
Douyin's new rules: It is forbidden for "large and small numbers" to improperly drain and make profits, and violations will be directly banned

Douyin's new rules: It is forbidden for "large and small numbers" to improperly drain and make profits, and violations will be directly banned

Chao News client reporter Lou Chun

In order to protect the rights and interests of users, in response to the behavior of black and gray industry gangs trying to publish a large number of low-quality, homogeneous or even illegal content in an organized manner in the form of multiple accounts ("large and small accounts"), and divert traffic to each other and make improper profits, the official account of Douyin recently released the latest rules for Douyin to crack down on improper profit-making behaviors of matrix accounts.

Douyin's new rules: It is forbidden for "large and small numbers" to improperly drain and make profits, and violations will be directly banned

The New Regulations make it clear that platforms will strictly crack down on matrix numbers that publish low-quality, homogeneous or even illegal content in batches, or accounts that publish content that does not violate the rules themselves, but improperly profit from diversion through other illegal accounts (small accounts). It is reported that Douyin has strictly disposed of multiple accounts or matrix numbers with more than one million followers in accordance with the requirements of the "New Regulations", cleared illegal MCN institutions, and cooperated with the public security organs to crack down on criminal gangs, arresting 157 criminal suspects.

Severely punish the "tuba" for improper profit

The relevant person in charge of the Douyin Security Center revealed that the black and gray industry organization has recently begun to induce users to pay attention to multiple "small accounts" by repeating low-quality contributions, brushing up likes, and high-frequency attention and likes, and then directing the latter to the "large number" in the matrix number to make it quickly increase its fans, and finally the "large number" makes improper profits through various transformations. Even if the "small account" is punished for violating the rules, the black and gray industry organization will register a new account to continue to operate in violation of the regulations, and continue to attract traffic to the "compliant" and "unpunished" large account.

According to the New Regulations, on the one hand, the above-mentioned content and behaviors will make the majority of users constantly face the risk of illegal or low-quality content, and even encounter the risk of fraud, and on the other hand, it is easy to give bad guidance to creators and squeeze the space for original and high-quality content.

The "New Regulations" released this time make it clear that once the matrix number of the above-mentioned improper profit is verified, Douyin will strictly deal with all the accounts (large and small numbers) involved. Among them, the platform will deal with the "small account" according to its specific violation, and for the "large number", it will be punished according to the new rule of "improper profit". Specific disposal methods include, but are not limited to, canceling their contribution and profit-making permissions, erasing fans, banning accounts, and removing the MCN institutions to which the violating accounts belong. If the circumstances are serious, Douyin will report to the public security organs and make every effort to investigate and crack down.

Ban multiple illegal million fan accounts and matrix numbers

During the trial operation of the "New Regulations", Douyin launched special inspections and announced a number of crackdown cases.

Douyin's new rules: It is forbidden for "large and small numbers" to improperly drain and make profits, and violations will be directly banned

Among them, there are gangs of matrix numbers that use multiple "trumpets" to publish homogeneous and vulgar content, which improperly arouses attention, and then attracts traffic to "tuba" and "Xu **1" through nicknames, signatures and other forms. After the former was banned by the platform, the black and gray industry gang tried to register a number of new accounts and continued to violate the rules, and the overall number of fans of the gang exceeded 700,000.

In addition, there are gangs without medical qualification matrix numbers, which publish the content of seeking medical consultations through multiple "small accounts" to guide users to pay attention to the "large number", and finally, the "large number" induces users to go offline for medical consultation in violation of regulations. After investigation, the number of matrix numbers of the gang exceeded 30, and there were more than 40 accounts registered in batches in a certain January sub-center, and after the "large number" released the video, the rest of the "small accounts" concentrated in its video comment area to publish false "praise" to induce users to pay attention to the "large number", and finally led users to the offline confinement center for consumption.

According to the "New Regulations", Douyin has uniformly implemented fan erasure, cancellation of profit-making privileges and indefinite bans on multiple matrix accounts ("big and small accounts"), including the above-mentioned illegal accounts, and has removed relevant MCN institutions, and at the same time, the platform has also reported relevant clues to the public security organs, assisted in cracking down on several illegal and criminal gangs, and arrested 157 criminal suspects.

It is reported that the "New Regulations" will officially take effect on December 1, 2023.

"Douyin will continue to crack down on all kinds of black and gray industry accounts and behaviors such as 'big and small' improper profits," said the person in charge of the security center of the above-mentioned platform, "We hope to use this service to generate more high-quality original content." ”

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