
Kidney deficiency and low back pain, lung deficiency, cough and asthma, spleen deficiency and diarrhea, Chinese medicine skillfully uses three tricks to nourish your kidneys, lungs and spleen!

author:Wei Ke, director of traditional Chinese medicine

Have you ever heard of the phrase "ten people have nine deficiencies"? Traditional Chinese medicine believes that kidney deficiency and low back pain, lung deficiency cough and asthma, spleen deficiency and diarrhea. Why do you say that? Today I will explain to you, and teach you three tricks, tonify the kidneys, strengthen the spleen, benefit the lungs, and drive away the weakness!

Kidney deficiency and low back pain, lung deficiency, cough and asthma, spleen deficiency and diarrhea, Chinese medicine skillfully uses three tricks to nourish your kidneys, lungs and spleen!

First of all, the first one, kidney deficiency and low back pain.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the waist is the home of the kidneys, and the essence of the kidneys can nourish the waist and knees. Therefore, in view of the situation of kidney deficiency and low back pain, we should pay attention to tonifying the kidney essence in conditioning, and Wuzi Yanzong soup is a good choice.

Kidney deficiency and low back pain, lung deficiency, cough and asthma, spleen deficiency and diarrhea, Chinese medicine skillfully uses three tricks to nourish your kidneys, lungs and spleen!

Next, let's look at the problem of lung deficiency, cough and asthma.

We say that the lungs are the main breathing, once the lungs are deficient, our body's normal breathing will be affected, resulting in coughing, chest tightness, breathlessness and other symptoms, and the lungs are also responsible for the opening and closing of pores, so that our sweat can be discharged normally, if the lungs are deficient, the opening and closing of pores is abnormal, it will be easy to sweat, so it is easy to catch a cold, and colds will follow. In view of the situation of lung deficiency, we must nourish the lung qi in a timely manner, and the jade screen is very symptomatic.

Kidney deficiency and low back pain, lung deficiency, cough and asthma, spleen deficiency and diarrhea, Chinese medicine skillfully uses three tricks to nourish your kidneys, lungs and spleen!

Finally, let's talk about spleen deficiency and diarrhea.

In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, the spleen is mainly transported, and there is a slight effect of transporting water and dampness, so once the spleen is deficient, the function of this transport will be abnormal, resulting in the inability to discharge the water and dampness normally, staying in the stomach and intestines, and after a long time, it will be damp, then when we go to the toilet, there will be diarrhea, the stool is not formed, in addition, we will feel that the stomach is very distended, obviously very hungry, but can not eat a little thing, often accompanied by the situation of general weakness. For the problem of spleen deficiency, strengthening the spleen is the top priority of our conditioning, and you can use Shenling Baizhu powder to add or subtract.

Kidney deficiency and low back pain, lung deficiency, cough and asthma, spleen deficiency and diarrhea, Chinese medicine skillfully uses three tricks to nourish your kidneys, lungs and spleen!

However, I also remind you that these contents are also for your reference only, and if you have any questions, you should also seek medical treatment offline in a timely manner.

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