
Tomorrow will snow heavily, if you have money or not, remember: avoid 3 things, eat 3 roots, follow the season, and stay warm for the winter

author:Lazy Meow loves to cook

"The wind roared last night, and the cold pressure was like ice", the heavy snow in the 24 solar terms is about to come quietly, which is also the third solar term of winter, symbolizing the cold and freezing of the cold and severe winter to officially begin.

Tomorrow will snow heavily, if you have money or not, remember: avoid 3 things, eat 3 roots, follow the season, and stay warm for the winter

Since I was a child, I have listened to the old people at home, all year round, winter is the season suitable for storage, we must follow the laws of nature, realize the importance of winter supplements, eat more nutritious seasonal food, and recuperate, so that in the spring of the next year, there will be a good physical and mental state. In this regard, there is also a proverb that says, "Eat 3 roots in heavy snow, and there will be no disease in a year", which also emphasizes the importance of eating in season.

Tomorrow will snow heavily, if you have money or not, remember: avoid 3 things, eat 3 roots, follow the season, and stay warm for the winter

In winter, the yang energy is converging, all things are collected, and the root foods rooted in the soil gather various essences, and in the winter they are marketed in large quantities. "Eat 3 roots in heavy snow" just conforms to this natural rhythm characteristic. What are the three foods that these three refer to? What do the "three things to taboo" refer to during heavy snowfall? Let's take a look at them together.

During the heavy snow season, avoid 3 things

1. It is not advisable to exercise too early in the morning

According to the work and rest habits inherited by the ancestors for thousands of years, after winter, try to go to bed early and get up late, and try to wait for the sun to come out before going out to do activities, so as to avoid the cold and avoid getting cold. For people who have the habit of morning exercise, it is recommended to push the morning exercise time back and arrange it after 8 o'clock, not too early, so as not to cause cold into the body and bring various discomforts.

Tomorrow will snow heavily, if you have money or not, remember: avoid 3 things, eat 3 roots, follow the season, and stay warm for the winter

2. It is not advisable to dress thinly

For women who love beauty, before and after heavy snowfall, temperature is more important than demeanor, especially outside the house without heating, be sure to wear a thick coat, wrap your body tightly up and down, especially do not show your back, waist, and ankles. As the saying goes, the cold starts from the soles of the feet, and the disease comes from the cold. In such a cold weather, thin clothing will lead to cold in the body, and it is easy to cause various diseases.

Tomorrow will snow heavily, if you have money or not, remember: avoid 3 things, eat 3 roots, follow the season, and stay warm for the winter

3. It is not advisable to eat hot food

In freezing weather, eating a steaming meal and drinking a bowl of steaming soup always brings people a sense of happiness. However, from a scientific point of view, if you often eat hot food, it is easy to damage the gastric mucosa and esophageal mucosa, and a series of problems occur, so it is best to wait for the food to be warmed before eating.

Tomorrow will snow heavily, if you have money or not, remember: avoid 3 things, eat 3 roots, follow the season, and stay warm for the winter

"Heavy snow eats 3 roots", which 3 roots?

First: yams

As the saying goes, spring eats buds, summer eats melons, autumn eats fruits, and winter eats roots. Eating root foods in winter is in season, cheap, nutritious and shelf-stable. As a representative of root food, yam was once recorded by Li Shizhen as "benefiting kidney qi and strengthening the spleen and stomach". Before and after heavy snowfall, boil a chicken soup with yam to drink, the meat is full of flavor and will not get tired.

Recipe recommendation: Stewed black chicken soup with attractive yam

Tomorrow will snow heavily, if you have money or not, remember: avoid 3 things, eat 3 roots, follow the season, and stay warm for the winter

1. Prepare 500 grams of black chicken, chop small pieces, put some cooking wine in a pot under cold water, boil out the foam, remove it and wash it;

Tomorrow will snow heavily, if you have money or not, remember: avoid 3 things, eat 3 roots, follow the season, and stay warm for the winter

2. Prepare 1 iron stick yam, peel and wash, cut into hob pieces, if possible, cut some carrots as a side dish;

Tomorrow will snow heavily, if you have money or not, remember: avoid 3 things, eat 3 roots, follow the season, and stay warm for the winter

3. Pour the blanched black chicken, yam and carrot into the pot together, put 3 red dates, and add enough hot water;

Tomorrow will snow heavily, if you have money or not, remember: avoid 3 things, eat 3 roots, follow the season, and stay warm for the winter

4. After boiling over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer slowly for 1 hour, then put some salt in it and stir a few times.

