
Huashan on Jian Zongshan: It is more feasible to do a good job of original IP

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Huashan on Jian Zongshan: It is more feasible to do a good job of original IP

According to the "China Film Industry Report 2015", in 2014, a total of 114 online novels were purchased film and television rights. Among them, 90 are planned to be made into TV series, 24 are planned to be made into movies, and the production cost of a single episode of TV series is up to 5 million yuan. In 2015, a number of IP resources were deeply developed, in addition to the popularity of film and television dramas, a number of explosive games have also attracted market attention. In particular, the recent popularity of "Langya List" and "Mi Yue Biography" has once again heated up IP. However, Zong Shan, a senior producer and executive director of Huashan On Sword, warned about the "IP overheating phenomenon" in the film and television industry when she was interviewed by Sohu Finance a few days ago.

IP has been mythologized

Zong Shan is a senior practitioner in the film industry. She has worked in film media and founded a film and television marketing company. In 2009, Zong Shan was concerned by the industry for leading the team to successfully operate "Warring States". In 2012, she joined LeTV Pictures in marketing, with successful marketing examples including "Disappearing Bullets" and "Daredevil 2". Since then, Zong Shan has made efforts to the upstream of film and television, founded Huashan On the Sword, and transformed the original IP development and operation.

Speaking of the current phenomenon of "all projects must be called IP" in the film and television industry, Zong Shan believes that "the more crazy the market, the more people in the circle must be calm": "Blindly hoarding IP is meaningless, when can I buy 100 IP be finished?" The core of film and television creation is still content. Not all IP is suitable for adaptation into film and television works, even if it is suitable, who will change it? Who's going to shoot it? Before these have not been implemented well, whether IP can be transformed into excellent film and television works still has to play a big question mark. ”

In Zong Shan's view, blindly pursuing IP fever, regardless of the laws of film and television creation, the hasty production can only be shoddily produced, and the audience is bound to not buy it. "Now people seem to have deified IP, and everyone is grabbing IP, which is actually not very rational." Guo Jingming's "Little Times", when a company first bought this IP, only used 1 million, and now it is said to have soared to 20 million. From 1 million to 20 million, how big is the profit margin of this movie? ”

IP is nothing more than an old wine with a new label

Deeply engaged in the film and television industry for more than ten years, Zong Shan has witnessed the entire process of China's film industry from rise to prosperity. In her view, the concept of IP has always existed, and literary works have always been the basis for film and television adaptations, but only in recent years have they been hyped up by the Internet.

"In the past, when there was no IP concept, everyone still liked to shoot famous works, such as the Three Kingdoms, Water Margin, Journey to the West, and the Red Chamber, which were actually IP, and the masses of IP were considered. But whether IP can become a good movie still needs many prerequisites. ”

Zong Shan gave the example of "The Return of the Great Sage", "The Return of the Great Sage has achieved a box office of 956 million yuan and a good reputation, and the IP of "Journey to the West" has indeed played some role in boosting, but the real reason is the re-creation of the production team according to the tastes of contemporary audiences." Whether it is the slightly decadent Sun Wukong or the cute little Tang Monk, they are more subversive than the original. The hero is no longer omnipotent, but with the frustration of modern people, the trough of the career, the young audience has a better feeling and identification with this IP. ”

No matter how much IP you buy, it is better to operate an IP

Zong Shan believes that compared with the generous BAT hoarding IP in large quantities, it is more feasible for emerging film and television companies to exert original IP. Her strategy for Huashan Sword is to "carry out in-depth research and development of original IP to the end".

At present, the most successful original IP of Huashan On Sword is the costume suspense comedy "The Legend of the Medical Hall Laughs". The drama was set by the two David TV as the first comedy of the opening year of 2015. Since its inception, the total number of hits on LeTV and Youku has exceeded 1.5 billion, and the online rights of the second and third seasons have been sold in advance. Because it is an original IP, Huashan sword can be calmly arranged in terms of marketing, commercial implantation, etc. According to Zong Shan, although "The Legend of The Laughter of the Medical Hall" is a costume drama, it has more than 10 million commercial implants.

Zong Shan said: "Whether it is the establishment of the industrial system or the reshaping of industry culture, Hollywood has something worth learning from the Chinese film industry. An IP can be converted into movies, TV series, books, games, dramas and other derivatives, only respect the physical time of IP development, fine to polish it, seriously treat each transformation and operation, will make this IP continue to add value, which is actually the current Disney model. ”

Under this concept, Huashan Sword has also put several original IPs in the development and operation of the whole series. For example, "The Legend of Laughter in the Medical Hall" is developing stage plays; "Young and Crazy" has realized the simultaneous introduction of books and movies to the market; in addition, the "Tangmen Laughter" series that will be launched in 2016 is also in contact with several mobile game companies.

Zong Shan judged that the current IP boom will continue for a period of time, "in the next 3 to 5 years, the competition for high-quality IP resources will further intensify." But at the same time, the industry will gradually realize that the most important thing is not to buy IP, but to operate IP well. ”

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Huashan on Jian Zongshan: It is more feasible to do a good job of original IP

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