
At the wedding, my mother's seat was empty, and when I received a message from my parents at the end of the wedding, I burst into tears

author:Lucky Drift Bottle 1688

My name is Xuemei, today is my big day, I stand on the stage, watching the groom nervously holding the ring, my heart is full of anticipation and excitement. I know that today, I will start a new life and move towards the future with the people I love. However, at this important moment, there is a vacancy in my heart that cannot be ignored, and my mother's seat is empty.

At the wedding, my mother's seat was empty, and when I received a message from my parents at the end of the wedding, I burst into tears

I hesitated, but picked up my phone and dialed my mother's number. Her voice came from the other end of the line, with a hint of apology and regret.

"Mom, can't you really come to my wedding?" I asked.

"Meimei, I also want to accompany you on this important journey, but I'm really sorry," Mom's voice was full of tenderness and apology.

When I heard this, tears were already rolling in my eyes. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down. I know my mom can't help herself, but I still feel a little lost.

"I'm going to miss you. I whispered.

"I'll miss you, too. Mom's voice was also a little choked.

The two of us were silent for a moment, and then I heard my mother's breathing on the other end of the line. I know she's also controlling her emotions.

At the wedding, my mother's seat was empty, and when I received a message from my parents at the end of the wedding, I burst into tears

Both of us love each other deeply, but we can't be together at this special moment.

"You have to enjoy this moment, Bingbing is a good boy, you live well, don't be like me. Mom finally spoke.

"I will. I replied, "I love you." ”

"I love you too. Mom's voice trembled.

We ended the call, and I looked at the phone screen, tears sliding down it. I wiped away my tears, took a deep breath, and turned to walk towards my groom.

When he saw that I was looking strange, he immediately came over and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's fine. I replied, "It's just a little homesick." ”

He took my hand and whispered, "Don't worry, I'll always be there for you." ”

I wiped away my tears, took a deep breath, and said to my lover, "I'm fine." ”

He looked at me with concern and worry in his eyes. He knew I had just gone through a mental struggle, but he also knew that I was determined to keep going.

At the wedding, my mother's seat was empty, and when I received a message from my parents at the end of the wedding, I burst into tears

We walked across the red carpet, we exchanged rings, we kissed each other. The audience erupted in warm applause, and everyone was blessing us. However, in my mind, I always felt that something was missing. I know that it is the support and blessing of my favorite family and friends.

After the wedding, I went back to my hotel room and reflected on the moment of the wedding, when my friends went to enjoy the wedding to the fullest, but I chose to be here, alone with the bitter drink.

The phone sat quietly on the table, with a message from my mom on it, and the phrase "I'm sorry, I can't attend your wedding anymore" always haunts my mind.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my excitement. I know that my mother also has her own difficulties, and she also has her own self-help. I can't blame them, I can't make them feel that I'm upset by their absence.

Suddenly, my phone vibrated and it was my dad's phone, I hesitated for a moment, but finally picked it up.

At the wedding, my mother's seat was empty, and when I received a message from my parents at the end of the wedding, I burst into tears

"Daughter, I know you must be very sad now, and I can't help it. A confessional voice came from the other end of the line, "I hope you understand our situation." ”

I was silent for a moment, then said softly, "Dad, I know you have your own struggles, and I know you love me. However, I hope you can understand me, this is the most important moment of my life and I need your support and blessings. ”

Dad was silent on the other end of the phone for a moment, then said, "I understand, we will do our best to make up for this regret." Your future path is still up to you, and we will always support you. ”

I took a deep breath and said to my dad, "I will live my life well, we take care of ourselves, you don't have to worry about me, I will always love you." ”

I hung up the phone and saw the 10,000 yuan transferred by my father, and I felt a warm current in my heart.

My family is complicated, and everyone lives on their own.

My biological parents divorced when I was very young, my mom married someone else and had her own family and children, although we still communicate with each other, we haven't seen each other for a long time, and the only thing I can see each other is video chat.

At the wedding, my mother's seat was empty, and when I received a message from my parents at the end of the wedding, I burst into tears

I still remember when I was in high school, because of an article that made me very eager to see my mother, I came to my mother's new home without telling everyone. My mother was the only one in the house that day, and she cooked me a lot of delicious food, and I could tell that she was really happy.

But I can also see that she is actually living a very bad life, and the pain in her heart cannot be hidden. When I parted, my mother gave me 2,000 yuan, and no matter how I refused, my mother also forced it into me. But for the next few days, no matter how much I tried to make a video call to my mother, she wouldn't answer.

Since then, I have understood that my mother's status in her new home is very low, because my mother must have suffered a lot of grievances for the 2,000 yuan. I knew it was all because of me, so I didn't dare to go to my mom after that.

On my father's side, since my mother remarried, my father took another rich stepmother. When the stepmother came, she also brought a 2-year-old boy, and later gave birth to a daughter with her father.

At the wedding, my mother's seat was empty, and when I received a message from my parents at the end of the wedding, I burst into tears

The stepmother is a very strong person, and at that time, the father obeyed the stepmother's words. I am also very nervous at home, and I often take on the responsibility of taking care of my younger siblings.

When my younger siblings were young, although my life was tiring, I had a good life at home, and my stepmother would buy me clothes and pocket money from time to time.

But as the younger siblings got bigger and bigger, the family's expenses continued to rise, and the father's salary was not enough for the family's expenses, and he relied on his stepmother's income to maintain expenses.

It was also at this time that my stepmother gradually changed her attitude towards me, not only did she not buy me clothes, but also cut off my pocket money on weekdays, and even the living expenses of 200 yuan a week were reduced to 100 yuan.

After I went to college, watching my roommates announce their living expenses of thousands of yuan a month, I could silently put my hand into my pocket and touch my pitiful 500 yuan.

This amount of money is just enough for my food expenses for a month, and there is no extra penny, which shows that my stepmother is careful about every payment.

In order to make my life better, I have to work part-time jobs every week, 80 yuan a day, and 160 yuan a weekend, which is what I did throughout my college years.

I know that it is not easy for my parents, I don't blame them, but I am very aggrieved in my heart, and the pressure of reality makes me have to accept it.

I knew I couldn't let this define my life, I wanted to make myself stronger and braver. I want to show them by my actions that I am a strong person.

I looked up at the night sky outside the window. I know it's a tough road, but I'm sure I'll keep going. I will make my family and friends proud of me, and I will show them by my actions that I am a person who deserves to be happy. #看见人间百态#