
WE in the single spray Smlz: I am unlucky to meet you in my career

WE in the single spray Smlz: I am unlucky to meet you in my career

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, LPL is a river and lake, which is indispensable for grievances and hatreds, and often staged plots of grace and righteousness, such as "The fish dies and the net is broken, and I will leave tonight", and "Jinyu Liangyuan", "Mojia Organ Road". Today it is suspected that there is another incident.

Former WE players are many people fighting each other

At first, it was WE midlaner Shanks who posted a Weibo, with no text content, just a photo from the camera when former LPL player Smlz was live broadcast.

WE in the single spray Smlz: I am unlucky to meet you in my career

WE's assistant Reheal was an old thief on Aite, but he didn't expect Shanks to reply: "What are Aite doing with this 0-16 ad." ”

0-16 refers to last summer, WE did not win a game in the entire regular season, and played a 0-16 record, when the team was in the middle of the laner

It's Shanks, and the bottom lane is Smlz.

WE in the single spray Smlz: I am unlucky to meet you in my career

Then Smlz also came to the bottom of this Weibo to leave a message, saying that Shanks is the 0-16 waste, don't come to the side!

Shanks replied with a very aggressive sentence: "I am unlucky to meet you and Zhipeng in my career, why do two people who have no team want drag me down in the last year." ”

Zhipeng refers to the former WE jungler Beishang.

After going 0-16, Beishang and Smlz didn't play this year, so Shank will say that the two are the ones who don't want the team, and it's not clear who is dragging whom.

Maybe seeing that Shanks was too disrespectful to his seniors, WE jungler Heng came to scold Shanks and said, "Xianggou has been kicked by me." ”

Shanks: "Am I not the head?"

In fact, Shanks is really not the head, according to the news, Shanks will leave WE, and Heng is the new head of WE.

Truth or joking?

Fans don't want Shanks to come out of their mouths, and they are explaining that Shanks is just joking, and the brothers are joking.

WE in the single spray Smlz: I am unlucky to meet you in my career

Heng's phrase "Xianggou has been kicked by me" is indeed a joke, because Shanks is not kicked, but just joined other teams.

And Shanks' sentence "

Why did two people who didn't want the team drag me down in the last year", even if it's a joke, it's hurtful. Because Smlz has been looking for a team to play but no good chances.

"Lies don't hurt, the truth is the quick knife. "To joke about other people's sore spots, the speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional.

WE in the single spray Smlz: I am unlucky to meet you in my career

There used to be times when Doinb and Xiaotian also said ugly things to each other, and fans also thought that the FPX team culture was like this, they were joking, but...

Shanks should be calm and focused on the game

What is hard to say is often said in a joking way, and maybe Shanks really thinks that he was delayed in the 0-16 season. However, it is not reasonable to say that Beishang and Smlz were delayed, because these two players only played for half a season, and then they were replaced by View and Xing respectively. If the problem is with the two of them, then WE will win after the substitution. During the WE 0-16 period, the personnel of the unit remained the same as Shanks.

WE in the single spray Smlz: I am unlucky to meet you in my career

Shanks is actually a player who became famous very early, leading WE.A to win the championship and win the FMVP in the 20 LDL Spring Tournament. WE promoted Shanks to the first team, hoping that he could lead WE on the road to revival, and since then Shanks has been the head of WE incense. But contrary to expectations, Shanks led the team to a mediocre record, except for 0-16, even if the lineup has been strengthened this year, it is only a level worthy of the playoffs.

Now WE has set up a new core for the younger Heng and replaced Shanks with Fofo. Shanks' mentality inevitably fluctuated, and he couldn't sleep last night, thinking: How many years do I have left in my career? Can I still make a difference? What if I didn't have 0-16? Whose fault is 0-16?

WE in the single spray Smlz: I am unlucky to meet you in my career

But Shanks doesn't have to be too anxious, Shanks's predecessor Big B, the ups and downs of his career are far more exaggerated than Shanks. In 2016, Doinb was sent to LSPL due to the failure of Gong Dou, but it only took one season for Doinb to play again. Doinb failed in the RW Shock World Championship in '18, and when he joined FPX in '19, everyone thought he was on the swing, but he won the World Championship.

WE in the single spray Smlz: I am unlucky to meet you in my career

Faker once said, "Everything is waving." "It's normal to have ups and downs in your career, you can't blame your teammates when you're in ambush, you should forge ahead and find a good opportunity to make a comeback.

The winner is king, and the loser is the king of Weibo. I hope that the next time Shanks posts on Weibo, it is not that his teammates are dragging him down, but that he celebrates good results with his teammates.

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