
Dong Yuhui is in trouble



Dong Yuhui's melons in the past two days' "small composition" are very worth eating, and all the workers read today's article carefully.

First of all, this melon is not complicated.

We all know that Dong Yuhui's writing is excellent, and the free play in the live broadcast room is a golden sentence at any time, including Dong Yuhui's recent short videos for many provinces.

Then the editor of the Oriental selection team broke the news.

said that these small essays are not Dong Yuhui's original, but from the copywriting team, and it is "everyone's collaboration that has a special small composition".

Dong Yuhui is in trouble

As a result, Dong Yuhui's fans quit, thinking that Dong Yuhui was backstabbed, so they rushed into the live broadcast room of the competing Gaotu to swipe the screen, in order to express their dissatisfaction with Dongfang Selection for hurting Dong Yuhui.

The effect is also obvious.

On December 11, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room of Oriental Selection was only 8.18 million, compared with 12.1 million to 16.91 million in the previous three days, and the share price of Oriental Selection fell by 7.13% on the same day, and yesterday, December 13, the share price of Oriental Selection fell by nearly 13% again.

Dong Yuhui is in trouble

Dong Yuhui had to issue a clarification and give an explanation of who wrote the small essay.

Dong Yuhui is in trouble
Dong Yuhui is in trouble

(Dong Yuhui's statement)

Dongfang selection executives also came out to express their positions, telling fans that Dong Yuhui's treatment is actually very good, and there is no such thing as a backstab.

I have read a lot of comments about Dong Yuhui's melon in the past two days, and the conspiracy theory is that the editor is actually behind Yu Minhong, intending to knock Dong Yuhui.

Whether this is possible or not, I dare not say nonsense without evidence.

At present, this matter is still fermenting, and we might as well let the bullets fly for a while.

Here I just want to say that New Oriental has successfully transformed in the past two years, and Dong Yuhui's credit is worthy of his treatment.

What is especially rare is that Dong Yuhui's fire that has come out of the circle is the kind of image health fire that is very scarce on the Chinese Internet today, not at all like the fire of some other Internet celebrities, whether they dance awkwardly, play ugly or label to attract attention (although this fire is not bad from a commercial point of view).

This means that Dong Yuhui's IP road still has a long way to go.

In addition, Dongfang Selection will continue to expand into the field of cultural tourism, and the road of cultural tourism has high requirements for IP, and Dong Yuhui's positive value can also be explored deeper and wider, and the top management of Dongfang Selection must be aware of the scarcity of high-quality IP.

This brings us to the focus of today's discussion.

I would like to talk about the editor of Oriental Selection pointed out that the small essay is not Dong Yuhui's original, emphasizing that "everyone cooperates to have a special small essay", what should we think of this matter?

In fact, the situation of Xiaobian is widespread in all walks of life.

Speeches by leaders in the system are usually drafted by secretaries, subordinates often work in the company, leaders come to the stage to receive awards, screenwriters work hard to write lines, and actors earn millions of dollars a year when they move their mouths......

The world is full of people who really work and can only get a few mouthfuls of porridge, and a few people who seem to have heads and faces do the least work, but eat the most meat.

Is this fair?

Should the opinions of the editors of Oriental Selection be respected?

If you read the article, how should you think when you face this dilemma?

Regarding this "dilemma", I would like to share a small story told by Mr. Wan Weigang, about Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding heroes of the United States.

As a young man, Franklin was also an inventor and writer, and when his brother ran a newspaper, Franklin wrote anonymously and quietly delivered it to the newspaper in an envelope.

Naturally, there is no manuscript fee.

Why did he submit anonymously? Because his brother was jealous of him.

But because of this opportunity, Franklin's articles became better and more popular and became so popular that they made headlines with each issue.

But no one knew that he wrote it, including his brother (who finally found out and was very unhappy to know the consequences).

So what exactly did Franklin want, you ask?

The answer is: he has received real feedback from the market on his work, and his writing talent has been constantly improving.

This story is my attitude towards the small essay incident.

The editor of Dongfang Selection seems to state the facts, but in fact he is coquettish.

Is there a need to be coquettish?

The distribution mechanism of this world is not who does more and who gets more, but I often mention to you:

Competence is a part-time job for resources.

Ability to work for resources, this sentence is recommended to be read out and kept in mind.

No matter how talented the editor is, even if he is stronger than Dong Yuhui, you are only a member of the cultural and creative team, and what you output is only writing ability, and the scarcity of ability is very low.

Look at Dong Yuhui in turn.

Regardless of whether Dong Yuhui's golden sentences before and after are original to him, in short, he is now a national IP, IP is a resource, and the scarcity of this resource is not at all a substitute for your editor's hard work of staying up late and working overtime.

Whether it's fair or unfair, each has its own reason.

But everyone's contribution has to be put on the market, and the market will price you, and only the market will price the fairest.

In this case, as a talented but little-known editor, how should he face a super IP like Dong Yuhui?

I think what you have to do is not only not to complain, but to be glad that you have such an opportunity to work beside Dong Yuhui, and you can have the opportunity to let the cattle people use the services you provide.

And you should try to make the cow feel as comfortable as possible, and you might as well pile all the credit on the cow man.

Make the cattle more willing to continue to use you.

Give you more space and more stages to show your abilities.

At the same time, because of the broad stage given by the bulls, you can see what kind of feedback your talent gets in the market, just like Franklin gained from anonymous submissions back then.

One day, the editor resigned, because you used to be Dong Yuhui's royal copywriter, and the super IP has endorsed your talent, are you still worried that you can't get high-quality job opportunities?

Which other IP doesn't want Dong Yuhui's royal editor to write copywriting for himself?

Dong Yuhui is 30 years old this year, very young, the editor of Dongfang Selection should be about the same age as Dong Yuhui, even if he is a college student who has just graduated for two years, he is not a few years younger.

I guess the editor looks at his income of 10,000 yuan a month, compared with the annual salary of his peer Dong Yuhui of tens of millions, and his heart may not be balanced.

But I'm sorry, the rules of the workplace are like this, whether it's age, seniority, bloodline, equity, major, experience...... All resources and capabilities need to be put on the platform, in the market, to weigh the pounds, to see how much value you can create, and then talk about the distribution of benefits.

This is an iron law, not the editor nor Dong Yuhui, or even Yu Minhong has the final say.

It's the market that has the final say.

Lao Yu does not respect the laws of the market and does not give Dong Yuhui the treatment he deserves.

By the time I write this, the dust has not yet settled on the small essay incident.

Today I say that low-level people have the opportunity to work with cattle people, they must have a number in their hearts, they must know how to advance and retreat, and you don't cherish the great opportunity, and there are people behind you who are looking at it.

On the other hand, I also have expectations for a national IP like Dong Yuhui.

Those who hold resources in positions today must understand that the Internet can create gods or kill gods.

We must be vigilant against our own morality, so as not to accidentally get involved in the turmoil and ruin the reputation that we have easily accumulated.