
Has anyone really done "Seven Jiro in One Night"? Let's take a look at what Chinese medicine says!

author:Wei Ke, director of traditional Chinese medicine

"Seven times in one night" I believe that everyone is no stranger to this sentence, male friends often use it to joke with each other, but this sentence is true or false, can anyone really do "seven times in one night"?

Has anyone really done "Seven Jiro in One Night"? Let's take a look at what Chinese medicine says!

First of all, we must know that no matter how many times a night we have, we have to go through a process from take-off to landing every time, and "seven times in one night" means that you have to go through the process of taking off and landing seven times in a few hours a night! There is no doubt that this physical requirement alone is a huge test.

Has anyone really done "Seven Jiro in One Night"? Let's take a look at what Chinese medicine says!

What's more, every time we go from take-off to landing, we need the push of kidney yang if we want to take off, and if we want to maintain expansion, we need to fill the liver with qi and blood, but we must know that there are a number of kidney yang and qi and blood in the body, and after consuming too much, we need to replenish the spleen and stomach with food, and this also takes a time and process. It is conceivable that even if you have enough physical strength, you are not afraid of being tired, and you don't feel tired, but the qi, blood, and kidney yang stored in your body are difficult to support your such a large consumption.

Has anyone really done "Seven Jiro in One Night"? Let's take a look at what Chinese medicine says!

And landing also requires the consumption of kidney essence, don't you see, if you squander it many times in a short period of time and don't let the kidney essence be replenished, the further back you go, the less and thinner the essence that lands?

Has anyone really done "Seven Jiro in One Night"? Let's take a look at what Chinese medicine says!

What's more, Chinese medicine is the most particular about "degree", the water is overflowing, and the moon is full, so excessive loss of qi and blood in the body, kidney yang, if you are young, it is fine, but older friends, especially the root of the tongue is sunken, white and greasy, the color of the tongue is relatively light, and there are many cracks on the tongue.

Has anyone really done "Seven Jiro in One Night"? Let's take a look at what Chinese medicine says!

It is normal for people to have seven emotions and six desires, but we should not be dominated by seven emotions and six desires, but to set our hearts by ourselves, of course, what I have shared is only some views on this topic, which is not universal, if you feel unwell, seek medical attention in time.

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