
11 young football players were selected for the national team, and China's youth training has welcomed great changes, and the future is promising

author:The greenery danced

When it comes to Dong Lu's name, I believe that fans who follow Chinese football will be familiar with it. As a highly talked about football figure in domestic football, Dong Lu's previous war of words can be described as countless. But this time, his name is no longer associated with the national football team, but the future of Chinese football!

11 young football players were selected for the national team, and China's youth training has welcomed great changes, and the future is promising

In order to help the rise of Chinese football, as early as 2017, Dong Lu officially completed the transformation, from a football commentator to a youth training worker. He used his influence to ascend to the top and set up the "Chinese Football Players" project, and under the layers of screening, a group of outstanding players of all ages across the country "Football Players" have been released. In the past few years, Dong Lu led his "young football player" to fight in the north and south, covering Europe and Asia, and also had head-on dialogues with the echelons of many European giants. And it is gratifying that Chinese young players are not falling behind in the fight against European giants of the same age!

11 young football players were selected for the national team, and China's youth training has welcomed great changes, and the future is promising

However, Dong Lu's investment in youth training has not been recognized by the mainstream, and in the past few years, he has experienced falling apart with partner schools, being excluded by the internal personnel of the Football Association, and being "special care" by the event organizers. In addition, the vast majority of fans do not understand his "football player" very well. Many people think that Dong Lu's dedication to youth training is to use his children to make money, after all, no one will be interested in making a steady loss and not making a profit.

11 young football players were selected for the national team, and China's youth training has welcomed great changes, and the future is promising

Fortunately, in the face of these cynicism and conspiracy theories, Dong Lu survived, and he finally waited for the day when the "Chinese football player" blossomed. In the elite training camp of the Chinese national junior team announced by the Chinese Football Association not long ago, as many as 11 players of "Chinese football players" were successfully selected, which is not inferior to the two giants of the domestic youth training industry, Shandong Luneng and Guangzhou Evergrande. And this time, the "Chinese football players" can stand out smoothly, but also thanks to an innovation in youth training by the new Football Association leadership team.

11 young football players were selected for the national team, and China's youth training has welcomed great changes, and the future is promising

According to Dong Lu, the formation of the elite training camp of the Chinese national junior team must be selected by the personnel of the relevant selection group of the Football Association for on-site inspection. Prior to this, the players of the national junior team relied on the internal recommendation of various local football associations or clubs, and such non-public and non-transparent selection measures also gave many people the opportunity to operate in the dark. But starting from this national junior team, the youth training of Chinese football will usher in a great change, those related households, will gradually lose their living space, only really powerful players, are eligible to wear the national team jersey!

11 young football players were selected for the national team, and China's youth training has welcomed great changes, and the future is promising

I also hope that starting from this 09 national junior team, Chinese football can be on the right track and return to the ranks of Asia's first-class teams as soon as possible!

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