
Children who get up early are more terrible than children who stay up late! No matter how busy parents are, they have to watch it!

Children who get up early are more terrible than children who stay up late! No matter how busy parents are, they have to watch it!

The plan of the day is in the morning. Only when children win the morning can they earn more time than others and lead to a more exciting life.

Children who get up early are more terrible than children who stay up late! No matter how busy parents are, they have to watch it!

A senior once calculated with me that if you wake up one hour early every day, you will have 30 hours more than others in a month. In these 30 hours, you can read a few books and get a new start on a new skill... This is how the gap between people gradually widens.

This account made my blood boil, and without saying a word, I immediately started to implement it. But this passion comes and goes quickly, and every morning when I am woken up by the alarm clock, I find countless reasons and excuses for myself: "Lack of sleep affects the efficiency of the day." "It's not bad to study for a while, and then make up for sleep." "Tomorrow I will make up for what I owe today, and I will do what I say." ”......

After waking up satisfied, he fell into remorse and self-blame: "It's really useless, my journey is a sea of stars, why can't I even get up early." "How many people are like me, countless times riveting their strength to get up early, and countless times to sink in the sand.

If you want to be good, start early

As the saying goes: "The lights of the three watches and the five watches of chickens are when boys are studying." ”

Nan Huaijin also said: "Only those who can control the morning can control their lives." ”

Letting a child sleep for half an hour more will not necessarily make the child more energetic, but waking up half an hour earlier can make the child enter a state of wakefulness half an hour earlier than others, which is equivalent to living half an hour more than others every day. How terrible will it be in the long run?

The old man always said that it depends on whether a family can prosper for a hundred years, not on Lao Tzu and on children. There are two things to see the child: whether he wakes up early and whether he reads.

Therefore, how a child spends the morning determines how a child spends his or her life.

I once consulted a top student friend about waking up early. This friend smiled and said to me: Maybe there is less of a desire to achieve it, if you really want to practice adult fishing line, if you want to become excellent from the bottom of your heart... Maybe the alarm clock hasn't gone off yet, and I've already spontaneously jumped out of bed.

I kind of understand what my friend meant. Most people can't get up early because they don't know what they want, just because they feel like they want to get up early.

This is the experience of many people: to get up early in the morning to read English, but it doesn't seem to have reached the point where you have to learn, to get up and read a book, and before you have turned a few pages, you fall into self-doubt about what these books are for. Although things such as reading, running in the morning, and memorizing English are all beneficial things, it is naturally difficult to stick to it if you have dispensable thoughts in your heart.

On the contrary, if you have a firm goal, even if it is thousands of miles away, you will chase it. It's like the question "why can Tang Seng get the true scriptures", when we invariably answer "because of Sun Wukong". The teacher said with a smile: "From the moment he stepped out of Chang'an, he knew that his purpose was in the west and he was unswerving. Such people do not succeed who succeeds. ”

Some people are tired and tired, not because they don't work hard enough, but because they are hesitant and dazed when they move forward. Therefore, when talking about self-discipline and getting up early, it is better to think about why you should get up early, and first think about the place where you want to go all your life. If you have it in your heart, you will naturally have the motivation to get up early and the direction of your efforts.

Children who wake up early are more scary than children who stay up late

Don't underestimate this precious time in the morning.

First of all, it is a high-quality time, full of energy, no one to disturb, and you can concentrate highly and practice your hard skills.

Secondly, waking up early can increase the available time of the day, waking up two hours earlier than others, and having 3 more days than others every month, which is 36 days a year.

Over time, the accumulated time and knowledge learned due to getting up early can help children succeed if they are not careful.

Excellent people are good at making use of the time to get up early, and the gap caused by getting up early can determine the victory or defeat of life.

If you want to be good, start early! Children who get up early are more terrible than children who stay up late.

On the one hand, it is because children who wake up early live more regularly, learn more actively, and do not have the health problems caused by staying up late.

On the other hand, when the "night owl" is sleepy-eyed, the early riser may have finished his morning run, eaten breakfast, prepared his homework, and is full of energy to meet the challenges of the new day.

The plan of the day lies in the morning, most of the children who stay up late are consumed, and the children who get up early are nourishing. The time of waking up early and the accumulated efforts are the secret of a child's life. Because you win the morning, you earn time to overtake in corners. If you want to open up your life, start early.

How to get a child to wake up early without pain?

In fact, if you want your child to wake up early, a very good way is to make it a habit.

Make waking up early an automatic habit and waking up early is no longer a problem. People who painfully insist on getting up early must not be getting up early. The habit of waking up early is not established, and everything is just a matter of time.

So, to help your child develop the habit of waking up early, you need to do the following:

(1) Parents should wake up early with their children

Gong Hanlin once said in an interview: "Once, when their son was about to leave for school, he muttered angrily when he saw that his parents were still resting. Since that day, Gong Hanlin and his wife have set an example by insisting on getting up early to cook. Since then, my son not only has not complained anymore, but has also become more conscious when he gets up early.

Parents' words and deeds are silent teachers, and although children will not accept all of what parents do well or badly, they will still have a subtle impact.

(2) Use early to go to bed to ensure that you get up early, and use early to force your child to go to bed early

We must ensure that our children have enough sleep so that they can have enough energy to study well.

The Ministry of Education issued the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Sleep Management of Primary and Secondary School Students", which has clearly stated that the sleep time of primary and secondary school students: according to the physical and mental development characteristics of students of different ages, primary school students should sleep 10 hours a day, junior high school students should reach 9 hours, and high school students should reach 8 hours.

While ensuring sleep time, we must also get up early, so we must ensure that the child goes to bed early.

(3) Give your child some rewards for waking up early

It is a child's instinct to lie in bed, and the pain of waking up early is a normal reaction of the child. Arnold, an American psychologist, put forward a theory of "evaluation-excitement" of emotions: in short, the basic process of emotion production is: stimulus-evaluation-emotion.

The child's assessment of the stimulus of "waking up early" must be negative, but if you add chips to the other end of the scale, and add some incentives to reward yourself for events such as waking up early and studying, you can make the positive emotions offset the original negative emotions to a certain extent. If your child looks forward to tomorrow, he will be happy and will not be painful to wake up early.

In the "Book of the Family of Zeng Guofan", which is regarded as the holy book of family education, the education secrets of the Zeng family are summarized in eight words: morning, sweep, examination, treasure, book, vegetable, fish, and pig. Among them, "early" - the whole family gets up early, especially the children get up early to study, which is regarded as the core matter of family education and often pays attention to it unremittingly.

Nan Huaijin, a master of Chinese culture, said: Only those who can control the morning can control their lives. If a person can't even wake up early, what do you expect him to do that day?

No matter how big the achievement, it is accumulated bit by bit from small successes. The change of life also begins with some trivial habits and details. Only by living this day can we live every day in the future.

When we can overcome laziness, resist temptation, and maintain diligence and self-discipline, we will surely reap the life we want one day in the near future.

Wake up early, the warm morning sun shines through the leaves on your face, it's really beautiful. If you want your child to become an excellent person, and if you want your child to have a more exciting life, you must start early, because the world is quietly rewarding those who get up early.

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