
The national table tennis swept South Korea 8-1 and won the mixed team World Cup championship for the first time, and China and South Korea ranked third a few days ago

The national table tennis swept South Korea 8-1 and won the mixed team World Cup championship for the first time, and China and South Korea ranked third a few days ago

On December 10, 2023, the table tennis mixed team World Cup came to an end, China, South Korea and Japan won the top three, and at the end of the game, the national table tennis swept South Korea 8-1, winning nine consecutive victories to win the championship.

The national table tennis swept South Korea 8-1 and won the mixed team World Cup championship for the first time, and China and South Korea ranked third a few days ago

National table tennis and South Korea staged the ultimate showdown, both sides are 6 wins and 12 points, tied for the top of the rankings, now competing for the championship, the outcome depends on the on-the-spot performance, although the national table tennis lineup is strong, but there is no certainty of winning, there are too many accidental factors in the short game, just before the game against Japan, Fan Zhendong lost to Zhang Ben Tomokazu, Wang Chuqin / Sun Yingsha lost to Togami Hayasuke / Zhang Ben Miwa, which makes people sweat.

It is worth mentioning that the head coach of the South Korean team, Zhu Shihyuk, changed the formation again, sending mixed doubles Ahn Jae-hyun/Shin Yubin, women's singles Kim Na-young, and men's singles Lee Sang-so, which is unexpected, the national table tennis side meets expectations, Wang Chuqin/Sun Yingsha, Wang Manyu, Fan Zhendong, still follow the previous layout, in general, the comprehensive strength of the national table tennis is superior, and the Korean team has no chance of winning, and it is even difficult to hold on to the fourth set of doubles.

The national table tennis swept South Korea 8-1 and won the mixed team World Cup championship for the first time, and China and South Korea ranked third a few days ago

In the first set of mixed doubles, Wang Chuqin/Sun Yingsha defeated Ahn Jae-hyun/Shin Yubin 3-0 (11-8, 11-8, 11-5), and reversed 4-7 in the first game.

In the second set of women's singles, Wang Manyu swept Kim Naying 3-0 (11-2, 11-5, 11-7), despite the unexpected loss to Diaz before, Wang Manyu was not affected, chose to face the difficulties, and did her best, in the face of foreign tests to live up to expectations, it turned out that the coaching staff reused her is the right decision, because Sun Yingsha wants to keep the mixed doubles, and there are only two options in this position: Wang Manyu or Chen Meng.

The national table tennis swept South Korea 8-1 and won the mixed team World Cup championship for the first time, and China and South Korea ranked third a few days ago

In the third set of men's singles, the national table tennis can win two more games, Fan Zhendong defeated Li Shangzhu (11-7, 10-12, 11-4) 2-1, Fan Zhendong's recent state is average, before losing to Zhang Ben Zhihe, was questioned by some fans, in the face of these voices, Fan Zhendong fought back with results, and the victory in the foreign war was exciting, China swept South Korea 8-1, and won the mixed team World Cup championship for the first time, which is really gratifying.

After the end of the two stages of the competition, the national table tennis won the championship for nine consecutive victories, Fan Zhendong, Wang Chuqin, Sun Yingsha, Wang Manyu made meritorious contributions, of course, Ma Long, Lin Gaoyuan, Chen Meng, Wang Yidi are also commendable, this is the result of everyone cheering together, let us see the cohesion of the entire national table tennis, which makes people feel tears, and then there is the Women's World Cup, a new journey is about to begin, so stay tuned!

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