
How wide is the Japanese menu of raw food, and why don't even crows spare?

author:Curator of the Brain Cave

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How wide is the Japanese menu of raw food, and why don't even crows spare?

As we all know, Japan is a country with a strong raw food culture, and often likes to study various raw foods, such as common sashimi, sashimi of raw shellfish, and so on.

How wide is the Japanese menu of raw food, and why don't even crows spare?

These normal raw foods are acceptable, after all, they are not so unpalatable, but many people are not used to eating them, or they are not used to eating Xi such a diet.

But who would have thought that now that the Japanese have begun to attack crows and actually include them in the raw food menu, why are the Japanese so obsessed with raw food? Why do they not even let go of birds like crows?

In fact, Japan's raw food culture has been around the time of Jomon as early as 500 BC.

How wide is the Japanese menu of raw food, and why don't even crows spare?

At that time, the Japanese were influenced by Shinto ideology, revered nature, valued the original taste of food, and this food culture and Xi naturally passed down.

At the same time, Japan is also surrounded by the sea, and there is a lot of seafood that they can get, and many of the seafood itself has a unique flavor and texture that would no longer exist if it was cooked or processed.

Because of this, the Japanese pay more attention to raw food, so that they can taste the freshness of the ingredients and the different taste, objectively speaking, it is also a way to pursue food.

How wide is the Japanese menu of raw food, and why don't even crows spare?

However, in recent years, the direction of the development of Japan's raw food culture has been fascinating, and it is okay to eat some raw seafood, and gradually start eating other animals, such as raw chicken, raw horse meat, and even raw crow meat.

To say that the first two can be understood, this raw crow meat is really unacceptable, you must know that many varieties of crows are saprovores, often eat some carrion or wild things full of bacteria.

But the Japanese are just proud of this bite, and they also pick wild crows to eat.

How wide is the Japanese menu of raw food, and why don't even crows spare?

I have to say that their tastes and ideas are really unpredictable, and it is really impossible to eat raw crow meat in many Japanese prefectures, which can be said to have become a new dietary fashion.

In the eyes of the Japanese, eating raw crow meat gives it a special taste, which is a meat texture that other animals do not have, and they are also particular about eating it raw.

How wide is the Japanese menu of raw food, and why don't even crows spare?

Generally, only the meat of the crow's breast is chosen, this part of the meat is firmer and more refreshing, and after slicing, sprinkle some salt and dip it in soy sauce, it is said that it does not smell bloody, but is very fresh.

As everyone knows, these wild crows are not hygienic, even after manual treatment and disinfection, there are inevitably various bacteria in the body, not to mention raw food, even if they are cooked, there is no guarantee that there are no germ residues, which is the main reason why many people do not understand.

In addition, there is another point that also makes people wonder, that is, the crow is the national bird of Japan, which is equivalent to the status of the bald eagle in the United States.

How wide is the Japanese menu of raw food, and why don't even crows spare?

The reason behind this is that crows have seriously affected the lives of the Japanese people, and this is precisely one of the important reasons why the Japanese are now hunting crows.

In the past, when the crow was the national bird, people stayed away, and the Japanese people did not dare to provoke it, and even had to take the initiative to maintain them, under this protection and "pampering", the crow reproduced faster and faster, and the number was increasing.

Nowadays, it has become a disaster, many crows have invaded the area of human life, causing serious noise pollution, and the virus they carry is also prone to plague and disease in the area, which poses a potential threat to humans and other livestock.

How wide is the Japanese menu of raw food, and why don't even crows spare?

Then there are crows as carrivores, they will constantly look for edible food, so to rummage through garbage bags, some break into people's homes, and tear garbage bags can be seen everywhere on the street, which has affected the lives of citizens and environmental hygiene.

On the other hand, crows are infested in Japan but have no strong natural predators, so the Japanese government has also begun to relax the protection of crows, and people spontaneously hunt and kill crows to reduce the harm they bring.

It's just that they didn't expect the crow's meat to be quite novel to them, and they directly brought the crow to the table, which was indeed unexpected.

How wide is the Japanese menu of raw food, and why don't even crows spare?

Objectively speaking, it is indeed a good choice to eat some ingredients raw, such as some seafood foods, raw food can largely retain the original taste of the ingredients and the various nutrients they are rich in, such as trace elements, vitamins and so on.

These nutrients are easily lost if cooked at high temperatures, but they can be eaten raw to retain the maximum nutritional value.

From the perspective of food safety, there are also potential safety hazards when eaten raw, such as some ingredients come from unknown sources, or their own characteristics cause the ingredients to be unhealthy and contain germs.

If you insist on eating it, it will cause food poisoning, and in severe cases, it may cause the spread of the virus and cause a large-scale plague, so this raw food method should ensure the freshness and safety of the ingredients, and at the same time, it should be chosen as appropriate.

In addition, Japan's raw food culture is also very cruel, and it can be called cruel in the processing of some ingredients, they do not kill the animals directly, but slice them alive, and finally ensure that they are still alive after cutting, which is the top knife skills and cooking.

What do you think of this raw food culture?

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