Tomorrow will snow heavily, if you have money or not, remember: avoid 3 things, eat 3 roots, follow the season, and stay warm for the winter

The second type: lotus root

In addition to yams, lotus root is also a root vegetable that can often be seen in winter. Before and after heavy snowfall, the temperature is low and the air is dry, which can make people feel that their skin and throat are particularly dry. At this time, you might as well arrange the lotus root on the table, the taste is crisp and sweet, and it can also quench your thirst.

Recipe recommendation: Sweet and sour lotus root with super rice

Tomorrow will snow heavily, if you have money or not, remember: avoid 3 things, eat 3 roots, follow the season, and stay warm for the winter

1. Prepare 300 grams of lotus root, peel off the skin of the lotus root and cut it into small dices;

Tomorrow will snow heavily, if you have money or not, remember: avoid 3 things, eat 3 roots, follow the season, and stay warm for the winter

2. Mix a sweet and sour sauce: 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce and rice vinegar, 1 tablespoon of white sugar and tomato paste, and then add 2 tablespoons of water and stir well;

Tomorrow will snow heavily, if you have money or not, remember: avoid 3 things, eat 3 roots, follow the season, and stay warm for the winter

3. Add oil to the pot, add some minced garlic and dried chili peppers and stir-fry until fragrant, pour the diced lotus root into the pot, and stir-fry over high heat for 3 minutes;

Tomorrow will snow heavily, if you have money or not, remember: avoid 3 things, eat 3 roots, follow the season, and stay warm for the winter

4. Pour the adjusted sweet and sour sauce into it, stir-fry evenly, then turn to high heat to reduce the juice, and then turn off the heat and serve the plate.

Tomorrow will snow heavily, if you have money or not, remember: avoid 3 things, eat 3 roots, follow the season, and stay warm for the winter

The third kind: purple sweet potato

During the heavy snow season, there is another root food that cannot be missed, which is purple potato. Compared with sweet potatoes, purple potatoes are rich in anthocyanins and have strong antioxidant properties. For women who love beauty, cooking a purple sweet potato soup in winter can not only warm up the body, but also supplement anthocyanins.

Recipe recommendation: Purple potato pie that is loved by all ages

Tomorrow will snow heavily, if you have money or not, remember: avoid 3 things, eat 3 roots, follow the season, and stay warm for the winter

1. Prepare 1 purple sweet potato, peel and wash, and cut into small pieces;

Tomorrow will snow heavily, if you have money or not, remember: avoid 3 things, eat 3 roots, follow the season, and stay warm for the winter

2. Put the purple potatoes into the steamer, steam them for about 20 minutes, and steam them until the purple potatoes become soft and rotten;

Tomorrow will snow heavily, if you have money or not, remember: avoid 3 things, eat 3 roots, follow the season, and stay warm for the winter

3. Take out the steamed purple sweet potato, put some condensed milk and milk into it, and press it into a puree with a spoon;

Tomorrow will snow heavily, if you have money or not, remember: avoid 3 things, eat 3 roots, follow the season, and stay warm for the winter

4. Prepare 2 slices of ready-made toast, cut off the edges, and flatten and flatten the toast with a rolling pin;

Tomorrow will snow heavily, if you have money or not, remember: avoid 3 things, eat 3 roots, follow the season, and stay warm for the winter

5. Fold the toast in half and make a few cuts like the picture below;

Tomorrow will snow heavily, if you have money or not, remember: avoid 3 things, eat 3 roots, follow the season, and stay warm for the winter

6. Spread the egg wash on the four sides of the toast, then evenly spread the purple sweet potato puree, fold it in half, press the edge with a fork, and then smear a layer of egg wash;

Tomorrow will snow heavily, if you have money or not, remember: avoid 3 things, eat 3 roots, follow the season, and stay warm for the winter

7. Add oil to the pot, put in the toast, and fry on low heat until both sides are formed, then you can serve the plate, which is delicious and good-looking.

Tomorrow will snow heavily, if you have money or not, remember: avoid 3 things, eat 3 roots, follow the season, and stay warm for the winter

It is now the last month of 2023, and the weather will get colder and colder day by day after entering the heavy snow season. At the end of the year, it is the busiest time for everyone, I would like to remind you that no matter how busy you are, you must take care of yourself, take measures to keep warm from the cold, eat more nutritious food, and lay a good foundation for the upcoming new year!

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