
Americans bluntly said: Chinese are not terrible, what is terrible is the streets of China at 3 o'clock in the morning

author:A straightforward fruit with a dream

Title: A Different Perspective on China: A Foreigner's Surprise Journey

Americans bluntly said: Chinese are not terrible, what is terrible is the streets of China at 3 o'clock in the morning

Introduction: When a foreign tourist comes to China, what he sees and hears often subverts all his presuppositions about this large eastern country. In this press release, we will follow in his footsteps and explore a real, vibrant China, as he says, "It's so much more exciting than I ever imagined." ”

Americans bluntly said: Chinese are not terrible, what is terrible is the streets of China at 3 o'clock in the morning


Americans bluntly said: Chinese are not terrible, what is terrible is the streets of China at 3 o'clock in the morning

BEIJING, China — When Jack Thompson first set foot on Chinese soil, he was filled with curiosity and a slight uneasiness. As a perennial resident of a small town in the Midwest, Jack has a vague and stereotypical understanding of China. However, as the journey progressed, Jack found himself attracted not only by the bustling and modern cityscape, but also by the warm, hard-working Chinese people who embraced the modern lifestyle.

Americans bluntly said: Chinese are not terrible, what is terrible is the streets of China at 3 o'clock in the morning

"I used to think of China as a distant and mysterious place. "But when I saw the streets of Beijing crowded with bike-sharing bikes, the skyscrapers brightly lit, and the people busy trading in the night markets, I realized that it wasn't that different from the United States." ”

Americans bluntly said: Chinese are not terrible, what is terrible is the streets of China at 3 o'clock in the morning

In fact, in many ways, China is actively demonstrating its integration with the world. For example, in the field of technology, whether it is mobile payment or e-commerce platforms, it has become an integral part of daily life in China. By contrast, the United States seems to be catching up in some areas.

Americans bluntly said: Chinese are not terrible, what is terrible is the streets of China at 3 o'clock in the morning

Jack shared an interesting observation: "Did you know that paying with cash in China is almost a thing of the past. Everyone scans the QR code on their phone to pay – even the roadside vendors. ”

Americans bluntly said: Chinese are not terrible, what is terrible is the streets of China at 3 o'clock in the morning

Through such vivid and concrete examples, we can more intuitively feel the complex relationship between the two cultures, which is both competitive and cooperative, traditional and avant-garde.

Americans bluntly said: Chinese are not terrible, what is terrible is the streets of China at 3 o'clock in the morning

In addition, Jack specifically mentioned that Chinese characters posed a great challenge to him. "But you know what?" he says with a laugh, "even if there are barriers to communication, people always find a way to understand each other." Sometimes words don't even need to be spoken. ”

Americans bluntly said: Chinese are not terrible, what is terrible is the streets of China at 3 o'clock in the morning

Indeed, in today's accelerated globalization, language and cultural differences do not prevent heart-to-heart communication. The Chinese people were hospitable and helpful, which impressed Jack.

Americans bluntly said: Chinese are not terrible, what is terrible is the streets of China at 3 o'clock in the morning

"I'm starting to understand why the country is growing so fast. "Everyone seems to be very committed to their work and hopeful for the future." ”

Americans bluntly said: Chinese are not terrible, what is terrible is the streets of China at 3 o'clock in the morning

The article concludes with an appeal to readers to keep an open mind and learn from those who work diligently and contribute to the progress of society, wherever they are. "We should draw inspiration from every story. Jack concluded, "Both my experience and the stories that are happening around you. ”

Americans bluntly said: Chinese are not terrible, what is terrible is the streets of China at 3 o'clock in the morning

Through this article and Jack's vision of a real, diverse and positive image of modern China, we hope that readers will be inspired and appreciate this complex and ever-changing world from a more comprehensive and objective perspective.

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