the other hand, netizens who support the dance, and both parties have their own reasons. In fact, Song Qian's high standards for the stage are right, which is also to present a better program effect to the audience. Whether you are a professional dance partner or not, you should always be serious about your work. Song Qian's fans said that Song Qian has always been very focused on dance rehearsals, which has created her superb dance level, and the requirements for backup dancers are also Song Qian's desire to improve them.

Song Qian accompanied the dance and posted a complaint, Song Qian's requirements were too high and she didn't bring a special partner, and netizens made a lot of noise!

Some netizens believe that Song Qian was reprimanded by Song Qian for not being able to complete the difficult movements of the accompanying dance, and there are also some mistakes with Song Qian here. After all, it is indeed difficult for the backup dancer to complete the rehearsal movements required by Song Qian. Netizens said that if Song Qian encounters this kind of problem again in the future, it is recommended to take some measures to solve it, instead of reprimanding it outright, after all, everyone is working hard to rehearse.

Song Qian accompanied the dance and posted a complaint, Song Qian's requirements were too high and she didn't bring a special partner, and netizens made a lot of noise!

In any case, Song Qian's requirements for backup dancers are also to pursue better stage effects. At present, many fans said in the comment area of the dance that they want to come out and apologize to the dancing netizens, and Song Qian's fans said: You are unprofessional, don't burden others, no one pays for your unprofessionalism.

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible!

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