
German tourists travel to China in groups, and they are in a hurry as soon as they get out of the airport, and China on TV is fake!

author:Xiao Qi chatted

When German tourists step off the plane, their eyes are blown away by China's bustling metropolis. High-rise buildings, busy streets, and a modern transportation system are completely different from what they see in China. They began to doubt everything they saw, because in their minds, China was a poor and backward country. From childhood to adulthood, the China they have been exposed to has come from information on television, newspapers or the Internet. However, this information rarely describes what China is really like.

German tourists travel to China in groups, and they are in a hurry as soon as they get out of the airport, and China on TV is fake!

In their minds, China is an economically underdeveloped country, a poor country, and a country that is out of touch with modern civilization. Therefore, when they came to China in person, everything in front of them turned their perception upside down. China is a gorgeous country, a country full of vitality, and a country full of vitality. This is what German tourists feel from the metropolises of China. They no longer doubt what they see, because they have been attracted to China, shocked by China, and impressed by China's prosperity.

German tourists travel to China in groups, and they are in a hurry as soon as they get out of the airport, and China on TV is fake!

China, as seen by German tourists, is a country with a strong economy. China's economy occupies an important position in the world, Chinese enterprises are becoming more and more competitive in the international market, China's scientific and technological innovation is changing with each passing day, and China has become a pivotal country. As seen by German tourists, China is a country where people's living standards have improved. With the rapid development of urbanization in China, the city has been constantly renewed, people's living standards are constantly improving, people's quality of life is constantly improving, and people's sense of happiness is constantly improving.

German tourists travel to China in groups, and they are in a hurry as soon as they get out of the airport, and China on TV is fake!

As seen by German tourists, China is a country with a deep cultural tradition. China's traditional culture has a long history, China's cultural heritage is rich and colorful, China's Xi customs are unique, China's cultural influence is far-reaching and extensive, and China has become a country that has attracted worldwide attention. As seen by German tourists, China is a country that is in tune with the rest of the world. China has become a model of an international power by actively participating in international affairs, taking the initiative to assume international responsibilities, advocating multilateralism and promoting global cooperation.

German tourists travel to China in groups, and they are in a hurry as soon as they get out of the airport, and China on TV is fake!

China, as seen by German tourists, is a country worthy of respect, a country worthy of cooperation, a country worth knowing, and a country worthy of praise. China's development achievements have not only brought happiness to the Chinese people, but also set an example for other countries in the world, China's cultural charm has not only attracted tourists from all over the world, but also brought inspiration to the world, and China's international image has continuously established an open, inclusive and confident Chinese image.

German tourists travel to China in groups, and they are in a hurry as soon as they get out of the airport, and China on TV is fake!

So, when German tourists come to China in person, everything they see turns their perception upside down. China's prosperity amazes them, China's development makes them admire, China's culture fascinates them, and China's international image makes them admire. They deeply felt the greatness of China, they deeply felt the beauty of China, and they deeply felt the progress of China. They deeply felt the Chinese people's pursuit of a better life, they deeply felt the Chinese people's yearning for peaceful development, and they deeply felt the Chinese people's contribution to world prosperity. They no longer doubt what they see, because they have come to believe that China is a country worthy of respect, a country worth cooperating, a country worth knowing, and a country worthy of praise.

German tourists travel to China in groups, and they are in a hurry as soon as they get out of the airport, and China on TV is fake!

In fact, China is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. As the world's second largest economy, China has made great strides in various fields such as science and technology, education, and culture. Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing and other cities are full of modernization, high-tech industries are booming, urban construction is changing with each passing day, and people's living standards are steadily improving. However, the information conveyed by the external media is often one-sided, extreme, and even deliberately misleading. They may report on some of China's backwardness and social problems, but rarely highlight China's achievements and progress. This has also led to a huge misunderstanding of many foreigners' understanding of China.

German tourists travel to China in groups, and they are in a hurry as soon as they get out of the airport, and China on TV is fake!

For German tourists who come to China, they should break the prejudice against China in their hearts, see with their own eyes, and feel with their hearts. China is not only the country they know about on TV or in writing, but also a country full of vitality and hope. Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, China has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the poverty of the past has become a thing of the past. Whether it is urban or rural, whether it is technology or culture, all of them are developing rapidly. Every foreign tourist who comes to China should have an open mind to appreciate the country and feel the charm of the country.

German tourists travel to China in groups, and they are in a hurry as soon as they get out of the airport, and China on TV is fake!

China is a vibrant and energetic country, her pulse is always beating, and her future is always full of hope. The China that German tourists see is the real China, and the "fake China" in their eyes is nothing but a misguided concept. We should also welcome foreign tourists to come and let them experience the changes and development of China firsthand. Only through personal experience can we clear the fog and see the true face of China. Dialogue and exchanges, let the world know more about China, and let China go more to the world, this is the goal we are pursuing.

German tourists travel to China in groups, and they are in a hurry as soon as they get out of the airport, and China on TV is fake!

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