
People with these 4 "faces" are rich and prosperous all their lives

author:Cloth clothes and coarse food

Some people say: "The phase is born from the heart, and the situation changes with the heart." ”

Some people also say: "Knowing people and knowing faces does not know hearts." ”

It can be seen that the physiognomy of a person is connected with the soul, and it is the relationship between the inner and the outer.

If a person wants to be rich and prosperous in his life, he must actively change his heart, and the concrete manifestation of the change is on the face.

Physiognomy is an invisible business card, or your own realm.

People with these 4 "faces" are rich and prosperous all their lives


The face is rosy, and the body and mind are healthy.

According to Darwin, "Man is the only animal that blushes, and the red face is the most unique and human expression." ”

A red face indicates that a person has a sense of shame and is able to know what can and cannot be done. If you do something immoral, you will immediately become alert and urge yourself to correct it. This is a manifestation of mental health.

In opera, we use red faces to represent "justice and kindness".

For example, Guan Yu's face is like a heavy jujube, Guan Tai is a red-faced man, and Uncle Ying Kao and Taiyi Zhenren in the Spring and Autumn Period all use red faces to show that they are positive characters.

Those who have done bad things and their faces do not change their colors and their hearts do not beat are most likely because their moral quality is already very low and they have problems with their hearts.

On the other hand, a flushed face also indicates that you are in good health and in a better mental state.

From the perspective of life, the life of wealth is often represented by "big red". A certain family is prosperous, which means that the family is rich and noble.

There's nothing wrong with maintaining the shame of being a human being and nourishing your body.


Dare to blackface and be a real person.

"The black-faced Bao Gong", this sentence is familiar to us.

Bao Gong was Bao Zheng of the Song Dynasty, because of his iron face and selflessness, he broke many cases and was praised by the people.

One year, Bao Zheng took on a case: Zhang Dan, the son of politician Zhang Yu, stepped on and injured the old lady of the neighbor when he climbed over the wall.

A stubborn teenager who has the support of the official's father, and the defendant is also full of confidence.

People came to watch and see how Bao Zheng treated the "boss's son".

After some interrogation, Bao Zheng asked Zhang Dian to compensate the old lady, completely ignoring his personal feelings.

People interact with each other, people mix in society, they should pull down their faces, they pull down their faces, this is a black face, but the principle of being a man is also vividly embodied.

There is a saying in the Old Testament of the Bible: "The water reflects one's own face, and the heart reflects one's own person." ”

His face has turned black, but his heart has turned red, and there will be no harm to such a person. Even if others splash dirty water on themselves, they are not afraid.

After a long time, the dirty water is washed away and dried, and the people's hearts will still emerge and withstand various tests.

On the contrary, those who do not dare to blackface are always submissive and obedient to others, they will lose themselves, and even follow the rhythm of others and make mistakes. This is not desirable.

People with these 4 "faces" are rich and prosperous all their lives


There is always a smile and life is peaceful.

When you laugh, good luck comes.

Li Genyun, a reader during the Qing Dynasty, Xi habitually smiled and bowed his head, leaving a good impression on the Yongzheng Emperor.

Yongzheng waved his pen and wrote: "Smart people, because of their cleverness, secretly remember their names to make up for Qingzhou." ”

Soon, Li Genyun became the prefect of Qingzhou.

Shi Jie, a small official, was born with a good temper and was praised by Yongzheng: "People really go, and their appearance is blessed." ”

Such a sentence made Shi Jie an alternate magistrate.

No matter who you're dealing with and how you look, it will make all the difference. If you don't look good, it doesn't matter, you can smile.

Smile at people, and the atmosphere will change for the better, and the social circle will be peaceful. What you have to do, you can also get everyone's help.

We often use words like "clear eyebrows" to describe a good-looking person, but it is actually a hint that this person is worth associating.

"Caigen Tan" wrote: "Don't be shocked by the humiliation, watch the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court; ”

Keeping a smile is still a reflection of peace of mind, which allows us to have more time and energy to appreciate the world and appreciate the beautiful life.

Normally, if you eat angrily, it will definitely not be sweet, but if you eat happily, it will be fragrant.

No matter what you encounter, you have to smile, laugh at bad things, bow your head with a smile when you see through it, and greet good things with a smile. What is not rich?

It is worth mentioning that the smile must be sincere, do not hide a knife in the smile, do not laugh at the flesh, and laugh at others.


The face is resolute and determined to move forward.

I like this sentence very much: "The face of a twenty-year-old is born, the face of a thirty-year-old is carved by life, but the face of a forty-year-old is made by yourself." ”

The general appearance of our parents, including our body, is closely related to our parents, which is the same truth.

However, when you reach middle age, what you want to become is entirely up to you.

In middle age, some people are sluggish, some people are thriving, some people are fooling, and some people have become gnawing old people.

Those who have a resolute face may go very hard, but they will not be confused, and they are destined to go far, and the future can be expected. More importantly, the process of enjoying life is also happy.

The more difficult life is, the more you have to grit your teeth, and you will find that your destiny continues to improve.

Isaac Newton once said, "Victory often comes from holding on to the last five minutes." ”

Frustration and pain are here for you, and if you run away, then you are doomed to miss the opportunity to the other side of happiness.

People with these 4 "faces" are rich and prosperous all their lives


If you are suffering at the moment, don't complain, give up on life, and actively change your "appearance".

During the Tang Dynasty, Pei Du's family was poor, and the fortune teller said that he "looked unlucky and deserved to die". He didn't care, but lived actively.

One day, he was studying in the temple, and someone came to offer incense and dropped the precious jade belt. He picked it up and tried his best to give it to the person who gave it to him.

The fortune teller was very surprised to see Pei Du again, because Pei Du had a compassionate face and clear eyes.

Later, Pei Du became the prime minister.

He also painted a portrait of himself: "Your body is not long, and your appearance is not good." Hu Weijiang Hu Weixiang is a spiritual platform, Danqing Mo shape. ”

People, with kindness, walk firmly between heaven and earth, wealth and prosperity come naturally.

From now on, continue to cultivate virtue and improve wisdom.

Author: Cloth Clothes Coarse Food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The pictures in the article come from the Internet.