
The "flu miracle drug" is on fire again! The doctor urgently reminded him

author:Kun-kun Fusions

Recently, respiratory diseases have been frequent, and oseltamivir has been regarded by many people as a "miracle drug" for influenza and has become an "Internet celebrity prescription".

According to CCTV financial reports, data from online platforms show that the overall demand for drugs for respiratory tract infections in Beijing has continued to rise since the beginning of autumn. Among them, oseltamivir sales increased by more than 1.6 times month-on-month.

Doctor's urgent reminder:

Don't eat oseltamivir indiscriminately!

What is Oseltamivir?

Oseltamivir is an antiviral drug that inhibits the further increase in the number of viruses, thereby inhibiting the spread of the virus in the body and reducing pathogenicity. It can be used for the treatment and prevention of influenza A and B, but it is not effective for the common cold and bacterial infections.

When oseltamivir is used to treat influenza A and B, the sooner you start after the onset of influenza symptoms, the better. It needs to be started within 48 hours of symptom onset and can significantly reduce the incidence of severe influenza disease and death. Take it 2 times a day for 5 days for the best results.

When used for prophylaxis, the sooner the drug is administered after exposure to other influenza patients, the better the prophylaxis. Again, it needs to be activated within 48 hours of contact with the patient. Once a day, take for 7~14 days. The main role of oseltamivir is to stop the spread of the virus, not to prevent the virus from entering. Unregulated use or long-term large-scale abuse may lead to genetic mutations of virus strains and the development of drug resistance.

The "flu miracle drug" is on fire again! The doctor urgently reminded him

△ Specific medication regimen of oseltamivir Source: Health Guangdong

Precautions for taking oseltamivir

Oseltamivir is a prescription drug, and it is necessary to go to a regular hospital for an influenza virus nucleic acid test to confirm whether it is influenza, and use it under the guidance of a doctor, and it is not recommended that the public buy and use it on their own.

The Influenza Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol (2020 Edition) recommends the use of oseltamivir for high-risk groups:

1. Children under 5 years of age;

2. Seniors aged 65 years and above;

3. Patients with chronic respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases (except hypertension), kidney diseases, liver diseases, blood diseases, nervous system and neuromuscular diseases, metabolic and endocrine system diseases, malignant tumors, immunosuppression, etc.;

5. Obese (BMI > 30);

6. Pregnant and perinatal women.

For non-high-risk groups, because influenza is a self-limiting disease, infection generally only causes fever, body aches, fatigue and respiratory symptoms, most of which can be cured by resting more, drinking more water, and can be cured on their own without treatment or symptomatic treatment.

Side effects such as nausea and vomiting may occur when taking oseltamivir, which can be reduced by taking it with or after a meal. However, in some patients, taking the drug at the same time as eating can improve the tolerance of the drug.

If vomiting occurs within 30 minutes of taking the drug, you need to take the medicine, if you vomit within 15 minutes, you need to take the full dose of the drug, and if you vomit within 15~30 minutes, you need to take the half dose of the drug.

If a drug is missed, if it is found more than 6 hours before the next dose, the full dose of the drug needs to be refilled. If it is found that it is less than 6 hours before the next dose, there is no need to make up the dose, and the next time the drug is taken normally according to the original dose. Do not miss a dose and take double the dose at the next time.

Can oseltamivir replace the flu vaccine?

The answer is no. Getting a flu vaccine is the best way to prevent and control the spread of influenza. OSELTAMIVIR should not be taken within 2 weeks of taking live attenuated influenza vaccine and should not be used within 48 hours of oseltamivir.

How to take the right medicine if you have the flu?

Influenza, short for influenza, is a highly contagious acute respiratory illness caused by the influenza virus. Generally, it is acute onset, fever (some patients can be as high as 39~40 °C), accompanied by chills, chills, headache, muscle or joint aches, extreme fatigue, loss of appetite and other systemic symptoms. Most of the course lasts about a week.

The "flu miracle drug" is on fire again! The doctor urgently reminded him

△ Comparison between influenza and common cold Source: Healthy Guangdong

Unlike the common cold, influenza has more fever and systemic symptoms, and targeted anti-influenza drugs are also required. Anti-influenza virus drugs commonly used in clinical practice are prescription drugs and should be used rationally under the guidance of doctors or pharmacists.

At present, the most commonly used oral dosage form of oseltamivir (including granules and capsules) is effective for both influenza A and B. Some hospitals also have peramivir for intravenous and zanamivir for inhalation.

The "flu miracle drug" is on fire again! The doctor urgently reminded him
The "flu miracle drug" is on fire again! The doctor urgently reminded him
The "flu miracle drug" is on fire again! The doctor urgently reminded him

△ Anti-influenza virus drugs commonly used in clinical practice Source: Health Guangdong

Oseltamivir is an effective drug for the treatment of influenza, but it is not a "miracle drug"! It is not recommended to over-treat or prevent it, but if you are unfortunately infected by the influenza virus, you must follow the doctor's instructions and use it for a full course of treatment.

Source: Qilu Evening News

Editor: Yang Liya

Editor-in-charge: Niu Dong

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