
26-year-old Wu Yanni was invited by her hometown to upgrade her status and give a speech to nearly 1,000 students

author:A San Kan Ball

As we all know, in the previous Asian Games, Wu Yanni was canceled because of the rush result, which caused a lot of controversy after the game. However, what is surprising is that although Wu Yanni failed to win the championship this time, she is much stronger than the champion Lin Yuwei in terms of traffic and exposure. Just recently, she was invited by her hometown to officially go to work to unlock a new identity, which can be described as infinitely beautiful.

26-year-old Wu Yanni was invited by her hometown to upgrade her status and give a speech to nearly 1,000 students

Just recently, a local education and sports bureau in Zigong City, Sichuan Province, organized an open class, according to state media reports. This time, they invited 26-year-old Wu Yanni, the pride of their hometown, to be a guest speaker, and gave a public class to more than 800 sports students from various schools in the county. Obviously, this time the hometown is proud of Wu Yanni, and seeing that she has a good reputation and influence after becoming famous, he strongly invited her back as a sharing guest to share her hard work and struggle experience on the road of sports to the younger students. This is also in the hope of encouraging these young students to look up to Wu Yanni and have better grades in the future and win glory for the country.

26-year-old Wu Yanni was invited by her hometown to upgrade her status and give a speech to nearly 1,000 students

There is no doubt that this official arrangement is very good, and it can also attract more young people to pay attention to the sport of hurdles. And for Wu Yanni herself, it is naturally a huge affirmation, she has changed from an athlete to a guest speaker, and her personal identity has completed a gorgeous transformation. In the past, she may only know how to do a good job in hurdle skills and movements, how to run well, and stand on the top podium to win glory for the country. But this time, Wu Yanni has changed from an athlete to a teacher on the podium, and she needs to know how to share her gains over the years, which is obviously a great test of personal expression skills. However, judging from the video of the speech that day, Wu Yanni still completed this task very well, and I want to give her a thumbs up here.

26-year-old Wu Yanni was invited by her hometown to upgrade her status and give a speech to nearly 1,000 students

To be honest, Wu Yanni has been controversial since her debut, but from an athlete's point of view, her experience should be quite successful. At least her commercial value has been affirmed by the outside world, and it is still good to let the women's 100-meter hurdles project be known by more fans and outside audiences. Of course, as an outsider, we also have a piece of advice that we want to give to Wu Yanni, hoping that she can be as low-key as possible in the future. While running well, if she can be a little humble and low-key, it may be more in line with the traditional concept of the Chinese people, and she can get a better reputation on the Internet.

26-year-old Wu Yanni was invited by her hometown to upgrade her status and give a speech to nearly 1,000 students

It's understandable that you're crazy about athletes, but you have to have capital. On the other hand, you can't be crazy. The reason why Wu Yanni was controversial before was mainly because she was a little out of line at times, and if you adjust these places, she is still a very good athlete and a good girl. Next, I look forward to Wu Yanni continuing to run better results in the future and repay her hometown for her training and support.

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